Explain yourselves, paganshits
Your post makes it look like you're shilling for islam
Your flag makes you look like a larper
And being the OP makes you a massive faggot
> the last thing an innocent best friend sees
euro deserved it
Pagans shit on Islam because it's a Semitic religion.
Pagans shit on Christianity because it's a Semitic religion practiced by most white people.
OH LOOK A CONSERVATIVE defending treatment of gays. Better look in your own backyard and call out those who attack gays in your own country faggot.
>the flag of cringy LARPers.
Christianity shits all over paganism because well, it wiped out paganism in the dark ages.
Christianity shits on paganism now because it shit on paganism before?
I'm confused. What am I supposed to explain?
Why do so many spics use the gadsden flag and ancap flag?
You, pagan, must explain why atheists defend islam and hate christianity.
I'm an atheist and I think all religions are dumb, but Islam poses a greater threat to civilization as we know it because of the content of their Scripture and their dedication to following it.
Why are you defending sodomites?
>Pagans very rarely shit on islam, despite the threat of islam
>Pagans shit on Christianity nonstop because that's where they get their converts from, and they have to have people donating to their organizations and buying their books.
>Christians shit on islam because we have been at war since its inception
>Christians shit on pagans because they are low hanging fruit whose only defenses are pathetic ad hominem attacks.
nothing wrong with hanging fags desu
>Pagans very rarely shit on islam, despite the threat of islam
I don't think that's true