Why do Australian women want to come to America so bad...

Why do Australian women want to come to America so bad? Are Australian men so autistic that leaving to come to the GOAT country is the dream for all Aussie girls?

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Australia's actually nicer than America btw

Australian girls were built for big black American cock

Australia's salaries are pretty low compared to the US tbqh

That same goes for your girls too. We live in a day-to-day paycheck world; naturally everyone dream of escapism.

It's just more vocal with the girl, as girls dream/expected to be rescued from mediocracy. Whether a man, you know nobody ain't Gonna save you.

>Australia's salaries are pretty low compared to the US tbqh
For professional jobs yeah but the median income is better, we got free healthcare and cheap education system and we have no niggers

BTW fuck off we are full

>free healthcare

No we don't, buddy. We got subsidised healthcare through Medicare, if you're unemployed however, then you have access to free healthcare.

>we got free healthcare


Which would you rather - be sick in the USA or sick in OZ with the same amount of money?

That's true, but Australians have a huge influx Chinese or Asian immigrants that buy up houses and property. Other than that I really love Australian people and their customs. The guys are always funny and the girls are always horny.

I'd rather be sick in the US because I'd have complete access to a much wider range of drugs.

slide and sage bait treads faggots

Aussie men are lanklets

Its the shopping

>free shit
>no niggers

You pay for everything and you have your own special breed of super nigger.

depends on what type of "sick."

if i had a rare disease or needed specialized care, then America hands down. If i had a cold, Australia for sure.

There is no money in the australian wrestling scene.
Guys i know get killed for $20 a match.

Because women are dumb sluts who think that "TRAVEL" will cure whatever ails them
American whores want to travel to Europe
European whores want to travel to America
They all hate on their homeplaces and puff up the foreign place they've romanticized

I report every /asp/ post outside of /asp/

>being a sodomite

Hell is for ever!

>own special breed of super nigger.

By that you mean bogans? The new introduced nigs we do have are literal pushovers: youtube.com/watch?v=bZ_a9O27kpc

Because there's fuckall to do in Australia. Especially for women.

>free healthcare
That's bad for society because it means that young women can get taken care of by the civil government, that they are more free to tell their husbands and fathers to get lost rather than being dependent on them, user.

This isn't a slide thread, it's a genuine discussion. I see a lot of Australian women in my area and I wonder why they all took off for America. Take a shower, hit the weights and get a clue.

Aussie chicks are all whores.
By the time they're 20 more than 95% have had at least one STI. Rates of chlamydia among women in university is around 70%



They were all Kylie Jenners before kylie jenner was ever famous