Burger here, reporting in from Vancouver Canada

Can a leaf please explain to me, why the hell are there so many goddamn Trolls/Bums/hobos on the streets of Vancouver. I hate Canada for its politics but I really think the city is aesthetically great. But seriously, why so many Fucking trolls on the streets??

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those are the natives, they have been displaced by chinese buying up all the houses

Vancouver is the only place in Western Canada hobos won't freeze to death so every impoverished shithole one hundred miles from the coastline just gives their bums a bus ticket to Vancouver for unlimited gibs and fentanyl

is the place infested with chinks?

Plenty of them. I see at least 3 for every white

Toronto's bad too. Big reason is welfare and disability enabling drug addiction, as well a ton of shelters and detoxes in the core.

Thankfully they're slowly shutting down those institutions and moving them out of the core.


lotta drugs in port cities. chineese fentanyl hit vancouver like a sack o bricks

never forget what we were goys, never forget what we will be again

>vancouver has safe injection sites

At least the fentanyl is thinning out the herd.

Other governments actually give their homeless bus tickets here so they don't freeze to death

Being a Hobo is the only profitable profession left in Vancouver other than being a real estate agent.

In my first year of University, I met up with an international student from India on his second day in the city/country.

>What is with all the rich fucking chinks?

Said aloud on Robson and Granville. Why are Indians so based?

because they handle their shit everyday

What Uni ?

heroin and gibs

because you went to the lower east end, retard

Spend a bit of time out of east van, you'll realize it isn't that bad. Kits and pretty much everything West of Broadway is fine. I did some humanitarian shit for the homeless in the lower east end not too long ago, most of them are white and aside from the ones at the SIS, they're all pretty chill.

It's that way all the way up I-5 from Portland up to Vancouver. Even the small and medium size towns have huge homeless problems

Because Canada is shit


the premier (basically governor) of saskatchewan actually got caught setting it up so homeless in sask would get a 1 way greyhound ticket to vancouver.

It's the San Francisco of Canada. A true liberal paradise.

Have they reached the point of human feces on the sidewalks and nogs openly lining up for the crack dealer yet?

Vancouver is superior to San Fran






triggering everyone in the city

Some reasons:
Our climate is much milder compared to the rest of Canada, so it's easier to live.

No source, but anecdotally i can say that the closure of a mental instituition also contributed to this to the hobo population.