Explain this, fags?
The Gift - HIV Documentary
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Exactly what is the statement he's trying to make?
Wtf I love aids now
Pic very related
my boyfriend and I have been together for ten years and neither of us have AIDs lol
most appropriate trips award 2017
congratulations fag
Mental illness
How many of them are dead by now? This documentary is like a decade old.
hi common filth
l'm a pozcuck. You want to know what that is? Listen closely.
The normal cuckold wants just one gift from his black bull: a black child. But the pozzed cuckold wants more. He wants three gifts. We are greedy little bitches. But first, here's how it goes.
Normally I drive in my Mercedes to a street gym where ripped blacks train their muscles, their skin shining with sweat and the air filled with their scent. I am already a bit hard just from thinking about it. Sometimes I cum a bit in my pants. I get out of the car and ask who of them has AIDS. Then they know what happens.
The black man with AIDS gets into my car and we drive to somewhere isolated. Then I take a small knife and stick it inside the hole of my penis and twist it a litte. In the cuckold community we call this the HIV Twister. Sure it hurts and causes me to bleed. But it is worth it.
Then the black man docks me until we both cum and I contract his AIDS. I already have 4 types of AIDS from this. That is the first gift. Then we drive on to my house and he fucks my wife (a beard), who has also contracted many types of AIDS. That is the second gift. And then 9 months later the third and best gift arrives: a black child who also has AIDS.
i feel filthy just from reading this
>i'm a pozcuck, you want to know what that is?
Stopped reading there!
>fill my toxic hole!
>getting charged!
Pretty hot senpai
That is one of the worst things I've read
p.s. I'm dyslexic
This is pasta...right RIGHT ?!?!?!!
I know you are larping but that is pretty hot.
Could you tell how it felt to first get aids? Or your wife?
>Have gay friend.
>Almost 10 years ago.
>He does the typical hook up culture bullshit.
>He gets fucking HIV.
>Goes on a big march about how gays need to stand against this shit, this, that.
>Then, not to long ago, along comes the acceptance cunts.
>Suddenly he is talking about willingly spreading it to other homosexuals, and how straight people need to have this.
>He even jokingly, mentions how he wants to infect as many straight people as he can.
>Just fucking stare daggers at him and ask him why in the FUCK would he want to do that.
>He screams at me, telling me I am shaming him for who he is.
>He cries, leaves, demands apologies.
>Tell him I never want to fucking see his stupid face again or I may hurt him.
>Moves to California.
>Cant afford his HIV medicine anymore because California.
>Crying how hard life is with HIV.
>Only know this cause I am fucking his stupid sister and she wont leave me alone.
They dont know what they want.
See that's what I don't want to be associated with. That's just psychotic.
Someone burn it alive in a pit with a flame thrower.
This is some dumbass pasta from /deutsch/ general threads on Sup Forums. It was originally in German, then had a shitty English translation. It seems like this guy cleaned up the translation a bit.
>If you don't want AIDS you're homophobic
I honestly think the punishment for faggotry was simply too light in the old days
Why am I not surprised.
Legislation should be passed to execute all homosexuals.
It really sounds like most homos are just nymphomaniacs who don't care about the gender of their partners.
Every fucking time.
Nuclear fire will cleanse this filth.
They need to be slaughtered. Mercilessly.
kill me
I keep thinking we reached peak degeneracy...
Remember: this is what Sup Forums fantasies would be like if we didn't weeb-out
One good thing about the economy crashing is that these monstrosities in human form will die off quick without the mugs paying for their expensive medicine.
Homosexuals or just people who engage in sodomy? Also, what counts as sodomy?
both tbqhwyf
the gift that keeps on giving.
but in all seriousness its already a well known law that using AIDS like this is so fuckin illegal Charlie Sheen was being done for man slaughter because of it.
Pretty sure nothing in the Bible says you should be killed for merely being attracted to men. Where's your justification there senpai?
I stuck it in a girl's pooper and now I'm sorry. It wasn't very fun.
Too bad. You'll hang with the homos, sodomite. No forgiveness, just death.
Your voodoo magic does not affect me.
I'm not a christifag. Pagans used to throw fags and denegerates in the bogs and stamp them down under a wooden raft.
You are probably being ironic, but you still look like a retard.
>4 types of AIDS
>many types of AIDS
I'm gonna be sick
There are loads of different strains of HIV so that's why a poz person can't fuck another poz with no consequences
>You are probably being ironic
>having a child amongst three men, and it's born with aids
You think?
Yeah, so many fucking faggots think that they're set once they get HIV and get on the meds, that they can bareback everyone without a second thought because
So many gays believe this.
>grow up christian
>dads redpilled as fuck, im really close to him cause moms a bitch
>have always been sexually attracted to girls and boys to an extent, and this is without porn, i saw my first porno when I was 18, never got into it at all cause of dads warnings
>tell him the truth one day, feel like he deserves to know
>acts really accepting to my surprise, but asks to have me see a therapist and learn of why im gay
>hes my dad so I say yes
>2 years of therapy, nothing comes up. Was never molested, never traumatized, just normal middle class upbringing with very little that was eventful
>dad lets go of it and we move on with our relationship as father and son, we still get along fine
>see shit like this
>start to wonder about gays in general even though ive never met these hyper freaks in public, just seen em online
can someone please explain this to me? Because Ive known 5 gays in my life, all of them were pretty much normal dudes who happened to let it slip that they like the dong. I see a clear disconnect between these people and the guys I knew/know. There HAS to be something different. For those who would say "just stop being gay" I have tried. I made my peace with God, and if I must burn for what I am then so be it. I am completely aware that environment can effect sexuality, but I grew up in one where homosexuality was frowned upon. I do not feel the need to fuck 100 men or women in a night, nor do I feel the desire. Im barely not a virgin.
I just feel its unfair to have to pick between people who would want to violently torture me to death, and people like.. well, you've seen the images in this thread. If these leftist hedonistic men are wrong to make their entire identity about being gay, then why does it make sense to make my entire life about it? How is that not hypocracy?
Needed a vent after reading the sick shit in this thread. Never felt as sympathetic towards the "kill all fucking faggots"- types than I have now, and it kills me to say that.
>mom's a bitch
>become sexually ambivalent
wow what a real fucking mystery. Faggotry is the realm of a broken psyche
> it's okay to have a deadly preventable disease that endangers everyone around you as long as you say so
The degenerates are a vocal minority of fags; the people who post in these threads don't seem to realize that. They just see the flamboyant stereotype that the media likes to sensationalize, which just makes it easier for them to eat up the whole "all fags are diseased pedos" narrative. I honestly think a large portion of fags just stay in the closet out of pure shame.
Either way, expect a bunch of replies now telling you to kill yourself. It's part and parcel of living on a major Sup Forums board.
>(a beard)
I had a feeling you might say that.
I still love my mom to death. I say bitch because she was incredibly strict on my siblings and I. Dad was the cool but responsible parent, I liked him cause we played sports together. Thats literally all there is to it. You know that, but youre just trying to nitpick everything i posted because of how desperate you are. Thats very silly.
I know, but what about the statistics? They kinda shock me but maybe they're skewed towards the degenerate types.
>Oh I didn't really mean she was a bitch even though I typed it
incredibly strict = bitch
How many levels of denial are you on right now? Bitchy, dominating, passive aggressive mothers are the number one cause of faggory
Israel is getting fucked by this gay blade as well. HAHA suck it kikes.
HIV is a social construct
>science is homophobic
classic fag enabling
I looked up those statistics and most of them were taken in like the 1970s. They were also taken from self-described homosexuals, which basically means that somebody probably just walked into random gay bars in San Francisco and asked people about their sex lives. Until someone can produce the actual sources themselves and prove that they're credible and accurate, those stats are null and void.
Do you know what he meant? A beard is a real wife, but she's just a cover to hide his homosexuality... fugged up shiddd
Anyone interested in being knocked up with the gift that keeps on giving? I have a pretty hazardous strain that makes my cum burn like acid
Nigger I can't even tell what this graph is supposed to be showing. Neither axis is fucking labeled.
How do you get a facist flag?
You just got pozzed bitch! The neg hole is now a toxic hole!
Oh nvm i can do it now
Just stop trying to pull apart my psyche like you're some fucking nueroscientist with absolute mastery of the human mind. You cannot make any astute observation based on me without knowing me.
Also, strict parents are good parents you fuck. I didnt like being told what to do, thats literally all there is to it. Were you never parented growing up? did your parents say "HEY buddy do whatever you want as long as you're not a fag!".
Fuck off.
is he dead from aids yet
>One study reports that the average homosexual has between 20 and 106 partners per year
Kek, you wish
>watch me dismiss studies I don't like by dismissing their methodology, without even knowing what their methodology is.
I don't think you know what a neuroscientist is
Regardless, we know how sexual fetishes are created, they're created by early life experiences.
All evidence points towards aberrant sexual behavior coming from childhood experience.
>Also, strict parents are good parents you fuck
From your story so far it seems that the dad was the permissive adult throughout your childhood which made him a clear object of affection, in contrast to your mother, whom you attribute all the "strictness" to.
You saying that you love your mother doesn't disregard the fact that you slipped up and revealed that you considered her a bitch when you were growing up.
>tfw only jerk off to mom/son porn
What does it mean??
>no soldiers are born
>Israel invaded by arabs
>gays executed
nice logic there, idiots
>Dr. Mark Schwartz, a practicing psychologist in St. Louis, said patients who develop fetishes have often been victims of sexual trauma earlier in life.
>"Usually, when someone has a bizarre arousal pattern, there has been something in their past that has made them susceptible to something deviant, or something unusual occurred," Schwartz said.
Some theorists believe that fetishism develops from early childhood experiences, in which an object was associated with a particularly powerful form of sexual arousal or gratification. Other learning theorists focus on later childhood and adolescence and the conditioning associated with masturbation activity.
So it's pretty obvious
associating your mother (female) with being a bitch put you off women. You liked your father (male) more because he was nicer.
You lean towards being gay because your mom was a bitch, end of story.
What statement? It adds nothing. Had nobody pointed that aids part it it would have been just another crazy person walking about. What does walking around with an aids smeared towel do?
There are multiple causes based on personal history, I'm sure you can guess them
1. too attached to mother, distant towards any other people
2.want to be more attached to typically distant mother
3. formerly attached mother grows distant later on
or any combination of the three
>>watch me dismiss studies I don't like by dismissing their methodology, without even knowing what their methodology is.
I only say that because those stats seem legitimately ridiculous. 106 sexual partners a year? Most gays I've met are fucking virgins. Unless you've seen the source for yourself, you can't claim that it's accurate any more than I can claim that it's inaccurate. Show me the damn book then we'll talk.
>Powerful statement
Just fuck women - you said you like them too
you made the assertion the methodology was flawed
burden of proof is on you
Pozzhahnrei pasta still makes me giggle
what is this disgusting shit?