Jewish Jesus

Why are many Sup Forums anons Anti-Jews. But are Christians and post 'daily bread' posts. Worshiping Jesus who's a jew? Does his God status negate his mothers line?

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jesus is commendable because he tried to fix the jews, but they killed him for it.

You see, because modern jews aren't real jews.

Christians are the real jews and jews are actually blasphemers who betrayed the true god (INRI).

Jesus wasn't a Jew

> He fell for the (((paul))) deception

Silly boy

>le romans amirite guys?

He was a Jew from 2017 years ago, born into Temple Judaism.

Modern Jews are a spinoff of Temple Jews of 2017 years ago in Canaan.

Jesus... Jew of Temple Judaism times
Modern Jews... Jews of modern Rabbinical Judaism

The Jew of 0.0 AD was geographically oriented just like modern Muslims.

The Temple of Jerusalem was like Mecca to the Jews of 0.0 AD.

Muslims imitate ancient Jews in this respect. For them, Mecca is their "Temple."

Jesus wasn't a jew? I was taught this my whole life- through Davids line. Explain, I'm just a normie.

Because they're dumb. Jesus was a Jew, Christianity is an anti-aryan semitic religion, and christfags are traitors.

Ah, ok. So the Jews today are different from back then (not really versed in this subject forgive my ignorance). But then what race were the 'original' jews then. Aryan? Semitic?

>Why are many Sup Forums anons Anti-Jews.
They hate their success that they secretly covet for themselves. That same success which has been historically on the backs of inferior groups of people, now the same treatment meted out to the penultimate "master" race

lol you really got OP :^)

I just chose a random file, I used it before for a report on Rome. What's with the jew parentheses though?

He was in fact a Jew. Anyone who claims he wasn't ethnically Jewish contest his status as messiah.

Systematic entrenched power for millenia due to cathocucks preventing usury even when it was nationalized for the good of a kingdom. If you wanted a loan, you had to get it from the kikes at monumental interest rates .

Pagans are jew puppets.

>So the Jews today are different from back then
False. All Jewish behavior is evident in the old testament already. Modern kikes act 100% like "holy" kikes from the Jewish bible, such as Moses and David. Moses was a subversive kike parasite who leeched off Egypt and then killed their children, just like Jews have done all through history. David was a dishonorable kike who cheated in a duel against an honorable Aryan warrior. Just two examples of many. The entire old testament is Jewish as fuck, and people who say those aren't the same as current Jews are in denial.




Bobby Fischer was Jewish too.... and we love him.

How exactly are Pagans Jew puppets? Paganism existed before Judaism. Explain.




Jesus told Jews that they should not change money in the temple.

He told Jews that they should love foreigners as they love themselves.

He told Jews to not be hypocrites.

Jesus told the Jews that the saved would be known by their good works.

And the Jews had Jesus killed for healing people on the Sabbath. For being so righteous that he had the power to heal.

And the Jews didn't even have the stuff to kill Jesus themselves.

The Jews are a disgusting people.



Jesus called the (((Jews))) out on their shit constantly. In fact, he was one of the first people to publicly do it and gained a HUGE following for doing so (as well as (((their))) wrath.) If there's one thing Jews hate more than white people, it's Christianity (and there's a reason for it.) The bible refers to them as the "Synagogue of Satan" and everything. If that's not a redpill, then I don't know what is.


You say being a warmonger and sacking the Jews as if those are bad things. And don't dismiss Marcus Aurelius, he was one of the best moral exemplars history ever produced.


>God chose Israel in OT. They disobey, he allows their conquer. Under the Persian empire, some return after being exiled. The remnant that remains are called Jews.
>Jew is from 3 of the original 12 tribes: Judah, Benjamin, or Levi. Most of Levi did not return.
>Before and during NT, Jewish blood (already diluted since days of Israel) is further convoluted by politically motivated persons seeking power.
>Notable is that the Samaritan's, whom the Jews thought of as mongrels, held that the Jews themselves were mixed with Persians, Edomites, and others.

>a literal cuck

So paganism is better for Jews overall in a society?

Jesus was ethnically an Israelite and was a religious Jew earrly on. However the completely changed the Jewish religion in the form of Christianity. Jewish people who still cling to their old religion hate Jesus and don't believe he is the messiah. So Jesus is not Jewish religiously and at the time there wasn't a Jewish ethnicity, it was Israeli


Yes. Pagan societies are ruled by jews.

He's just an idiot. All of christcuck theology was ripped off from pagans (and then bastardized into an incomprehensible mess), yet they insult them.

there is no "race" as Jewish, it is utter bullshit.
Jew is a religious entity. Everyone can become a Jew, after study and preparation. Thats how beta Israelis exist and thats how hazards become Jewish.

>the Holy Land
There's nothing holy about that backwater shithole.

all you need to see is the DEUS VULT flag to identify a cringy larper and move on.

Hitler was a traitor?

Jews can be atheist and still be considered Jews
Jews can be Buddhist and still be considered jews
The only thing a Jew can't be is Christian. Because Judaism is now solely the rejection of Christ.
That's why Sup Forums is a Christian board

>Not an argument.

I for one love warmongers, and if they sack Judea even better.




You'll defend Judaism to your dying death because Jesus loved them so much that he died to save the nation of Israel. Follow his example and die for the people god chose above you at birth.

You were a simple mistake but they are a part of an everlasting covenant that you will never be a part of.


this is how retarded modern """pagans""" are


Der Fuhrer suggests otherwise

As if anything changed.

Jesus wasn't a Jew dumbass. He specifically said when asked "I am not of this earth". What part of that do you faggots not understand?

Paganism or Atheism is best for the Jews. That's called "demoralization". Western civilization was built upon Christian foundations. We literally created empires and conquered the world while embracing it. Since abandoning it FOR Atheism and different forms of paganism, we've fallen so far and are being systematically exterminated as a people (and for good reason.) God gave us the world because we obeyed him and "removed" all those who stood in our way. And for this, what did we do? We treacherously turned our backs on him and committed the most heinous of blasphemies.

Der Faghrer got his pagan loving ass kicked.

Hol up. So u be sayin, our lord n savior wuz an ayy lmao or some shiet

Jew isn't a one size fits all term.
>The results of the detailed study show that today's 10 million Ashkenazi Jews descend from a population of only 350 individuals who lived about 600–800 years ago. That population derived from both Europe and the Middle East.

I'm asking from a historical standpoint.

>Western civilization was built upon Christian foundations
You obcioisly dont know what the phrase "western civilization" means.

>he got powers from eating semen

I refuted this. The book you are citing was written by a Jew (the people you supposedly reject) and he is using his disgusting Jew psyche to translate 'sacrificing myself to myself" as him ejaculating and eating semen instead of Odin going through excruciating pain to learn the runes which are symbolic representation of the lessons they can teach.

Never trust a jew! You would know this but your prophet is a Jew.


>him being born a certain race makes him bad

im glad jesus was a jew i dont care

tell me one time he did anything remotely like the happy merchant behavior

you cant...

Sup Forums spends its time defending against a ad hominem attack HES A JEW just like saying youre a white male! or youre a racist!

just say jew and you win

Aryan and Semitic doesn't explain what the Jews are. There are Jews who are descendants of Indo-European, Aryan peoples who adopted the religion in the past.

Jews are a mish mash of people who started with a mish mash of people in Canaan/Phoenicia.

There are a Caucasian mix of the Near East who has paleolithic Natufian and more modern North African admixture.

>nation of Israel
we ARE new israel, Christendom is chosen

i guess they hate jews since they betrayed Jesus? That's just my guess

is that tom brady

350? Wouldn't that mean a lot of incest since they tend to intermarry?

He was physically feeble and unlike important characters of other religions, he never stood up for himself and just let himself be killed by his enemies.

Yes I do and to deny this is to deny the obvious. Have you not seen all the European flags with crosses on them?


jesus hated the jews so much he created a new religion so he could stop being a jew

and the jews killed him for it but much like julius caesar when the senate stabbed the fuck out of him it didnt kill what he had started

wow, u are actively spreadin complete misinfo, and trying to create confusion purposely about this topic. this goes beyond shitposting. Jesus is not a "Jew", he was a gentile.

Jesus wasn't a gentile you faggot He was born of David's line.

and how is that a bad character it means that he doesnt support violence or revenge

which would make for a completely peaceful society if everyone followed it

i wouldnt like god if he was a violent man

Pagan loving?

Okay. Tell yourself that when a Muslim is raping your daughter.

ummm... I got news for ya bud

I mean Rome was pagan in it's hey-day. I can argue that pagan society can accomplish what a christian society can. It's just religion vs secularism that's the problem.


today's jews are not the jews of the bible. today's jews are khazars who converted to judaism in the middle ages.

read: the thirteenth tribe by arthur koestler


Himmler and large part of the ss leadership were pagans. Not to mention literal sodomites that helped him get into power.
>pagan romans

Jesus is the son of god it doesnt matter what religion he was cause he came down from heaven to help us with our sin problem. Thats all there is to it. Jews are like antiChrist

Amen brother. How is your problem going on? Had you though about what i told you about fighting urges?

Rabbinical Jews didn't kill Jesus. They would be heretics to the dudes who convicted Jesus.

At the time of Jesus, there was a Jew schism. There were multiple Jew factions.

Modern Jews are like .zip filed Jews. The whole intent of Talmudic Rabbinical Judaism is to ride out the exile and hope the zionists rebuild the temple to they can unzip and reestablish Temple Judaism.

Rebuilding the Temple would be the craziest, most radical, most status quo changing thing Jews have done to themselves in 2000 years.

take your daughter and run??
and call the police

what problem

-______- i got lots of problems

>fighting urges

Daily reminder that this device was a christian invention


I want to worship white gods. Is that so wrong?

Augustine ripped off and bastardized Plato. Aquinas ripped off and bastardized Aristotle. All Christian theology is simply repackaged pagan philosophy shoehorned to fit the Jewish fairy tale bible.

>worship white gods
That's a sex thing isn't it?

and it's always been a cuckold cult of self flagellation and sexual repression until it expresses itself as pedophilia.

Your average christian until the 1800s had no idea what christianity meant. They held onto their pagan superstitions and traditions and praised god only in name because they feared their government and the punishment of hell.

As soon as the bible became widely available, the west stopped being Christian.

Is it a sex thing when you worship YHWH?

Jesus is a manifestation of god, he became one of the people he tried to save, they killed him.

I don't understand what you're trying to say. Yes Christianity did found it's Holidays on previously Pagan ones- Like Easter and Christmas. But any further is pushing it. "All Christian theology is simply repackaged pagan philosophy" Could it be, because these Philosophies are thought up of by the same group of people?

Wrong. Israel makes potential citizens submit DNA swabs to prove Judaic heritage.

Shut up you godamn kuffars, convert to Islam right now degenerates.

>worships semen eater
>calls others cucks

Tell that to the orthodox