We made a huge mistake in giving women the right to vote.
We made a huge mistake in giving women the right to vote
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Yeah and 2 and 2 makes 4. Any more obvious shit you want to say?
But now how you take it away from them now?
Why Laci Green? She has been pretty nice recently.
Damn Lacis fine. Those DSLs tho
>pandering to a new audience of beta kekistanis
Only a dumb ape would fail to see through her bullshit, but judging by your flag that's exactly what you are.
I live in a state so cucked that white men vote Republican, but white women are so overwhelmingly democrat they tip the white vote blue. Women's liberation was pure cancer for everyone involved.
They get thicker in some pics.
>We made a huge mistake in giving women the right to vote.
Certainly, this one at least.
Youtuber life is not easy.
>insert every contradicting Trump tweet here with his actions as president
>We made a huge mistake in giving women the right to vote.
>that chin
>those chins
Prevent these from even holding office.
shes going to remain looking like a disgusting cretin until she decides to lose weight
damn straight
She was even fatter before.
Childish thread.
Wish we had mods here
Which one
agreed but it's too late for retraction now.
Post moar. I don't care what you people say, Laci is fucking hot
>that baby bucket
you faggots are pathetic
It's too politically incorrect and unpopular to say that it should be taken away from them, and any indirect attempt to take away their right to vote would be heavily scrutinized and attacked all over the internet and the media.
All we can do is wait for a war, wait for some sort of reset in society, and then keep their right to vote away for as long as possible. The other option is for people to rethink some of their positions on feminism, equality, male and female nature, etc. That's not going to happen. Society has already chosen that we'd rather die than give up our fake virtue-signaling "principles".
>Only a dumb ape would fail to see through her bullshit, but judging by your flag that's exactly what you are.
My state of VA?...toss in the nigs with women and you got va
There is no compelling argument that women should not be able to vote. There is nothing about being female/woman which directly pertains to voting universally and without exception.
Even if it were true that the vast majority of women were irrational, emotional, weak, etc. there will be exceptions to the rule, and those exceptions ought to be able to have a voice in politics.
Voting should be done by those most qualified, whether or not they are men or women, and no matter the proportions in which such qualified people come to be qualified to vote.
Advocating for the abolition of women's rights is just a meme.
inb4 leddit spacing
So, you're a feminist. Why don't you use their flag?
I'm Persian. Is it considered race mixing if I fuck her ? (She's half Persian)
Except for their absolute shitty voting habits that are generally socialist.
Maybe a brazilian ape like you can't see what's going on, but like all women, shes trying to co-opt whats currently popular
Race polluting. Keep within your own racial margin please.
She's Iranian doe. It's not race mixing since we're literally the same nation.
I'm a woman and I agree. We are going to have children voting next.
Tell that to your mom and see what happens.
You can thank New Zeacuck for being the home of feminism. They allowed WOMEN to vote!
Just do it as hard as you can, maybe she'll go full 1488.
In what sense does that make me a feminist?
They are a targeted demographic insofar as they are targeted as being susceptible to leftist interests. That some women succumb is not an argument against every women, since there are plenty who do not.
>Voting should be done by those most qualified, whether or not they are men or women, and no matter the proportions in which such qualified people come to be qualified to vote
People would just say something like, "Oh that sounds good in theory but that can easily be abused", which is ironic since almost every communist would say that. I'm all for that idea by the way and I do think it could be abused, but that doesn't matter since every fucking system can be abused, especially Democracy.
All we had to do was listen
roll it back further
we made a huge mistake in allowing women access to currency.
money should be for men only, women shouldn't be allowed to work, earn, or spend money.
>no ass
What does her face look like?
gotta get them sick clicks
she's an obvious propagandist, trying to pry the innocence from unsuspecting children watching Pokémon videos on YouTube
now she's just trying to get a piece of that the_donald action
speaking strictly for myself, I hope that every person who posts Laci Green threads gets dick cancer.
OP is right you know. Democracy is terrible as it is, but total suffrage to man and women means politicians cater no longer to the family as an individual unit. I know conservatives at the time predicted this, but how were there so many ducks who voted in favor of it? Holy shit man
go back to africa, jamal.
what kind of God would allow *that*?
I love naziposters
the vote is a share in control over a society
the building block of the society is not the individual, but the family.
this is why in the past the vote was granted only to (white) landowning males, as pretty much all landowning males headed families and as such had a stake in the future of the state.
this encourages a community of families which look after themselves, rather than the leftist conception of the individual as the basic building block of the state, which encourages a fracturing of those smaller communities in favor of the creation of various hordes stratified by their race/sex/age
i call it a baby basket!
me you = same!
It's just an average baby Jew.
T-trump is a socialist?
Naturally there are concerns about what is pragmatic, but what is right and true should always be placed above what is merely pragmatic.
I agree. Limit the vote to one per household, since any vote should be cast on behalf of the family. This does not mean women could not be that vote, especially if they stay to raise children. They have more time to cultivate a political spirit in their household, and participate in local politics than the husband, who is already tired and busy with a career and with being the breadwinner. It isn't fair, or even reasonable, to expect the man to do everything, when the woman is in a better position, and perfectly capable, of filling an integral social role in a society. Whoever is not the breadwinner ought to cultivate their family as a mini-nation, and secure its health, and then proceed to build a healthy nation of many families, all participating in a spirit of conservative community.
Just wait till the country is flooded with muzzies apparently.
They hate women's right, and they'll prevent women free-movement in their own country for fear of rape.
Then we can withhold protection until our political demands are met.
Unfortunately this. I have already given up... the only hope I have is war, and guess what thanks to women again, this will never happen either. You will not see a full on state at war in our life times. Men have been subverted to the point that they would rather get exterminated than pick up the evil gun and go to war. Make love not war you guise.
For the longest time we've been told that if women ruled the world there would be no wars. Well, here it is... no wars, just lie down and take it until your kind is gone
>Yeah and 2 and 2 makes 4.
2 and 2 can be any number it wants to be, shitlord.
She's still useful tho
>oh boi look at all these retar feminist they r so retar they make me wanna DIE
so is like... most of /pol? It kinda seems like it :/ a lil boring but that is just t what I think
Also could you stop? meninist are just feminazis but... Instead of the whole woman thing they are dudes...
well that is what it seems like ;/
>Thinking the solution is to not let women vote
>Not realizing the real solution is a test of one's understanding of our political foundation and general ability to absorb, understand, and synthesis information.
Aka delete the south and mid West, men and women alike, and allow only the coasts to vote and the country sky rockets on the global stage.
Worst mistake we've ever made hands down. Nothing even comes close
>using ;/ and :/
Kill yourself.
I mean she's not wrong though.
The country IS deeply divided, and ignorant white Americans DID make us the laughing stock of the global first world community.
gee whats so annoying about ;/ and a :/ ?
Why should it be taken away from them though?
Do you think there is a situation where women should vote / make political decisions and men should have the power to vote taken away?
Why though? Why not reverse it and only allow women to make financial decisions?
A five nights with Fred character
would fuck anyway,well,if she didnt have herpes. chris ray gun is kind of lucky.
He isn't, he's just proof that everyone could get a dumb blonde gf.
>[being born as] A hot, young, white woman in america is like winning the genetic lottery.
But losing the historical lottery. Do you know how miserable a woman is in her 30s and later who rode the cock carousel in her 20s? Or who chose a career over having a family, because everyone told her how rewarding it would be to be as high status as all the other men, who are now using their status to chase 20-year-old snatch, and she put herself in that predicament because she thought it'd be easy to get a husband as a high-powered lawyer, but she never stopped for one instant to consider that men aren't as hypergamous as she was projecting her own desires on them, and now she has nothing at all in her life that she values besides five cats that she treats like babies as they scratch her face to shreds because cats don't like being held like babies? Or even worse she buys or "rescues" some pitbulls that maul her to death in her sleep, releasing her from her last few decades of slow decline and wistful remembrance of the good old days, no matter how fleeting they were?
Keep your hate in check. Yes, they're being little shits and they cause most of their own problems, but in nearly every way they have it just as rough as you... they just don't know it yet.
chris ray gun is a cuck anyway. even sargoy of mossad is more "redpilled" than him. plus he looks like the stereotypical manlet beta male.
because they are shit at it
women buy 99% of all the frivolous bullshit on the market
if there wasn't money to be made by marketing bath bombs to w*men we'd already be living on mars.
women have no concept of the worth of money because they are constantly being showered in money and gifts by men who want to sleep with them. In addition to this they are able to secure access to half of a man's wealth merely by cohabiting with him for a period of a ~24 months and then "divorcing" him
if women were only able to access currency through the goodwill of a man they would be forced to square up and act right.
The reason is actually something else.
She is now dating Chris Ray Gun, proving that yes, you really can fix SJWs by fucking them.
No bully pls.
>Why Laci Green?
Laci Green, the poster child for SJWs and white feminists on Youtube. She made a name for herself as the quintessential SJW, discussing a variety of topics ranging from gender identity and sexuality to racism and white supremacy.
Laci has over 1 million subscribers.
In a recent video titled "Taking The Red Pill?", She extended a mayo branch to anti-SJWs and the Alt-Reich (a group known for threatening Laci.) Laci sympathized with far-right conservatives, painting them as oppressed with suppressed voices.
She's dating Chris Ray Gun, another anti-SJW who sent white supremacists to hurl racial and transmisogynistic slurs at Kat Blaque.
Ironically enough, though she built a fanbase around social justice, her video garnered widespread support from white supremacists. White supremacists, who once sent her death threats, are now singing her name.
I want to bring this to your attention because at the end of the day, Laci is a white woman. White women will always have a seat at a white supremacist's table. They ride the SJW train for 10, 40 years, but the minute they go rogue and raise their hand to sieg heil, they'll be welcomed with open arms to the family of whitehood.
White women are beneficiaries of white privilege. Even if white supremacists shit on white feminists like Laci, at the end of the day, white supremacists see white women like Laci as instrumental to white supremacy. Racist white men will ALWAYS need white women because part of their objective is racial preservation, and they can't "preserve" the white race without white babies.
1.5 MILLION subscribers, and she can walk away from ALL THAT and still be loved and have her needs met because she's white.
Laci is the most known SJW on Youtube. If she can turn her back on people of color and fuck a white supremacist, how the FUCK do you think people of color should feel about the entirety of white allyship? How can ANYONE trust white women, let alone whypipo as a collective?
you talk like a faggot and you shits all retarded
i wish i could fuk her
so hard right now
>tfw no gf
>tfw my pic is just as empty as my love life
Can't reproduce white babies without white bitches bro
There's plenty of blondes with round faces out there, user.
>if women were only able to access currency through the goodwill of a man they would be forced to square up and act right.
But that literally contradicts the first half of your post.
When you say:
>women have no concept of the worth of money because they are constantly being showered in money and gifts by men who want to sleep with them. In addition to this they are able to secure access to half of a man's wealth merely by cohabiting with him for a period of a ~24 months and then "divorcing" him
You're saying that all the negative ways in which women interact with money is because men spend it poorly.
Disallow men from handling money and all of the sudden women won't be showered by gifts for no effort. We won't have to worry about divorces taking half of something they didn't earn.
Take money away from men and you solve every problem you mentioned. (Except for the made up figure that women are 99% of buyers of arbitrarily defined "frivelous bullshit')
Wow, rude.
>you talk like a faggot and you shits all retarded
Why the homophobia and ableism?
>We made a huge mistake in giving women the right to vote.
Awwwww, did mommy let you do the chores again today so you couldn't fap to hentai?
Most are so stupid they literally wanted to vote for Hillary because she had a pussy. They couldn't name a single policy or position and were even lead using Trump policies and they said they agreed. They're fucking morons.
Yes, there is a compelling argument.
Rhetoric and Debate are the cornerstones of political action; with these, even the most retarded among us can understand and fathom even complex subjects through group consensus and cohesion. This only works, however, if the group thinks about a situation logically, rationally, and with a grounded sense of morality.
Women, by nature, cannot have those three things AND be emotional at the same time. They can only be one or the other at any given time. This is why they get so confused and jump on retarded trends half the time; messages have become tailor-made to appeal to their emotions rather than their intellect, because women are naturally cautious creatures and slow to action unless their emotions (instinct) gets involved.
Why do you think the average woman will date a man she knows (intellectually) is bad for her but run back to him every time? Why does a woman cheat on an objectively "perfect" or "stable" male and abandon everything for a guy who is a shithead? Emotions.
We gave women the right to vote because we assumed that they would think and act rationally when it came to politics. We were wrong.
Oh, and women are WAY more vicious when it comes to keeping power than men, because power is a reflection of status and nothing on this Earth is more painful for a woman than losing status.
Once you give them the right to vote, they won't give it up willingly.
these two faggots not getting the reference