Can someone explain how in the fuck this (pic related) happened? Seems like a big learning opportunity.
Can someone explain how in the fuck this (pic related) happened? Seems like a big learning opportunity
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Dumb slut with no real convictions attempts to pander to a different user base for more attention and money.
Stop giving a shit about YouTube personalities.
Everyone assumed she was this huge SJW ultra-liberal when if they ever watched her videos instead of believing Sup Forums memes about her they'd have known all along she is a centrist.
I guarantee you most people who will post in this thread will have never watched a single one of her videos, but that won't stop them from thinking they know her entire spectrum of beliefs based on the image you've used as the OP.
I 100% agree about E-celebs. Laci is ok to post though.
nothing fucking happened
shes still a left wing feminist just nut as big of a nutjob as before
make a thread when she talk about white nationalism, traditionalism or God. sage
There are two main theories.
One is that she's simply an opportunist who saw the SJW ship sinking and therefore started expressing sympathy for red-pill beliefs.
The second is that she started getting fucked by a right-wing guy and is now apeing his beliefs.
It's some sham or psy op, pretty sure. Legitimately think her puppet masters are trying to stem the flow of crazy right wing backlash from the 2016 election.
The content of her videos haven't changed. She's just changed the tone so it seems like altfags' opinions are being considered. She's bluepilling Sup Forumstards and they don't even know it.
I really hope you are trying to be funny. She was literally one of the worst examples of a SJW
Yeah she needs a burka and some gang rape.
Ray gun is banging her back into being a sensible docile woman.
t. Buttblasted MGTOW
Her face looks like it was stung by bees
Her face looks like it was stung by bees
>The second is that she started getting fucked by a right-wing guy and is now apeing his beliefs.
Chris Ray Gun is a tiny manlet. She is probly fucking him with a strap on
Her face looks like it was stung by bees
I guess that's why her former SJW comrades flipped their fucking shit when she started dating Puerto Rican white supremacist Chris Ray Gun.
Her face looks like it was stung by bees
Her face looks like it was stung by bees
They are furious and not only that. They are posting shit about her changing sides because all the handsome men are right wing.
This is a good thing.
Ray Gun's leftwing too, though. I mean he's anti-SJW, he's a classical liberal, but he doesn't advocate any right politics in any way.
What does her face look like?
Her face looks like it was stung by bees
Did we watch the same videos? About sexism?
>She's just changed the tone
Hardly, her opinions are shifting and become more nuanced, rather than the broad sweeping general victimhood that we used to hear.
I'll also say one of the core uglies of the SJW-types is de-platforming those with "repugnant" beliefs systems. She doesn't do that.
Her face looks like it was stung by bees
Her face looks like it was stung by bees
if any of you fucks would leave the basement and get fit you could be redpilling honeyz with yo dick too.
Um I watched some of her videos when she started out. She wasn't nearly as SJW back then. It wasn't until the past two years or so that she went full SJW. Her videos only showed a mild taste of what she became. It was mostly her twitter that showed her true colors. She is the personification of the "sheeple" concept. She slowly took in everything the SJW left threw at her, absorbed it and it turned her into one of them. Then she found some guy she wanted to suck the dick of and now she is absorbing everything HE throws at her. Again sheeple.
So you are retarded.
She was basically a parody of a SJW. I can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to fall for this shit
Her face looks like it was stung by bees
Someone evolving into a Dave Rubin-esque liberal is an enormous change from a whingy far left type.
This determined to shitpost
Her face looks like it was stung by bees
What does her face look like?
As determined as the faggots who post threads about this stupid fucking kike whore
Her face looks like it was stung by bees
That user is mad because she is pretty
Her face looks like it was stung by bees
She fell for a guy (and started fucking said guy) who makes right-leaning youtube content. Not Sup Forums tier right-leaning, but right-leaning nonetheless. In an effort to gain his attention, and as a result of the evolutionary pressure that women face to adopt their mate's interests, she did a 360 on her views.
Most women in the West who adopt the patently absurd views that she once had, do so because the men in her life/society are not exerting any subordinating force on her. Ray Gun came along, and that was fixed.
Oh, and younger people (particularly younger people online) are starting to grow tired of SJW bullshit and in many cases they are more right-leaning than other generations were at that age. This is her career, so she is adopting her content to appeal to that audience.
Rubin is a dirty Jew who will do anything for money
This guy is a faggot but he's right about the dick.
A good dick will set them on the right path bros.
You have to be a dick to give a good dick. This is the lesson.
>I guess that's why her former SJW comrades
They didn't. Only journalists wrote pieces about it that if you actually read them reinforced her centrist status.
But you keep on memein', I guess it's more fun that way.
Her face looks like it was stung by bees
She's dating a right winger, so now of course she magically changes her mind
Remember women are sheep, they just follow whoever is in power
Right-wing is gaining power so she jumps ship
Sex bees that made her sexier with every sting
Do you mean she did a 180 on her views?
Now imagine if her face was really stung by a bunch of bees and she was allergic to bees on top of it.
>Her face looks like it was stung by bees
God damn I can't stand her fake personality and her voice is like nails on a chalk board.
Greetings Mrs.Green, I kindly request that you expose your mammary glands, if this simple request is not met not i'm affraid i''ll have to ask you to vacate this Seychelloise herpetology discussion and snoot booping forum in this instant.
This is what good conservative benis does to feminists.
She needs to put down the fork
A 360* would imply she ended up right back where she started.
Don't you mean more of a 180*?
KYS. Chris Ray Gun is a 5'4" taco eater. A disgrace
if you losers weren't all virgins you'd know that women's minds are easily malleable.
>raised Mormon to hate sex
>lashes out against Mormons to make videos about sex
>finds her beliefs echoed by sex positive feminists.
>mostly only cares about sex and women being repressed like she was.
>She was never a hard core sjw or got really into the racial side of things
>She legit cared about women and sexual minorities.
>She is not any different now, she still wants women and sexual minorities to have the sexual education they deserve and not be repressed. She is just listening to other people on how to achieve her goals.
She lost weight.
Self-improvement is the greatest redpill
She would squash tiny Chris Ray Gun otherwise
Even manlet benis works on feminists. Get to work boys, take one for the team.
I bet she could suck a bowling ball through a garden hose.
>all along she is a centrist.
Anything/anyone not right of center is an enemy.
And she engages in various degenerate acts and behaviors. Like any self-proclaimed right-winger that smokes weed, or are faggots, or are feminists, they all go to the ovens when the time comes.
>Woman absorbs the opinion of strong men in her life
>Woman gets to late 20's and abandons feminist ideology and advocates traditional family gender roles
Like fucking clockwork.
Serious dedication senpai
I'm married with children
But I will admit, in comparison to yourself my virtues aren't exactly bursting at the seams.
You have to imagine she has done just about everything you can sexually. You know how chatholic school girls are sluts, well they are nothing compared to mormons.
Only so far and for when the getting good.
Most woman don't honor men and haven't since the 60's in this country.
They teach it on a daily basis.
Like were some bad guy.
Why do you think so many went the single mother Tyrone route.
>blindfold over glasses
Degenerates will always be degenerates. There are no second chances when it comes to her ilk.
giv laci sex slave gf
>She's just changed the tone
>Hardly, her opinions are shifting and become more nuanced, rather than the broad sweeping general victimhood that we used to hear.
At first it was more of a tone changing thing, but as soon as she did that she was attacked viciously by the left, pushing her further toward the center/right.
Feminism is basically one giant shit test.
The second one man passed it by not putting up with her bullshit and gave her the d, she abandoned it.
Chris Faggot Guns videos are lame and retarded.
Yes he has some right wing leanings but hes no PJW or Stefan Molyneux. His videos are too vulgar which is why lacie gravitates towards him.
There is just something about leftists that they love being vulgar and in your face style.
She's very liberal, but sex positive. SJWs are only sex positive if your not straight.
No, I meant 360. She turned 90 degrees to the left, and then 270 degrees to the right. That would leave her facing backwards, i.e., with the opposite views of what she started from.
She went offline for a few months.
Presumably she got a boyfriend in that time period.
Some Sup Forumsack smashed her pussy hard enough to fuck the feminism out of her.
>His videos are too vulgar
Good to bed grandpa.
Chubby cheeks make for warm mouths.
Its like bee sting user said.
she probably watched this
Don't be taken in by Laci's sudden about-face. Her hateful smears against white men can never be forgiven or forgotten.
Feminists and their white-knight orbiters don't deserve redemption. They don't deserve anything except a spot in the oven.
Holy shit. I actually laughed
Right-wing cock injected Laci with right-wing ideology.
Her mental disorder was cured by an injection of about 3 CC's of sperm.
how much does it cost to slap her fat jugs around and roughly fuck her mouth
E-celeb threads need to be banned. Fuck off with this shit
Lucky for her Trump hasn't really gotten anything done except for getting investigated.
came to post this
Bee-stings are the leading cause of camsluts
You cunts are so stupid .. the rightwing is where the shekkels are
>textbook fascism
Agree. I'd still fuck her tho.
>those trips
>that flag
>this post
wtf are you bro?
Are you aware at all of the irony of your presence here on this site when you write things like that?