What the fuck is wrong with Ape man?

Has he lost his marbles Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Divide and Conquer much?

Not like they're any more ridiculous than the noodle armed antifags.

Alt lite, alt right, you're all a fucking joke.
Christ almighty. Imagine if our great grandparents could see the level of political discourse in America today.

I'll be over here waiting for WW3 so we can introduce Fascism again. You edgy kids with your pepes and keks tear each other apart.

A couple grams of cocaine everyday will turn even the most docile jew into a full on rat kike

Our greatest ally was there

he's still mad that we made fun of him for marrying some bargain bin brown woman

If they could they would've defected to nazi Germany

For real.

SJWs are the new fascists. It's not the fascism we need but postmodernism is the current one trending