The Maker Movement is anti civilization

The Make Movement- a movement where people use their free time to work outside their profession- is a continuation of societal collapse.

Civilization exists because we rely on each other's specialization.

The Maker Movement is people thinking that they can do their hobbies better than others can do their jobs.

>the market doesn't provide this very specific thing that I want

>I learn how to make this very specific thing that I want for myself


most good "makers" are professional engineers or tradesmen anyway ya dumb leaf

the guy with the wings is the best representation for this movement. That never worked out.

Oy vey, how could a bunch of goyim cut themselves off from (((world finance)))?

> ofc the Jews hate entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurs pay high taxes wedged large companies can afford to bypass them
I'm on your side- but you aren't.

don't take photos unless you're a professional photographer
don't prepare food unless you're a professional chef
don't make threads unless you're a professional faggot

WTF post this on diy faggot

Tbh it's archaic to be cooking your own food, when instead you should pick up your meals on the way to/back from work.

Canadians are allergic to normative social experiences. Don't hate OP he cant help himself.

do you have degrees in politics and literature?
wtf are you posting on pol for
this isn't your job

You are shitting on the next wave of entrepreneurship and innovation. We desperately need more technically savvy people to solve the worlds wicked problems and conquer space.
> a fucking leaf

yes good goy don't provide for yourself

Provide for yourself through the most efficient means, aka money and trade.

>oy vey don't work on your own car unless you're a professional mechanic
/o/ here:
Fuck you
Fuck your parents
Fuck your family
Fuck your gay ass leaf flag
Fuck your gay-sitting prime memester
Fuck maple syrup
Fuck your province
Fuck your gay little economically irrelevant country
Fuck the doctor who delivered you
Fuck the retarded cuckold who actually put his jizz in your mother's womb
Fuck your cocksucking failure of a mother
Fuck your grandparents
Fuck your entire genome
Fuck your entire existence

>The Maker Movement is people thinking that they can do their hobbies better than others can do their jobs.

No it's not. Are you really this fucking retarded?

Specialisation is for mass-produced consumer goods, not individually unique items part of some hobby project.

To put it another way, no factory is going to male a single widget for someone. So you make it yourself.

People aren't going to stop trading, nor will everyone become self sufficient. There's no overlap here.

>The Maker Movement is people thinking that they can do their hobbies better than others can do their jobs.
In Canada, those people would be right 100% of the time.

So I can't dropshit while working part time? Retail isn't my profession.

>oh look it's this shitpost again

Canada is fucked.

>Provide for yourself through the most efficient means, aka money and trade.

lol, this is how you end up with a bunch of ignorant, unfulfilled, easily controlled, numale faggots who can't even perform an oil change or cook a decent dinner.

It's like we're making it easier and easier for people to be incapable of anything outside of their bullshit corporate cog specialty. What a life!

>people making their own stuff instead of buying stuff made in china

> live in a time when machines enable any idiot to do in one hour what would take a 19th century man one week
> regress into cottage industry work

>making shit is degenerate
dumbest thread of the day

I have a full time job and make meals in my free time using mostly cheap Aldi food. Sometimes I even go downtown to this Mexican grocery store that sells grain products cheap in bulk.

I started spending about 50$ LESS in a week when I did that. You wouldn't think eating out would add up that fast but it does if you don't keep track of it.

I don't neccesarily eat healthier though. I eat asparagus, but I bread it, fry it in grease, and dip it in homeade cheese sauce.

> It's archaic to fuck, unless you're a professional prostitute or porn star.

You're retarded, kys

"hobbyists" built most of the software running the internet you fucking dolt.

oh look the same faggot chink that gets BTFO'd everytime
You're just projecting because you have no tangible skills

You and the "maker movement". What gives? Your boyfriend run off with a maker-fag? Enough already.

>people make most of shit they use for thousands of years(even as late as 1950's there were people living in houses built all by themselves, with furniture made by them etc.)
>man you're killing civilization!

Jelly. Work machine or personal?

In Cody Wilson's book he talks about the negative response he got from the "maker community" because they spent their time printing toy figures and felt threatened by guns.

For work, I own the machine, I do rapid prototyping

Should've socialized with Bubba the pipegun maker instead to be honest.

The last one you seen was 12 days ago? Or are you getting tired yet...or better, are you learning?

you can stop posting this now.