Sup Forums, how hard did you get listening to her speak German?
Mein Leben
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Still waiting for her to do nudes, she would gain a lot more attention from that than speaking german
wow she went 14/88
Stop watching porn. Stop being a degenerate.
she makes me fail nonap every time she releases a video
She is talking about black people having low IQs
thanks for the tip mr. goldberg.
Isn't it weird? I never would've thought youtubers who are surging in popularity would be saying this shit a few years ago. Race realism used to be the purview of channels with under 5k subscribers. This girl is almost at 100k and her channel is only a few months old
Leave my waifu alone please.
Right is the new counterculture and they all want to be a part of it
There is a change. We need to accelerate it and nurture it.
I'm glad, latest alt-lite e-celeb to make the jump into alt-right territory.
I knew she was getting closer, as in previous posts she had made "jokes" about gassing the jews.
Wash her mouth with soap till she speaks English.
She's too skinny for me.
Kys reprobate
oh i guess she is a neonazi afterall
t. fat ass
kill yourself
Anyone know her real name?
I do. :3
ultra based
You beta faggots have such low standards. Keep being wage slaves, she needs your beta bux
Just like the jew must go above and beyond to prove himself genuine to our cause, women must do the same. They must damn them self to the cause by doing things that would cause them to be kicked out of polite society.
She's a qt. I'd save the white race with her if I wasn't already engaged to a racist white girl.
>Keep being wage slaves, she needs your beta bux
She is deleting her Patreon because she doesn't need funds anymore:
please post
she didn't state Afro-Americans have a higher IQ average because of Mulattos fathered by white men.
She's a beta farmer just watch dreamydiglot's latest video
Alison. She did an interview with Tara and Brittany. It's not difficult to find out, jackass.
>nose ring
>slut facial expression
>problem glasses
> beta farmer
>that smug look
>that nose ring
Just an SJW in disguise in the market for alt-like shekels. Don't fall for it.
>Nat Soc
>Vaporwave music
Is she really pandering to us?
She is smug, but nowhere near as smug as white rose. These self righteous pontificators need to fuck off.
She is basically a liberal from the 1970's.
Real alt-lite shit. anything left from 1488 is not /our/s
>She is basically a liberal from the 1970's.
Liberals from the 1970s talked about race realism? You're an idiot.
obv attention whore lol whooops look at the little skit me and my mom just put on while my camera was recording the whole time hahaha
shes getting moist just thinking about all the dicks shes making hard out there
Please stop posting videos of my waifu
Something tells me you would call literally anyone who does Youtube videos an attention whore. Because you're too ugly to put your face out there and are bitter as fuck.
Hi Rage, just dropping by to let you know I'd sure like to cum on your glasses.
Bitte mach ein Video ganz auf Deutsch. Ich kenne sie nicht aber klingt gut.
Whomst is this semen juden?
Why does she look so Asian to me?
No... no... this isn't real.
I would fuck her if you know what I mean
Germany has to ruin everything
Holy shit you niggers are getting desperate, aren't you?
What did he mean by this?
fucking shit, that's scary. Anyone not in a big truck would have gotten dragged out, killed, raped, and robbed.
Jesus Christ... a fucking swarm.
i have femdom fantasies about this aryan goddess
Kill yourself you jew lover
>implying Rage is afraid of naming the Jew
shes trying too hard.
That's what 19 year olds do. Who cares as long as she drops the racepill
Hmmmm....... It's interesting to see ex-liberals, and SJW put their own spin on Sup Forums's movement.
On the one hand, it's good people are waking up to the reality that Sup Forums talks about.
On the other, it's strange seeing Sup Forums's views spread so far and fast beyond this board.....
I don't know if any old fags ever thought of the consequences of this.
Now this new "Alt-light" is even worse than the "Alt-right" fags.....
Meditate on this I must...
She did everything but say nigger and gas the jews. You cunts are here to try to neutralize Sup Forums and the other places you brigade before the 2018 and 2020 elections with your retarded divide and conquer tactics.
Guess what? Even if she was just patronizing, so the fuck what? All that means is that nationalism is going mainstream, something that should be encouraged at all levels, and it also means you commie pieces of shit are losing bigger than shit. A video like this on youtube would have be unimaginable just a couple of years ago.
Fuck you, fuck your Soros bucks and fuck leftism and globalism. Die in a fire, bitch.
>shes trying too hard.
jesus christ you cunts are literally retarded, no wonder you keep losing
what team am I suppose to be apart of again?
fuck off you faggot
Fuck off with your eceleb bullshit.
All faggots that post this should be perma banned.
Isn't that the cunt who is athiest and pro-abortion?
I aint clicking that shit
yup some retards on pol are inlove with her because they are virgin lonely faggots
This girl is smart, funny, informative as well as cute. Subscribed.
yea I mean who would have thought that a CUNT with legs would spew right wing rhetoric during a Trump presidency? I's like so weird man, she's so genuine too, maybe and she thinks the same way i do, maybe she'll marry me?
Isn't she an atheist?
supporting this post
fuck the kikes.
The team that is desperate to stop the mainstream surge of nationalism/anti-globalism you retarded nigger shill
children of men, anyone?
who the fuck said I'm of some retarded shit like that. fuck off "shill"
>stupid cunts they're all lying whores no woman is ever genuine REEEEEEEE
awesome teamwork guyz!!!
Probably half of us are pro choice
I do know for certain that SHE is not genuine
Nah it was cringeworthy as fuck, shill or no shill.
You are the retard shilling a fucking kike bitch.
I'd like to know your proof of that but I was suspicious when she blasted religion and then did a sudden you turn when her popularity was on the line and basically just blagged that she believed in some kind of "spiritualism", which is a complete cop out.
Idk if you're trolling but here goes nothin. Women have no strong convictions in their beliefs. They are followers. They follow trends, strong men, etc etc. This cunt has seen a surge in popularity amongst right wing people and she saw dollar signs, so she jumped on board. If you can't see this for what it is then what can I tell ya? Take care chink, have a bless night.
I honestly don't have proof but I just get a gut feeling that shes some whore whos cashing in on "alt right" shit. And I always trust my gut when It comes to dishonest and manipulative women.
Yup, the feeling of fakeness is strong with her.
You faggots should spend time learning something rather than just having your opinions regurgitated
I understand evolutionary biology 100x times better than you, the fact that you think you're educating me on the nature of women is hilarious. Do you not understand that just like height varies according to a normal distribution, the same applies to other parts of the body? Some men have a more feminized brain due to genes/in-utero environment. Some women have a more masculine brain due to genes/in-utero environment that allows them to think more like a man. You're hostile to this nuance because you're a low IQ retard who can't think without religiously sticking to simple ideas.
This Ignore all shills
They make these thread every 20 minuets trying to convince us to attack the very people spreading our message/culture.
This is called winning the culture war you retards. Let the fodder do it's work.
Once the kike has served her purpose she gets the oven, not before then.
>our message/culture
Yep, let them set the narrative for you, goy.
Fair enough, your intuition is probably not wrong, as it's probably not a coincidence that so many new youtubers have come out of nowhere in the past few months since the rise of Trump and the somewhat mainstream status of the alt-lite.
No many salty shitskins in this thread right now. Seeing attractive white women wake up to race realism is their worst nightmare.
>Seeing attractive white women wake up to race realism is their worst nightmare.
>attractive white women
this is some crringy shit here lads.
This, desu.
Their narrative was white guilt lefty shit that is failing
What do you think the left/moderates/normies are going to do when they look right and only see our Nazi asses?
huh? can you think real hard for me there?
They walk the other fucking way
There has to be a bridge between us and the normies.
Kikes know this. That is why these threads are up CONSTANTLY.
Let the fame whores bring them in , we will bring them further.
If you can't understand that then you are a shill or an idiot.
You mad nigger?
>hurf durf everyone on Sup Forums needs to share MY exact views OR ELSE