Is anyone else just waiting for the final happening? Memes aside...

Is anyone else just waiting for the final happening? Memes aside, Is there anyone that if given news of a world wide catastrophe that would likely end your life, would you be excited or at peace with this notion?
How utterly hopeless and disillusioned are you with life and society that hearing about a nuclear warhead approaching would make you relieved?

since i am a prepper with both off-grid and under ground bunker and 25 years of food supply.

I honestly can wait for the final happening.

Reminder whites came from albinos

I'm just waiting to get drafted and go to war so can fuck shit up, kill some shitskins, and die. Hopefully not long now.

>My gootie hole is ready

I have thought about that so much, and I honestly cannot wait. I hate the world we live in nowadays, and whether I die during said catastrophic event, it would bring my spirit and soul so much satisfaction to see it all be destroyed. It would be the best day of my life... And I really can't wait for this day, and I really feel like it will be soon (soon as in about 5-10 years).
I surely cannot be the only person who feels like this.

Nuclear war sounds bad, but I certainly desire complete and total socio-economic collapse. The entire world is rotten, and the only cure is fire.

good goy dying for Israel and Jews is exactly what you were meant to be.

Enlist. Why wait to kill sandniggers?

You are not alone brother.
>die during said catastrophic event, it would bring my spirit and soul so much satisfaction to see it all be destroyed.