why do wh*Te """"people""" are so butthurt about Black people?
Why do wh*Te """"people""" are so butthurt about Black people?
Ever been disgusted by the sight of a cockroach?
same reason i hate stepping in trash at the beach.
Negroes literally ruin everything
It's a scientific fa t
Maybe because of stupid shit like this for one: twitter.com
I don't know, why do you go insane when I step foot in one of your neighborhoods?
To be honest, we really don't give a shit about you, or your blackness, or your culture. We just wish you would pull your shit together as a group and stop leeching.
It's just a small minority of white losers who hang out on sites like this, stormfront, vnn, etc. because they need somebody to blame for their problems.
>waahhh it's jews/niggers/spics/muzzies fault I can't get a job and the cities are falling apart waahhh
They won't blame the rich who's dicks they continually suck for their plight, they won't blame the real fascists in government for turning the US into a police state in the name of crime fighting and anti-terrorism, it's always some minorities fault.
This i have some based black neighbors and they are like normal people. its the mexicans who make all this noise. the fireworks and music every weekend i swear.
You're on our planet.
Which college were you indoctrinated at?
Hmm... are you a Secretes Against, Mr. Addidas-FBI jacket?
we arent
but you wont shut the fuck up after getting shot by police for nigging out.
Nogs lack intelligence, decency, and self control; zero decorum.
Because we have bigger dicks. And we are stealing white bois women.
Middle-aged women aren't allowed on /pol.
But since your here I might as well start your redpilling with some FBI stats (the FBI Klux Klan, as it's known)
Data says otherwise. In fact data says you are far more likely to go to prison but you knew that.
> tfw when you realize Australian-ness is in the heart, not in a piece of fabric.
>by far the most overrepresented group in almost every crime, especially violent crime
>leech off by far the most resources from white taxpayers through subsidized housing, welfare and other social programs
>by far the group that benefits the most from affirmative action at the expense of everyone else
>usually dumb and violent
>by far the group that is used the most by Jews in media/advertising to promote white guilt and race-mixing
>despite the fact that most of them aren't even descendants from slaves and blacks were enslaved in Africa by other blacks before they got to America (they had much worse living conditions in Africa), they still blame whitey for something that happened over 150 years ago (even though hundreds of thousands of whites killed each other just to free them)
>they're openly racist against whites and blame them for everything on false premises, but then get angry when you judge them
>through rap culture, ghetto culture, etc. they contributed to the degeneracy of American culture
>they vote for left-wing parties and against white interests over 90% of the time
>they're free to go to Africa, but instead they would rather spend all their time complaining about whites and be self-entitled
>they contribute to shit like #BLM and #OscarsSoWhite
>destroy countless cities and areas like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, and South Africa
>they're in fact still genociding white people in South Africa, yet think they're the ones being oppressed
>>Our analysis of the 2013 data found that of the 650,000 acts of violence involving blacks and whites, blacks were the attackers 85 percent of the time, which meant any given black was 27 times more likely to attack a white than the other way around. It is no doubt because of these dramatic race differences that Attorney General Loretta Lynch and her predecessor Eric Holder have refused to release these data.
Why do kikes keep trying to push this failed meme?
it bees the bullets and sheet.. think chicago...
White people don't wake up and sweat blacks, like nignogs think about white people everyday. Blacks are the ones with an inferiority complex, knowing they have minimal identity.
Backwards much?
Because you're stupid and annoying.
Don't forget smell like shit.
Whites are deficient, therefor jealous. Cant be too mad at our recessive brothers. They arent playing with a full set. This is why they lack empathy.
More like niggers butthurt all the time with their "white privilege" "we wuz kangs n shiet" "muh slavery"
shill thread.
Everyone sage this
its not disgust,its pure butthurt. i lurked thousand of threads in Sup Forums over 2 year and i came to this conclusion