Alt-Lite are literal cucks

Daily reminder the alt-lite are literal cucks. They know about the Jews. They know races are different. They are people who have been exposed to all of this, but are too cucked & afraid to speak up about it, and pretend they've never heard about it before when asked. "What? Jews? I've never even thought about them before."

They are so cucked, they are too afraid to come forward with the extremist views like "Hey, you know what? Maybe we should not give our country to invaders, and genocide our own race through immigration. Maybe white people should defend themselves."

Left in their hands nothing will change, and they are steering the world towards the same ending we were trying to get away from with their cuckoldry.

I think the reason why so many whites choose to stay alt-lite is because they have non-white friends. Especially Americans, considering how multicultural America is these days. They're not willing to betray their friends to save their race, so they turn to the next best thing.

we are all alt-lite in public okay?
how many times have you called a black person a nigger to his face?
how many times have you hailed hitler in public?
how many times have you waved the nazi flag?
how many times you openly expressed that niggers and other races are subhumans?
the answer is never
we can't express any of this in public, stop acting like brave tough guy, you are embarrassing yourself.

Why would there be a reason to express myself in a way that demeans non-whites?

There's a difference between having right wing political opinions, and being a dick.

I would advocate the same rights for non-white people as well. I would advocate for their right to exist, and that they protect themselves from hostile entities.

What are you trying to say here? That I can't have these political opinions without calling other people nigger in public?

pic related the last Great American.

it's one thing to be alt lite in public. Another is to punch right and welcome trannys into True Conservativism TM.

Naw they are the same whites who initiated immigration into this country from diverse sources in the first place. Basically these people dont belong in running a country as they govern with feels not reals.

I'm so glad the fight is over. We tried guys. The differences are just too great. Its time to focus all of our efforts on destroying the alt lite.

Once those KIKES are gone, then we can worry about the left.

You answered your own question, they are cucks. White people after building their great nations down the line want to share it with other people especially poor ethnic people. its like come live in our worlds its great! YAY. Thats whats happening in europe with all your feminists.

I would not have any problems what so ever to have an open discussion about every single political view I have, in public, on the internet or elsewhere.

I would love to have my voice heard in fact, because I feel there are so many who represents my political views in a bad and not at all articulate way.

There is absolutely no social requirement that you call other races sub-humans or niggers. That's not a political policy I want to implement anyway. I don't want white people to rule over the other races, that's not what I'm advocating for.

Also be mindful hate speech is only hatespeech with intent to harm someone. Tone of voice or volume and negative emotions mean more than words.

I'm friends with a literal kike that knows I hate kikes and Jewish culture. I'd still remove Jews from the United States if I could. Just because you have some nonwhite friends, it shouldn't effect your politics.

they are abiding by the rules that the enemy has set forth. political correctness inhibits their progress. once i realized that i would rather be called a racist than to sacrifice my personal integrity of what i knew to be true, i found enlightenment. all of the sudden the matrix slows down, and all the bullshit falls away.

there is a lack of courage out there to take that final step. we are seeing it in different stages across the globe. sweden, south africa, uk, us. the most disturbing pattern that i see is the male population in the affected countries proclivity to become more and more passive until it is too late. that looks like the same pattern here.

it is really fucked because in essence, they are virtue signaling to the left, attempting to gain some sort of moral high ground by ignoring the obvious truth and spurning potential allies. the oath keepers virtue signaling from leadership and members in houston and berkeley really showed me that they arent any different from the commie scumbags they claim to fight. the only difference is that the commies set the rules and picked the battlefield, and the larping dumbfuck oath keepers fell right into the trap.

there are a lot of low iq alt-cucked morons in the "alt-lite" that are already presenting themselves as enemies to whites. they may as well be antifa and the commies as far as white identity goes.

I've hailed Hitler in public one time, even gave a little march. Got fired from my job.

I've also publicly admitted that niggers and other races are subhuman. I cited skull shape, IQ difference, and difference among species i.e. blue birds don't fly with red birds.

>it's another shill thread

So I guess they moved off the /r/thedonald shilling now are moving to the "alt-lite."

And they don't understand Sup Forums's realtionship with either. It's as awkward as them using the term "snowflake."

They sure are making a lot of these anti-"alt-lite" threads.

It's really obvious guys.

How the fuck does that not affect your friendship?

>Hey I hate your people and I would totally gas you and your family if I could, but we're still buddies, right?

the alt-lite will fail and the rest of them will come running to us. it is only a matter of time. Do not eat our own, let them die out first.

Sick of this e-celeb, civic nationalist le based black man, reddit tier garbage.

Fucking liar I call every negro subhuman as long as I am breathing

This alt-lite theme looks like obvious tactic to divide people. As you know divide and conquer.

He's a fascist who claims to have rejected his Semitic roots.

How much of a fucking cuck do you have to be? He realizes that the same fascists he claims to side with would want to have nothing to do with him, some even wanting him deported or dead? Is he insane?

Well, I said he's a fascist. Not a NatSoc. Closer to an Italian fascist.

Alt-Lite Facts:
They are hyper-feminised manlets
They are the literal sons of cucks
They are fearful, see the rising tides but feel disempowered.

They want to be manly but don't know how

They need role-models that will encourage a transition into confidence and independence i.e. manhood. Unfortunately, these spots are occupied by people like PJW, Alex Jones, Cernobitch, McGinnes etc.

TL:DR - They need big brothers and no degenarate faggotty larping shit. Either you do it yourself or the TPTB will through their proxies.