Health care is a human right.
Health care is a human right
So are guns. Where's my free gun?
no its a service. would you hold doctors hostage and make them fix you? for free?
So is police protection.
If you became a doctor to make a ton of money, you're not the kind of doctor I want working on me or anyone else. Wanna make a ton of money? Go into finance, write a movie script or an iPhone app.
Positive rights don't exist, you socialist piece of shit.
>that picture
Why didn't Yeshua just heal all the suck? He could have but didn't.
>Why isn't government exactly like Jesus?
I hate libshits.
Their obsession with government being their caretaker is disgusting. I can't wait for the camps.
muh nap
>If you became a doctor to make a ton of money, you're not the kind of doctor I want working on me or anyone else.
Welp there goes 85% of all doctors and now we have a huge epidemic lack of them and everyone starts dying of easily treatable conditions you delusional pussy
just fucking die, you lost, accept it.
Haha we'd have almosy no doctors then
>1 post
You are falling for a slide thread, sage and move on
Services are not granted rights. The only reason you are granted an attorney when being criminally prosecuted is because it is you vs. the people. The people have nothing to do with your health, only you do, therefore, health care is not a human right.
Sorry, I cant give you car insurance. Your car is on fire.
Shit skins
>Health care is a human right.
No right can depend upon the coercion of another, because then you are violating THEIR rights.
get it?
Yeah doctors spend so much time of their life and money going to medical school so they can fix your boo boos for free.
We have a name for the right to someone else's sweat and toil. That is called 'slavery.'
And? What's your point?
Are you 12 years old kid. How would you like it if I told you to work for free and spend your 20s getting shit on by books and attendings.