HAPPENING!!!!! Evidence for ALIEN LIFE FOUND!!!!!

HAPPENING!!!!! Evidence for ALIEN LIFE FOUND!!!!!


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Alien life is most likely going to be just bacteria or animals
I'd like to be wrong and have some interplanetary pals to share memes across the galaxy but doubt it

Alien life proves god does not exist


I already knew about aliens, homo. Image fagmiliar.

>claims an announcement is imminent
>not happening yet

But if you watched the video, it's been announced to a select group of scientists already. IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!

>In its video, Anonymous claimed head of NASA Science Mission Directorate Professor Thomas Zurbuchen told the meeting: “Our civilisation is on the verge of discovering evidence of alien life in the cosmos. Taking into account all of the different activities and missions that are searching for alien life, we are on the verge of making one of the most profound, unprecedented discoveries in history.”

>we're looking really hard guys
>surely we'll find something soon
it's literally nothing

give me a real happening

Two possibilities that lead to various situations
>Very basic life (bacteria n shit)
This would have liberals arguing for atheism even harder and more mainstream. We would also probably see a major increase in technology when it comes to space exploration. Every country with a decent budget would be fighting to become the first nation to discover even more advanced life.
>Superior life forms
This would lead to either global chaos and war as Earth might have to fight for its existence. Or the aliens join the push for global peace and harmony while mainstreaming SJW ideas world wide.

Either way, I don't care. I just want to see a major universal discovery and change

I could have fucking told you this. There is ice caps on mars so of course there is life.

>give me a real happening
sure, wait around a few months and something of very minor effect will happen, maybe...

ITT: I can shit post twice as fast since I upgraded my megabites and downloaded more ram.

If that was ture they would have when to mars ice caps

Anoymous was hijacked by the Alpabets. This is probably CIA's doing. Potentially prepping us for a fake invasion or some shit.


They will mention microbes and shit, not an advanced species of extra solar origin. That assuming its not more bullshit.

How do I prevent sleep paralysis abductions...?

not bait at all. needs more blurry pics

Watch the full 12 minute video lower on the page.

>trillions spent in black projects
>mystery Space plane
>formation of Space Corp

Red Dragon is coming in September.

I Kek when ppl say NASA hides aliens or some shit.

If anything I would expect NASA to either scream about aliens from the rooftops if they found them or fabricate them out of thin air.

More gibs that way.

It's practically nothing. Aliens aren't real.

what a bunch of faggots
I should try for a senior position in NASA, then fill a home server with fake evidence of ayy lmaos in a folder named "life insurance - hillary fuck off"

anonymous is a fucking joke right now
it used to be a great group with legit hackers
but now it's just a bunch of edgy teen wannabe hackers
i'll believe this bullshit when nasa actually announces it

12 more minutes for a non-happening?
summarize it for me instead

that ice is not water-ice you tard


Fuck right the hell off.

wtf is that pic?

Nope. We're it. The only ones.

>Evidence for ALIEN LIFE FOUND!!!!!
bacteria on Mars

people STILL trying hard to cope with the fact that we are very alone on a small rock flying through space...

Yeah, this was never true.

Ok. How?

fuck off we're full

>I cant stop jerking off to anime to watch a 12 minute clip


Watch Acient Aliens.

Fuckin hope so. We are just about to destroy each other

>you will watch alien hentai in your lifetime

w e w lads

>we are on the verge of discovering something
>hasnt discovered shit
>but the aliens are from a different dimention!
>and they are human like but really really big!
>and they have lazer beams and shields that disintegrate things!
>and they can fly and have lazer eyes and cold breath and get energy from the sun and...
shit. literally not worth the time i spent sitting in my chair doing nothing except listening to a professional larper.

>we r anonemoose
>we donut forgib
>we forgot

Fwiw I think their may be simple organisms around the hydrothermal vents of Europa. Titan seems like a good candidate for some microbes.

I hope they'll discover a planet of Barron Trumps and send me over there in a rocketship, I won't need my pants

It's a false flag. (((They))) are using this to hold onto their power. This move proves the NWO/ZOG's desperation.

Have you guys not read Watchmen?


29. For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union.

30. This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.

If I'm gonna waste my time why shouldn't I at least get an orgasm out of it?


These sort of announcements tend to be made around the time they are going to Government for funding, cap in hand.

Whatever they discover, I want to be the first to fuck it

Nice one matey.


This is all that matters

Alien Hentai you say?

Born just in time to have sex with an ayy lmao

What if these Aliens arrive with a book that they say is the word of God?

I didn't realize I wanted to fuck this until I was playing Alien Isolation and saw it bent over looking for me under another table.

Good to see someone has their priorities straight.

Wait, what?! You can get a shot of its ass?

I've never played it, gonna get it now hnnnnnggggg

Quick rundown?

Yeah. The design is a little different in the game, though. More animal-like legs than the human-like one of the movie. I've still only seen the first movie.

For any of you youngin's who haven't seen CONTACT, now would be a good time to go watch it. Or read the book.

red dragon

I've only seen the first and second. Anything after that, I refuse to acknowledge their existence.

>More animal-like legs than the human-like one of the movie

Downloading now.

There are specific reasons that this info is coming out right now. Very specific. Don't fall for the media false flag.


Watch the Corbett Report vid on the Illuminati faking an alien invasion or contact to consolidate control.

One of the greatest scenes in cinematic history:



>implying god isn't a galactic alien overlord

I'd be satisfied with an animal, but some bacteria and shit is gay and is hardly buzzworthy.

The comments sections of all forums/sites on the entire internet will be flooded with "ayyyy lmao"

If the fake alien(s) try to post something on social media, all of the responses will be "ayyyy lmao"

Some people say it's a double Saturn, overlaying images of Saturn in two different positions.

Unless it proves that alien life is god

Better version:


if the book goes against the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church then they are heretics and should be burned alive

Hey fucking normies, the deep state is bringing this forth at the perfect time during the Trump admin. They've been doing everything they can to distract Trump from doing what he has to do and it's not working.

>inb4 "aliens" come and disavow Trump and they kill him

Put is simply, big cosmological even will take place in September. Said cosmological event will line up with earth and go directly over the us, specifically right thru the "Gateway arch" in Seattle. This was a picture that was taken of the event approaching, and it looks like a giant red dragon that is suspected will come thru the gateway, into our world. The dragon happens to be apart of a biblical end times event. Spooky stuff.

they've been sitting on this for decades, waiting for a rainy day like today, with systemic pedophilia being exposed, this will be used as a distraction and they'll barely release anything. It'll be a guy in a lab coat saying look, we see evidence of aliens, based on these lab numbers you dont understand, and everyone will talk about what the expert said, it'll be just like Russia.

He called it.

incorrect, god created us in his image..

It's fake. Still hiding what is really known

Sup Forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There is Alien life out there.
I figure NASA must know unless their ships have some sort of cloaking device.
Anyway, if they do know, than there's a massive conspiracy, which makes me uncomfortable.
But I don't see why they'd come forward now just when the Globalists are about to get their way. Doesn't make sense.
But yeah trust me (or not) Aliens do exist and they do visit earth.

coincidence the USAF wants to have a new branch of military in space...

Legit a good game too. Some people bitch about stuff from it, I love how non-traditional it is. Even saving the game is part of the gameplay, you can get killed while you try to save. It's great.

>Mfw they use (((statistics and math)) to (((prove))) that there must be life elsewhere in the universe

What makes you so sure?

Disclosure is coming

The longer video talks about lifeforms communicating with our minds from other dimensions via telepathic means. Far-fetched, but still blew my mind thinking about that.

It's an infra red entity(dragon) between the legs of virgo awaiting for her to give birth to the son (jupiter) which spent 9 months within her womb, while virgo is clothed by the sun with the moon at her feet and a crown of 12 stars upon her head(Leo + a conjunction of 3 planets). Effectively the sign of revelation 12 coming to pass, that only came to pass last on the night of the birth of Christ, sans "red dragon" because it was probably still past the kuiper belt then.

This wouldn't be a huge thing normally except both google sky and wiki sky have that area blocked (partially) in google's case, leading to the idea that there's something worth covering up. If it's planet X the idea is that it's so cold that it doesn't reflect light, hence we can't see it outside of infra red and hence the cover up, because it's a literal planet and there's not a thing we can do about it.

Anyone can theorize as to what it is, Nasa/the gubment are the only people who really know. I don't buy into doomsday shit but this one actually has me freaked.

>Ayyy shows up
>have y'all niggas ever hear of Jesus
>legit happening

Until this happens. IDGAF

It's gonna be fossils of ancient microorganisms, not grays or reptilians. Literally nothing we didn't already know.

Believe me, call me a larper, I don't give a shit. Silicon based life forms exist. I know they do. I know because I've seen there cellular structure first hand under a microscope.

I'm completely sold bro, thanks for the heads up

Implying that the universe isn't a huge ass place with huge possibilities


They're underground at this facility near me. Lots and lots of whispers about it.

Their... fucking phone. Either way, ther context is accurate. Silicon based life exists and has a higher functioning thought processes. Call me crazy, the Russians know, as I have viewed slides of an appendage from as far back as the 60's via a previous Soviet researcher studying the origins of life. I know there are a lot of crazy people online, people that make outlandish bullshit, but just know that if life is ever disclosed, it will be silicon based, not carbon.


Your phone is a silicon sympathizer.
The fuck are we going to do if all our computers come to life?

Calling it right now, people are going to make up conspiracy theories about them not being real, just like they made theories about them being real.