This will happen in 2020, Republicunts. Trump will be a single term president...

This will happen in 2020, Republicunts. Trump will be a single term president, as no president has ever recovered from approval ratings this low.


>since I believe it, its true

never underestimate the democrat's ability to select a garbage candidate

Haha since x happened y will

Lol no, AZ will never go blue.

THIS is the only way the Democrats could edge past 270 in 2020.

>no president has ever recovered from approval ratings this low.

>Ohio Red

>Blue Wins

>no president has ever recovered from approval ratings this low.
>the approval ratings are real

what happened to you faggots saying that he was going to be impeached?

suck a dick and let the men talk about politics.

happened in 1996

Trump can't win the primaries
Trump can't win the election
Trump will be out of office in his first month
Trump will be impeached
etc. pp.

Glumpft is finished. There is no way that drumpf can recover. Glupftpl will get impeached. It is over. NAZIS BTFO

Kek watch this happen instead

Only Chicago is blue, how is all of Illinois blue?

That one district in nebraska will never go blue.

I doubt New Mexico flips. Colorado could be red, especially after 4 years of deportations. Virginia and Nevada were probably stolen in 2016 IMO, so theyll be red once Trump stops the shenanigans. Minnesota will definitely be red, it was close in 2016. If Trump had stopped in MN more than just once in last week of the campaign Im positive it would have been red. New Hampshire leans heavily libertarian so Johnson was a spoiler for Trump by pulling 4% of the vote. By 2020 libertarians will have realigned with Trumpism for the most part so NH will be red.

Dems literally have no path to victory possibly ever again and theres nothing they can do to change this

his favorability is higher than it was before he was elected, and will keep going up.

You retards set the bar too low by promising he was literally going to start gassing jews if he won. So pretty much all he needs to do is not gas the kikes and we win. If he does we still win.


Looks like we won again lads.

>possible ever again
Fuck off, that is what people said about republicans after Obama won 2012.

I believe it and he doesn't have anyone but himself to blame. He straight up lied about his foreign policy objectives and has continued on with the same program that's been in place largely since the Carter administration. It's also beginning to dawn on people that the USA has ZERO leverage against foreign manufacturing because there is virtually no domestic industrial base that could pick up the slack without literally decades of build up and Trump's inherently crippled capitalist mind can't risk his and his buddies overseas holdings to seizure were they attempt to do anything domestically.

You add in the disgustingly semitic nature of his administration and the $38 billion Israeli farce of "America first", it is very easy to see it playing out. It was only a solid electoral win, it certainly wasn't some unprecedented landslide.

Virginia will be red next election.

>blue PA
I hope this exact scenario does happen except PA gives you another helping of dick, faggot.

Zuck is taking WAY more than that sweetie

Only deep red shitholes will go for drumpf by 2020

Joe Biden 2020

GG Trump

>lets elect the faggot with all our data

Not even burgers can be that dumb

the arizona bit unfortunately it's true...

I was just watching the 1987 movie "can't buy me love". it was set in tucson... all, men, that looks different

without counting that today the plot the feminists will can "rapist movie"

The fact that Democrats get almost 200 EVs from just 13 states is a fucking abomination.

Fucking niggers congregating into the cities.

More people live in Chimpcago than the rest of Illinois you dingus.

haha for real?? Is he confirmed to run? xD

oh shit i'd have to vote for Bro Biden in 2020

No, it's totally appropriate. You don't kill them, so they exist. You're perfectly content to pull a little lever and whine when it doesn't go "your" way [as if you'll be benefiting or not benefiting either way] and gloat when it does.

He won with "approval ratings" about 15 points lower than they are now. You're fucked bud.

You forgot blue texas.

We don't have much time left.



Fuck you, I'm a salt farmer and Trump's election has completely destroyed the market thanks to all the leftist salt that's flooded the market since his election. A second term would pretty much destroy me because of the centuries-worth of salt it would produce.


Top kek


trump would have to monumentally fuck up for him to lose, when you look at any of his decisions rationally, he has over 50% approval. If he gets a major infrastructure bill through, that's it, gg, dems could run bernie on a campaign of 'we are sorry for hillary' and he would still lose.

Yeah. No. the next 16 years at least are Republican.

Michigan is red to stay.

Obama was the only two term president in recent history to win a second seen by a lower margin than the first one.


Impossible to predict until we know the Democrat candidate.

First we take Montana... then, the entire midwest!!!

what the fuck happened there and when

>Trump will be a single term president,



Dems getting high on their own supply of lies again, hahaha

Holy shit change the attire and the haircuts and this picture could be of the left right now. It's almost like we've become a country of crybabies when we don't get our way...

> Trump's mind is crippled because of "capitalist" beliefs
> "America first" is "disgusting semitic

Is this a troll post or are you just a brainwashed idiot?


two term


I honestly don't trust a single poll I see anymore. The polls fail so miserably to reflect reality over the past few years it's ridiculous


It's almost like there's a media smear campaign against him

I didn't say "America first" was semitic. I said his farce of it is semitic. There is nothing "America first" about giving Israel $38 billion over 10 years not about being allied or even associated with a hostile, parasitic, enemy nation like Israel. That you attach a pic of an arch kike says it all.

Fuck off and die, kike.

Looking at alternatives, I'm ok with the leafs here

Lol, so angry...38 billion for an ally so they can keep the jihadis busy is a fucking bargain. You're probably so asshurt about Jews that you'll see that word "bargain" and think I'm literally Jewish. Relax you goddamn paranoid schizophrenic

Israel isn't an ally and the only thing they keep the jihadis busy with is weapons, funding, and medical care. Fuck off back to plebbit, faggot.

This is pretty true. I suspect one of the rust belt states will come back to big Unions---maybe Michigan.

PA will remain red, nigger. We hate the governor and niggerdelphia is eating itself alive with chimp after chimp being arrested for corruption in jungle politics. The only hope for dems here would be to rally the allentown spic population (its larger than pittsburgh) but that wont happen because theyre mongoloid wetbacks who wont risk deportation to appear in a polling station.

Right, because kikes were so much fucking help in Iraq.

Never said they were. Hell, the U.S. shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place. Why send troops over there when we can let the Jews take the brunt of the Islamic extremist attacks for us?

his approval rating right now is in line with most presidents, sorry it seems you russia lies are now sufficiently exposed in the eyes of the public.

>He thinks the Democrats are going to win Pennsylvania after 2016

Please explain to me how you think this is going to happen, what great steps have the Democrats taking to shift public opinion in Pennsylvania? Laughing at white suicides? Oh oh, opposing the lifting of mining regulations that directly benefit Pennsylvanians. Oh wait, maybe they've raised financial confidence by crashing Illinois into bankruptcy.

Oh wait, maybe they've stopped being an anti-white shitskin party!

And maybe I'm the King of Siam!

I wish I could believe that, but dems need to stop assuming Trump voters are actual people which are capable of rendering a decision based on their politics and not because of hatred of progressive intellectuals

Anyone who believes that Trump getting elected was anything but a big-ass middle finger to the establishment (in the form of the media, academia, government bureaucracy, and corporate America) doesn't have a fucking clue why Trump will likely be re-elected. Double down will only make him *stronger*.

>he thinks the approval rating polls are real

>an ally so they can keep the jihadis busy

>red Florida
>dem victory anyway
You guys never learn, do you?

>not a single white country
get your shit together, America


Flumpf btfo
Muh russia n stuff impeach nao Brampf is no le me le bresidont remember #pissgate, in my head it was real !!!!! He no be tou term presid0nt cuz muh radings I made up sayz so hurrrr durrrr Granmpf imdeaaaach

>AZ blue
>NE split
>PA blue
yeah okay kid lmao

>Trump will be a single term president
Not if Hillary runs again.

wtf do the Syrian civil war and ISIS have to do with the U.S.? Let those fuckers fight it out over there all they want. That's my point. If Russia wants to get involved in that quagmire, I say let 'em.



We will help him to win again

it all depends on the polls, Im sure CNN will tell us who's gonna win

sage this fag shit

>Trump will be a single term president
You're right, because we will become an empire and Trump will be the first emperor of the US.

No, Caesar died. Augustus was the first Emperor.

All hail Emperor Pence

>Dems nominate transsexual nigger (it pronouns)
>Party dies
>faggot shills leave Sup Forums
That'll work.
