And how do we (the US) fix it?
When did Canada go so wrong?
Probably cannot be saved at this point, too many dude weed/immigrant nigger/ cucks. Last hope sept 2019, if the liberals win we are gone
You can't even fix your own country. Canada went bad once Pierce Trudeau was votes in.
Canada was wrong from the start. They willfully supplicated to a foreign country. They've been weak from day one and will continue to forever be weak until the day they die. The US should have turned the Patriot War into a full blown bloodbath until there wasn't a single Canadian or aboriginal left.
Quality shitpost
You just don't understand the game Trudeau is playing. He's a meme wizard like Trump could only wish to be. Wearing those ridiculous mudslime socks to the gay pride parade is his way of softly trolling literally everyone.
they're part of his Ramadan leggings
>They willfully supplicated to a foreign country.
You mean we remained loyal subjects of our ancestral Crown while you turned into filthy rebels.
>wearing islam-themed socks
>symbolizing walking all over the religions
We need to meme liberals into eating him alive.
Boohoo, we didn't want to be subject to the fiat currency of the (((Queen))).
I can't wait for trucks of peace to start killing Canadians.
>remaining loyal to genetically retarded inbreds
eternal commonwealth cucks smdh
yeah after he fucks some little boys right ?
So tolerant!
Say what you will, American "revolutionaries" were nothing but traitors.
>Look, here he is with a young Canadian! He obviously raped the kid!
great post as always australia, thanks for coming out
Sheer ain't going to win buds
is this gonna be his "thing"? like his policy is shit so he needs to be remembered as the goofy socks guy?
>Hur durr inbred maybe?
Your whole country is filled with incestuous mormons you stupid ape.
Nuke Toronto
United States takes and installs some prince from Britain in order to have legitimate hereditary power in the Americas, after all Canada is bad because they refused peers during the early 20th Century Nickle Resolution. Maybe Canada gets a duke localised.
Democracy and republicanism kills civilisation, if you didn't know that, O.P.
Remove Trudeau
Mastah Trollahhh
P.M. Trudeau is a papist, and that's all that Vatican-Roman "Catholics" care about in the end.
there's no weed.
Do you not see what he is doing?
I thought Sup Forums liked it when world leaders troll the world?
>Sup Forums is one person and a hug box for virtue signalling
Anyway.. what is he doing? trying to provoke Muslims to attack Canada but wearing Islamic socks in a christian church?
What's his end game?
wearing those ridiculous muslim socks at the gay pride parade troll the muslims because they hate fags, it also trolls fags because of how many fags get killed by muslims, and of course it trolls everyone else just by looking completely insane (which is also the game with those star wars socks)
basically, Trudeau is fighting the meme war as a zero-sum game with no limits