Wageslaves BTFO
Here to bust some spooks
Pol is continually shilled by them to the point that they defend their owners tbqh.
>Ooh, look at me, I can read Karl Marx.
I mean I agree that the higher ups are ripping off the average worker, and that the drones were never truly happy.
My family was well taken care of while my dad worked for an international bank.
Then they let him go and he got BTFO.
>Wait, which side of this argument am I supposed to favor?
quote from a guy who spends all day in the bar drinking himself to death. one would think he would have had more imagination.
No shower?
I'd kill for waking up that late.
All the fucking shill threads on Sup Forums these days, and no one is interested in debating Marxism v. Capitalism.
>boo hoo i'm not happy with the employment contract I negotiated
>If only my labor were more valuable to the world
>Instead of improving myself, i'll just kill my boss and take his money
>that's the only moral solution.
Joke's on you, I work nights.
who said anything about enjoying it
sleep in the gutter if thats preferable.
Like, nobody is forcing you to do these things. If you don't want to work don't work you nerd.
go buy some land and live off your own vegetables and fruit if you dislike it so much
either capitalism goes or everything else that's good goes
we don't have a choice though... right?
This. Or just become a welfare queen.
>work is hard wahhhh
Honestly my life would be a lot better if I didn't read Bukowski when I was 20
>crack open that 6 pack
>wiggle your toes
>sun goes d o
You don't have to be a wage slave if you are not a lazy entitled piece of shit.
I was going to say something about the importance of contributing to society but who am I kidding. If things don't basically do a 180 in like 50 years tops I DONT WANT society to continue. Let it all burn.
Kek no one forced them to do so.
I say this as a wageslave as well.
>It's not a matter of the work being hard. The issue is that the ppl who own the means of production don't do any work and reap all the rewards.
inb4 I'm accused of being Commie scum.
i couldn't live like you. I'm just someone who needs to get shit done, maybe I'm just a brainwashed wageslave, but at least I make enough money to be able to travel tbqh, famalamadingdong.
>don't do any work and reap all the rewards.
owning, and putting money into a business is a risk in itself. In
You're not a commie scum, you're right. The system is fucked, but we're fucked either way if we do nothing about it. You can either destroy the system and all the benefits that come with it, or you can continue working for your masters. Doesn't matter which one happens to me. I'll be doing what has to be done to feed my family.
Wagecucks will defend th--
WHOOPS too late
There's no real just solution to this.
You have no right to steal what people have built up for themselves and their families for years. And they aren't justified hoarding it and letting people suffer.
We really can't complain too much about the system we have now. It may seem like shit but it's still leagues ahead of what people experienced just a few generations ago.
>he requires the work of others to survive
If there was only something i could do about it. Like the millions of other people who do it.
Pretty much this
t. entrepreneur
That's true but most of the wealth is in the hands of people who already own so much there isn't really any risk of failure at all. They could lose billions and it would be like a chip off a mountain. Countries owe some of these people money.
bukowski was a jealous loser
If businesses start becoming CO-OPs, the consumer would have a lot more rights =]
>We really can't complain too much about the system we have now. It may seem like shit but it's still leagues ahead of what people experienced just a few generations ago.
It is worse than what people experienced a few generations ago, by any metric standard
I've got interesting job, I do things I love and get paid very huge sums for it. It feels great to be able to afford anything I want instead of settling for cost-efficient compromises.
Ahaha I wish.
Bukowski was more redpilled than all of you Sup Forums losers put together. A real man. A man with guts.
fear of failure, with no confidence.
is a bitch.
How so?
>and no one is interested in debating Marxism v. Capitalism.
most of us aren't 12
>owning, and putting money into a business is a risk in itself
>Implying that if one branch of a multinational corporation fails, the whole corporation tanks.
When you've got a shit ton of money, your "risks" aren't all that high
I don't think we're completely fucked, but I think fat cats should be exposed for what they are. Competition is necessary in capitalism, and monopolies stifle competition.
>most of us aren't 12
Don't you have that backwards?
>woman beater
>whiny faggot
not that he didnt write some alright stuff, but being a degenerate whiny faggot isn't the end all of human life.
Who are you shitting...
same old bullshit
have not's complaining about the have's
Having done both, wage slave is a better life than neet
When I was never I slept like shit, did nothing ever and was generally depressed
At least if you have a shitty job it keeps you in a healthy sleeping pattern so you aren't getting up at 7pm
wheres the debate in the OP?
he doesn't posit a better system, just pure complaint. and your OP consisted of "well?"
fuck off, brainlet.
He worked in a Post Office for 10 years user.
This is also correct, you need money to make money or else you are a constant tool of Mr Big and helping him buy his 100th yacht.
fuckin sign me up then, I'm ready for the ultimate challenge that is being a son of a 1%er
because some people were born to wage slave it's in their blood.
So do you enjoy wageslave suffering?
your fellow brothers having to cuck themselves for the paycheck?
Having done both I politely disagree. But I have no choice but to be a wageslave right now.
>everything isn't being handed to me and I actually have to earn my existence in someway omg :(((
commies are THIS retarded
thats your problem
just go back to being a wage slave
This picture is fucking stupid. Yeah, nobody would get dressed, eat, use the bathroom, brush theit teeth and hair if not for evil capitialists. Life would be so easy.
>muh "nobody forces you to work"
Not an argument. Unless you want poverty, suffering and misery you are forced to work. There is no real alternative. All the land belongs to someone. You can't go and hunt and plant stuff unless you own the land, for which you need money, which only comes from working.
>same old bullshit
I feel the same way when I see the same fucking image of Hillary and Trump side by side, when the election has been over for months.
At least this topic is relevant.
>have not's complaining about the have's
At least you're contributing. But it's not as simple as you're making it sound. The "have-nots" shouldn't receive hand-outs. I think hard work should be rewarded, and I'm not the only one. Even Marx would agree that, until his "utopian vision" was accomplished, people should receive according to what they CONTRIBUTE.
ight pussy, have fun in your dead thread.
I blame the Jews
He's right; it's totally depressing, soul-crushing shit, and the only reason to do it is if you absolutely have to just to survive.
Thank God I found a nice bf with a decent income so I can just NEET it out all day erry day.
Being a subsistence farmer would be way easier and less backbreaking. You'd probably live longer and work much shorter days.
I understand it I just don't like it. Don't call me a commie, shitter, I've only defended capitalism so far.
What are you gonna do find some land in the woods and just farm it hoping nobody shows up asking for a deed?
Tfw have to be at work by 620
Yes but the whole experience has given you irreversible brain damage by the sounds of it
survival of the fittest
is what i believe in.
Still want to hear more about this
Oh I'm not waying that wageslave is the ONLY way (I currently work strange hours which I prefer to the office hours I was working before) but being NEET is the worst.
Unless you've inherently wealthy, either from prior hard work or inherited wealth, NEET is a case of doing nothing for months because you simply cannot afford to do anything else
>survival of the fittest
No argument there.
>Just consider what will happen eventually:
>Ppl on the top sit on their laurels
>No work leads to weak ppl, weak leadership
>Ppl on the bottom are battle-hardened
>They decide they've had enough
>Tired of getting cucked
>Start fighting their way up to the top
>Inevitable confrontation between management and working class
tl;dr: what happens when the working class becomes the "fittest"?
>No argument there.
I don't care if you think it's an argument or not, it's the way i live my life, survival of the fittest.
If you can't adapt you die, you get stepped on, you get eaten and spit out.
How so?
damn.. if only there was a way to own the means.. like owning your own business. That would be amazing. We should do that!
he wasnt advocating for neetdom, he was advocating for better working conditions
Our ancestors:
>sleep in late everyday
>no polio
>no farming or slaughtering of animals to be done
>manual labor nonexistent
>luxurious vacations across the world for basically free
>shitpost on Sup Forums about how easy life is
>excellent medical and dental care
>access to all the information in the world available at our fingertips
>wake up at sunrise to start a backbreaking day of manual labor
>disease ridden
>lucky to live past 50
>lost a few siblings in childhood
>no internet
>have never been outside our home town
>mostly illiterate
>most of the wealth
how much is that? tell us the total amount of wealth available.
Its like saying asians earn most of the grades and now dumb people like me can't earn grades for ourselves.
Communism and socialism is the same thing, only difference is that your money goes into 20 dozen nigger families instead of your pocket.
co-op includes you. start one.
not really true unless youre either a 9 year old factory worker in fucking china or morbidly obese or smoke like a chimney
>only difference is that your money goes into 20 dozen nigger families instead of your pocket
Both socialism and communism redistribute wealth in favor of lumpen.
>If you can't adapt you die, you get stepped on, you get eaten and spit out.
>Implying that predators adapt.
Seems more like the weak that adapt and end up living on. The "fittest" do well, until people get tired of their shit. The weak may get stepped on and spit out, but then why are they still here?
PROTIP: because they keep adapting and improving. think bacteria v. modern medicine
>I'm ready for the ultimate challenge that is being a son of a 1%er
are you really? Ok. I'm looking to buy stump grinding equipment IN BULK from a US company. Let me know when you are ready to start shipping.
there is a finite number of dollars that exist, though.
There's a finite number of hamburgers that can be made today. It's not a limitless quantity, like grades are.
Dunno but I was just saying being in the 1% isn't financially risky, wasn't expecting anyone to argue against that.
Capitalism seems to always lead to corporatism.
You're absolutely right, but how realistic is this in a globalist society?
>Case and point: retail
Amazon is worth twice Walmart, and most business is done online. Retail is ded.
Nobody enjoys it faggot, it's what we do to earn a living and ensure that we live in world with electricity, plentiful food, hot running water and all of the other shit you commie fags take for granted
>not shitting and pissing on company time
>not taking your breakfast with you on the drive
>not working overtime and basically robbing your employer
That's a cool word. If we're gonna throw around the tism's tonight, I think nepotism is one of the most cancerous aspects of working these days.
>12 aren't us of most
Nah I think he was right the first time
But everyone needs to be on board user =]
I'm an REI member, that is good enough for me lol
(((Networking))) is the biggest cancer in the world. You can be the best in the field but unless you know the right people you'll be thrown aside over the bosses 3rd cousins half brother
>tfw I set my hours and usually only work 16-20 hours a week for $86K
>tfw I can spend as much of my time as I want with my girlfriend, kids and friends
It's a good feeling.
Cause sitting at home staring at the walls is so much more gratifying.
ftfy, OP
>drinking and showing women where they belong is degenerate
>stating how things are is degenerate
What are you, a fucking WASP?
>brainlets ITT think the OP quote is criticizing working and not just salaried labor / wage slavery
This was a problem that was already restled with. See: GH Cole and the guild socialism movement
so jew undermining vs. greed
guess I'll take greed if those are the choices
I'm a NEET and I still wake up pretty early. I wish I had a job to have independence (and hopefully will soon). Life isn't about getting your way, it's about shutting the fuck up and growing a sack.
>I mean I agree that the higher ups are ripping off the average worker, and that the drones were never truly happy.
That's more in recent history where the top of a company is making literally thousands of times more than the average worker. It wasn't always like that. I think Plato suggested the boss/owner shouldn't get more than six times the amount of the lowest paid worker because it was demoralizing and rightly so.
I don't think that's how alcohol works, probably more like the opposite.
If I was ever held in a prison, I would just break away one of the bars and murder the prison guards.
I really pity people who can't find a way to make use of their time without being forced to work for someone else.
HOW IN THE HELL can a man enjoy being awakened by the smell of cat piss at 2pm, stumble out of bed, put on clothes you meant to wash last week, microwave pizza rolls, masturbate, swallow semen, and fight thoughts of suicide to try and enjoy a videogame that essentially mimics the skills and accomplishments made in real life by somebody else and be grateful for the opportunity to do so?