We should make this become a thing so hard it will be seriously discussed among blacks. Imagine if they depart to another place voluntarily! Where should/could they go? Brazil welcomes all ameriblacks (there's no way this shithole gets any worse).
Other urls found in this thread:
>(there's no way this shithole gets any worse).
You say that.....
>21 things black people will take with us
This is very memeable.
I'll start:
Gang rape
I could only wish this would happen
Black violence will be going as well.
nice, more bbc and some great music
>(there's no way this shithole gets any worse)
Clearly you have no imagination. American niggers are absolute savages, they will degenerate into warlords after a single generation away from the economic comfort they have at the US.
pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease go
Do the 21 things they're taking belong to them or are they stolen?
The number 1 thing is sports. According to them the most important thing they have going for them is that they are the most replaceable aspect of a game where they throw a ball/catch a ball/put a ball through a hoop. Absolutely hilarious. I really hope that they all leave.
lol first thing on their list is white made sports they are gonna steal
>2. Your bike.
Doesn't matter as long as they are out.
>no link to article
They can take them, we only need the one true sport.
I love how the first thing they mention is sports, the most meaningless thing ever. Plus, those things would still exist, the positions would just be filled with whites, who are at worst marginally worse but smarter players.
can crime be one of those things they are taking with them?
Push it through on social media via fake accounts. That'll get the black community picking it up and running with it.
>they will degenerate into warlords
You're being way too generous.
They will become cannon fodder for Brazilian off-duty cops during a mugging-gone-wrong.
he doesn't know where the nigs are gonna go?
why not africa? or is it that even nigs know nigville sucks ass?
maybe we could get them to call themselves refugees and flee to Germany
>America was never white to begin with
Which one of you?
Why u hate us? We don't deserve (((them)))
Your chancellor would probably welcome them again.
True. (((Merkel))) is their leader...
>The first point is niggerball
Kek just leave negros
sickle cell anemia
how can we encourage them to leave?
Post it on Twitter, kikebook, jewtube, and other sites.
>rapes a child and spawns a doomed soul, rapes that
gee what a surprise
majority of aids and other STDs
If those niggas come to my country i would join the police just to beat their ass up back to US
What are some other good white sports?
>Fist fighting
>Rifle sports
These come immediately to mind.
You're all going to have to take one for the team. Thanks
If they take sports with them ... what do they do then? Just start playing football in some jungle somewhere with no structure whatsoever?
This is a real thing on Twitter...
>mfw I hear this.
i hope they go to mexico, your cartels will put them in place real quick
Seriously why don't we just jew the blacks like they've been jewed this entire time wouldn't be hard to co-opt their instilled racist tendencies towards jews.
I don't use much nigger vernacular but is this story the definition of "based"
That's the only term that comes to mind
Y'all are just tired of us because you spend 24/7 hating us but your women still love us. Matter of fact, why dont all the lame white crackers leave the US? That way we can breed with your women, give them big fat dicks like they deep down want, and create stronger men for the future. Which of you crackers are down for this?
What the fuck? No. Golf and soccer are for faggots.
Kraut how does your country fare?
>#17. Morgan Freeman's voice
Haha yeah, the same voice that said "race doesn't have anything to do with [wealth distribution]."
Stuck with (((Merkel)))
I don't hate you user, I just want dindus to leave my country. once we've gotten them to move to yours, you can come over and enjoy living in a nog-free US
thesaltcollective org/6936-2/
Football for the positions that actually require skill instead of just being able to sprint down the field or stand there being a wall made out of meat.
Other niggers
Can't say anyone wants them here, I'm just visiting, I've only seen one black person, last time I visited 6 months ago. It's like finding a rare Pokemon or something
We'd lose subban, Simmons, ward, ho sang, bellmarre, Daley...oh wait. They're all leafs!
Send them to Canada. Canadians would love for their wives to get BLACKED.
I smell I white liberal leaf cunt
>every invention by black people
>10 total inventions, one of which is definitely a white man
Is this bait?
>6.The word "fleek
>10. The whip and nae nae
the very first thing on there said NFL/NBA/amateur sports so yeah, stolen.
There are other positions required for ConcussionBall besides those two?
>The NBA
>Invented by a white man from Canada
I've wondered my entire life why there hasn't been a serious repatriation effort among black Americans...and no, Marcus Garvey wasn't serious, but a buffoon and a shady con artist. It's also been a mystery to me why so few black Americans are interested in their roots in this country or in Africa or the Caribbean. Of course it would probably prove difficult to trace, but you'd think there'd be at least an ounce of interest.
If we could come up with a scheme whereby reparations were entirely directed toward resettlement I'd be all for it.
Peanut butter is a revolucionary invention
A fairly difficult sport occupied by twinks and women
>Real lips, butts melanin, such as nicki minaj
>the obamas
Are these niggas serious?
It's not a question of IF we leave, it's WHEN we leave!
This would be spectacular.
Canada or South America would not be far enough. It needs to be a place where they can't easily come back.
Africa is a good choice, since it's already full of niggers, and American niggers would seem civilized and intelligent compared to the pygmies and jungle savages. There are also modernized cities in some places, which they could colonize, and eventually destroy.
If someone extremely rich got behind this and funded it, it would be a new golden age in the US.
It's probably genuine, although they are all either useless or outright false.
The first example is a lie, the modern blood bank was developed by Russians. Drew was simply put in charge of organizing a blood bank in the US.
Same with the second. Williams never performed open heart surgery, he completed a surgery on an organ near the heart that had already been done before by a white doctor.
Garvey was serious, his efforts were just sabotaged by (((the FBI))).
I take it back, please breed with my daughters!
Obviously they should all go to Liberia.
>HeLa cells
Take them, they're literally cancer infestation in he labs mostly.
We can always save a relatively few of them, so that they are still useful.
I wish a nigga would.
>white sports
>The NFL, the NBA, and the NCAA
>Implying that all of the sports stars are going to give up making more money in a year than some small countries because of perceived white supremacy
Not to mention the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of black youths who think that that sports are their best and maybe only way of getting out of the ghetto. Yeah good luck with that. We all know those faggots aren't going.
After looking at the list this is a parody right? It's making fun of #Blaxit isn't it?
It's a wonderful fantasy
Really? He was serious? That's why he created an ostentatious purple military uniform for himself while declaring himself the 'Provisional President of all of Africa?' That's right... ALL OF AFRICA. The whole thing. Because he was soooo serious?
I hear the NBA is signing everyone who moves to Africa.
Oh shit, top kek
You're just saying that because you're bad at them. Leave your basement faggot
>he doesn't know that curling women are qt
>nothing of value was lost
THIS. Anyone who watches the NBA or NFL is a literal cuck.
I think hockey is gay. i primarily only watch SEC football (which is the highest form of sports). This is one of the most beautiful feats of athleticism that I've ever seen.
It will be, whether they intend it or not.
Yea me too. I've got my ticket and my gear, fly me to paradise! Where my strong black brothas at?
Guess what I watch? Niggers moving to Brazil.
Words spoken by a true hero.
Thank you. For the longest time I was the only one I knew that said this.
Is this list a joke?
Not only can't most of it be taken away as they are ideas, most of the famous/well paid people on the list would never leave their jobs for this shit
I didn't know that they were. More proofs, good sir.
Shhhh! It will be great everyone, imagine an NBA utopia in a nation they can call their own!!
t larping canadian
>Fist fighting
Some of the best boxers of all time were niggers. Say what you want about Mayweather, and try to paint the upcoming fight as some kind of proxy race war, but he's one of, if not the best of all time.