Israel will eventually get angry and do something drastic
Artillery fire from the Syrian civil war hits Israel for the third time in three days
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>Israel will eventually get angry and do something drastic
Quit talking and actually do something you fucking yids, we've been overdue for a happening now
You mean this?
>MFW ill be there on Wednesday
Good. About time you fight your own wars, and don't ask for help, we give you billions of helps every year
go ahead and send out the tard divisons too no one really gives a shit about your desert shit hole its all about old bone juice to power our machines
Oh shit does this mean my country has to go to war again?
I mean bomb some fuckin russians """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""by accident""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" or something, we've been overdue for a big war for the past 4 decades now
im sure your top jews over at your local yeshiva know it too, isn't your guys' entire endgame right now to basically force the "end times"
Fuck you kike hope the sandniggers kill your ass. 1488
The billions you give is less than 1% of our economy, but we still thank you. unlike your allies from NATO, you don't have a single troop in Israel, do you know how much money you are saving? Not only that we only buy American weapons with that money, we are sending you technology with every co-development you are funding, saving you tens of billions in R&D, after every war we had we sent you the latest Soviet captured weapons
dont act like you haven't been shooting their tanks kike
We have, but that's not drastic
1982 Was drastic
nah they're just shooting at the low tier jews. the less jews the more happy become the alive jews
Nah, like every war we had with Syria, we handled it alone
There are no casualties on our side
You buy weapons from American companies that are owned by Jews. So it's jews giving money to jews.
Your time is coming by the way, even liberals in America are starting to get sick of kikes and how much money we give to you.
>putting shitskins in line
>ever being drastic
>oy vey dah syrians are shelling 6 gorrillion particles of dust in the occupied golan territory
israel jumping in on the end of a war in order to get the flames rising again. nothing new. i'm just glad that 14 million more jews are out of europe and north america
Are there any American companies that are not owned by Jews?
Jokes aside, Lockheed Martin and Boeing are not owned by Jews, and they most certainly hire non-Jews
Those liberal faggots were never for us in the first place, they're pro-Palestinian pro-Muslim
>Implying Putin will attack back
Kek you're funny
we dont have a single troop in israel? but we seem to have plenty in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq.
worthless kike trash
Unless you somehow convince all the libs here in America to pick you over the shitskin muzzies (which will never happen) you guys are toast. The SJW Democrats see you guys as having an apartheid state and will attempt to punish you like they did with South Africa. Meanwhile the party you are currently funding, the Republican Party will be dead in 30 years because there aren't enough whites to sustain it. You guys are completely fucked Obama started the effort to try and end you and Hillary was supposed to finish the job.
Why would SAA shell the Golan Heights. What possible benefits could they achieve from this at this stage of the war?
Fucking lying Jew cunts.
The only ones shelling Israel are your isis pets signaling for help with the obvious false flag.
Except this time, Russia's running the show. We all know what happened to Georgia and Ukraine when they poked the bear...
Of course, this is obviously the Jihad niggers firing into Israel counting obviously on the retaliation that the treacherous Jews will unleash on the Syrian forces.
The Kikes won't dare harm their pet Jihad niggers.
Why you hate Israel so much? Do you consider yourself a true Christian or one that easily gives up the faith and strays away from the words of the Lord? The day you and the rest of America gives up on Israel is the day God gives up on your country.
stfu u r garbage
Too bad Syria doesn't just glass all you filthy cockroaches. Then again, roaches are likely to survive a nuclear holocaust, as many Jews seem to go into hiding just when the world thinks it will have peace, then they come crawling out of the woodwork to ruin everything again.
And how do they benefit us? Have they killed a Palestinian yet?
We don't care, the Syrians and Russians always claim Syria has sovereignty over Syria, so they are held responsible.
Hahahaha we bombed Syria like 20 times this year alone, Russia didn't do anything, Russia isn't capable of doing anything. Russia lost the first Georgian war. Ukraine and Georgia have weak armies, Israel doesn't, also, Israel doesn't have a border with Russia, Russia cannot send enough forces to Syria to even scratch Israel.
It isn't able to, how about the nuclear holocaust never arrives?
Golan is right next to rebel held areas where fighting is going on. Someone probably just miscalculated the shot. It's a serious but understandable mistake.
Fuck off From Syria already. Golan is literally Syrian clay.
war soon
Not anymore, faggot.
Also shit I hear jets above me again
Not gonna happen
More like trying to get Israel involved into toppling Assad
It's deliberate. The Jihad niggers know they receive close air support when they lob mortars into Israel.
Israel is officially aligned with the Al Qaeda beheaders.
shut the fuck up shlomo everybody knows about your nukes and samson option
Like start WW3?
Israel just a warning. Be wary of American and European Jews.
>shut the fuck up shlomo everybody knows about your nukes and samson option
I never denied that, but no one can prove it.
Start doing push ups bud, IT'S HAPPENING
The one job Israel had was to give Jews a place to go and be kikes. Leaving the rest of the world to their own machinations, free of parasites likes yourself. But instead, Jews roam the earth, sucking it dry through ethnic nepotism. Never integrating into society, at most creating new destructive cultures.
Israel has proven to be the biggest backstabbing "ally" we have. I couldn't care less about Israel. You're a disease.
Can somebody PLEASE just fucking nuke Israel today and get this shit over with?
>it's a conspiracy!1!!
>Israel has nukes
What an old and shitty meme
>Kikes false flagging "artillery strikes" again.
quick Yitzhak, move the Palestinians to that area
Good thing ISIS doesn't attack Israel. They're on the same side.
Yeah right, you'll just shill even harder for us to do it for you. We probably will being the dumb goys that we are.
Well yea, that's possible. Has the Syrian Govt said anything about it officially?
If it really was their artillery I'd expect them to issue some sort of apology, as they obviously aren't looking to start shit with Israel right now.
Or you could nuke Damascus and we could get this party started
What are the likely outcomes with Iran in the near future? Will you conduct a first strike on their nuclear facilities? I don't see them slowing down their program.
>hits Israel for the third time in three days
>pic related
Why the fuck not ? Greedy shits. They'll never be peace until YOU decide to be reasonable.
I hope Russia nukes Israel, and in return, Israel commences the Samson Option against the Middle East and Russia. The world would be better off.
Isn't it nice to know on that day of days. When Israel is flooded by the darkies. They will be ripped limb from limb. Its like they have made their own demise. (again!) When will they learn?
Ohhh we are so scared
I have no idea, I'm not the defense minister
is the star going to gorge itself on clay or nah
YOU seems to not understand shit about the Golan heights and it's strategic value. Giving it away is simply suicide
Of course you don't care, you're disgusting sociopathic kikes to whom the truth is irrelevant.
>from Egypt too
man, this really is happening
What do religious figures claim?
Your economy is a leech to the US
>artillery (((fire)))
stop hitting yourself schlomo
Are you fucking retarded?
USS Liberty ring a bell? You fucking KIKE LOVER! KEKSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN. You're the boomers and fucks who sold our nation out. The last of the true entitled and you fucks wanted to make the world WHITE. Kikes told you it be such a GOOD thing GOY!
You're a fucking piece of trash! Fuck you and your KIKE on a stick! Gotta suffer the most no matter what time line or religion HUH? The insufferable CUNTS! May the fucking cunts suffer as much as they CLAIM and MORE!
That's a meme. Nobody's attacking a Nuclear power. Stop being assholes. Either give Palestinians a state or make them citizens. You can have two states on the condition that the Jews living on Palestinian land become Palestinians and the Palestinians on Jewish land become Israeli. That way you can both be diverse nations and share.
What solution do you think could be ? And what do you think is going to happen ?
Religious figures have no importance here on such things, I don't think they have an opinion about it
We are not communists, Israel is a Capitalist country, Communists are not humans and deserve to be hanged from helicopters.
muh USS Liberty
You went into a warzone, chaos.
Not in our territory
It's not territory though. Yitzhak Rabin wanted peace and look what people with your mentality did to him. You don't want peace. War is useful to maintain internal control and corrupt dynasties.
fuck off, jesus christ, see
>a Godless man
You've got 99 problems, but the Israelites ain't one. Sad.
Cucked ameritrash kike lover. Fly to Israel and hand your leash to the first Jew you see.
>It's not territory though. Yitzhak Rabin wanted peace and look what people with your mentality did to him. You don't want peace. War is useful to maintain internal control and corrupt dynasties.
Yizhak Rabin wanted peace, in which we loose, and they win, against our interests. We want peace, if we can't get it, we want victory.
It wasn't a war zone and even if it was. They were in the ocean in a clearly marked vessel which was an ally. Fucking Israelis still shot them many times over because you people are fucked in the head. The pilot even confirmed that they knew it was an American vessel.
>Israeli Communications Said to Prove IAF Knew Liberty Was U.S. Ship
>Jerusalem Post Confirms Israel Knew USS Liberty was American
>New Revelations in Attack on American Spy Ship
>Phillip Tourney, USS Liberty Survivor
>U.S.S. Liberty - Israeli Pilot Speaks Up
>U.S.S. Liberty Attack
>U.S.S. Liberty: Dead in the Water
>U.S.S. Liberty Incident
I don't expect you to stop being a kike. This info is for anyone in this thread who doesn't yet know about this incident, or the details behind it.
You're brainwashed intentionally to blind you.
Israel will not dare to touch Iran. They're smarter than that. Instead they will have Trump do it for them
and this is our problem, why? sort your own shit out for once.
Yes it was a warzone, what we thought was that it was an Egyptian ship with an American flag, things like that happen, the ship wasn't supposed to be there in the first place
They just will never stop being kikes and lying till their all dead I guess huh?
I know of only one KIKE I'd save from the gallows him and his. The rest just seem blood thirsty like dancing KIKES and Jew York old KIKES dancing to dead Muslim children. Like what kind of person dances to the dead children of their enemy. Like all the KIKES in Jew York on the streets loving it. They took the clip off KIKETUBE years ago. What is wrong with those people?
We know that you knew it was American.
Again, talking about this 50 years later is stupid,
our position is that we thought it was an Egyptian ship, marked as an American one, it didn't respond to our radio calls, it was in a warzone.
TIL kike pilots are blind.
If it happened 50 years ago and doesn't matter why are you lying about it now ?
This is a lie.
It was even a Jew filing them calling them out on it.
Everything is ignored when you're a special KIKE.
Even like the KIKES in Russia that raped and baseball batted little children's heads in. (snuff)
Yeah some tuff boy KIKES. When the news hit they USA they called them Russian Mafia. Yet we all know it was those super strong kike boys that like to hurt little children because they are so big powerful and rich and KIKED to the next level.
May all your tribe suffer as much as you claim and more!
>The Liberty survivors and the many skeptics of Israel's "accident" explanation point out that open warfare was already taking place at the time with Egypt, and there would be no reason to use aircraft with its markings meticulously painted over.
> a long list of public figures, including those of highest US military rank, have backed the survivors' contention that the Israelis meant to sink the Liberty knowing full well that the ship was American. These include Secretary of State Dean Rusk, who held that office at the time of the incident, Director of the NSA Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, US Senator Adlai Stevenson, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer.
Kind of like HOW KIKES talk about WW2 and slavery years later???
In their KIKE books and KIKE movies and KIKE news channels?
Just know this!
>Cohen, if we fire a round from our ISIS friends camp into empty mountains in Golan, we can then bomb Assad
>Baruch you are genious
It's just their way of expressing emotions, the jews need to be more accepting and tolerant of their culture
>"Israel claims to have called the ship on radio several times without receiving an answer, while the American crew members deny ever receiving a call for identification. The crew's failure to receive any call for identification may be related to the possible Israeli jamming of radio frequencies."
>be kike
>jam radio frequencies
>blow up allies when they don't respond
>"It had a big Star of David on it and it was flying just a little bit above our mast. I was actually able to wave to the co-pilot. He waved back and actually smiled at me - I could see him that well. There's no question about it. They had seen the ship's markings and the American flag. They could damn near see my rank."
Must have been pretty blind.
Wow I fucking hate Israelis.
>implying isis would fight those that fund them
Sup mossad
>Director of the NSA Admiral Bobby Ray Inman
So these guys got attacked by KIKE till the point they were almost ded,but they still came out and joined NSA? Isn't NSA KIKE controlled agency?
maybe it was something else. maybe the Russians sank it?
but your explanation does not make sense
>Geis said that he was ordered by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara to recall flights of US fighter aircraft sent to assist the Liberty, twice, because President Lyndon B. Johnson in fact wanted the Liberty to sink, with all hands. It is speculated that Johnson then would have sent nuclear-tipped bombers into Egypt to retaliate for the sinking of the Liberty.
supposedly Johnson wanted the ship to sink too?
even the conspiracies don't make sense.
the Liberty had radio communication with other stations. it's not like Israel would have gotten away with it unnoticed
we can all agree there is more to the story than meets the eye, but who knows what actually happened.
perhaps Israel was blamed in order to avoid a greater conflict with the USSR. that's the only thing that makes sense to me
Yes the Jews need to accept the bombs and understand that it is a part of the Muslim Culture!
They are going to have to learn to live with it. They haven't yet accepted being multicultural!
No, that's just not true. Not only was the ship flying the American flag, but even then pilots notified their chain of command that they were, in fact, Americans. And they still continued to strafe the ship for 45 minutes, in an attempt to sink it. There is an interview with one of the Israel pilots who flew on the mission.
My speculation is that Israel thought the U.S. was going to interfere in their conflict over there. They panicked and attacked. Or perhaps they were just being the kike they are.
see >Isn't NSA KIKE controlled agency?
I don't think so