Nigger IQ videos

Nigger IQ videos

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what a brave nigger.


having a gun to your head will do that

>Dr. Goldstein performing backyard circumcision


ftp. cap stone-cre
u: m ain@ca psto ne-cre ativ p: 1Capst0n3












is this in africa?


circumcision is for niggers and kikes

What's the point? The kid didn't even fall that far

Holy fucking shit, he doesn't even flinch.


WTF, that has to be one of the most horrible thing I have ever saw.

have you the one with the noble gentleman dancing on table looking like a fine ape?

All they did was skin that niggers dick. He sat there and took it like nothing could hurt him. Just watch it, pussies.

right you just hand to bring the jews into it
Fuck you fuck hitler and fuck nazis
He and his brownshirts savagely burnt my grandparents publishing firm to the ground, with the employees still inside!
My poor grandparents, Avi and Sara Sphinktorlikur were shipped to the camp Eichenwald to be gassed. They did nothing wrong, they were devoted to thier work, a small childrens modelling magazine, very popular with other jews in Berlin in 1930's. They went to the synagogue every saturday, and always gave money to jewish charities.
Only my poor aunt, Jizzabel Shikulgraaber survived, she hid in belgium, almost made it to the end of the war. One fateful day however poor little Jizzabel was playing in fields of wheat, when she saw the panzers coming. they were retreating from allied forces, though she did not know this. She hid in an outhouse near the road, and thus her fate was sealed. For as the tanks and trucks passed, many soldiers would stop to take a dump, and little Jizzabel was buried alive in nazi turds.

I never learned the fate of my poor Bubbe and Avi, but stories that surfaced of Camp Eichenwald were horrifying. It was equipped with some kind of mechanical octopuss rape machine nazis used on jews prior to gassing.


Racists BTFO

crowd favorite

All this, and the Nazis tried to make it quick and sorta painless. At least the Nazis did it with order, and not be brutal.

this always remind me reminder this

Little half breed. Disgusting.


not a vid but like 300 niggers died trying to get free gas after a tanker flipped


Was it trying to steal the wires or something?

Sharpen your tools nigger, holy shit

The fuck happened here

Around blacks never relax.

What the Actual fuck
Does this person have rabies
Are they mentally ill

Fuck. Why the fuck did I just watch all these. Fuck.


no they're black

>go to abortion clinic
>get dirt cheap clinical abortion
>can't read or sign paperwork
>go for falcon punch

>that perfect Lou Thesz press

Oooho shit

alpha as fuck.

wtf is happening in US???



Why is it, that I'm glad every one of those inferior nigger animals that are delightfully roasted are all dead, cursing the world no more, and yet when I see a video of a nigger sow killing her baby like that, or abusing a child, I think, "Man. that's fucked up. How sad."
All them crispy disgusting monkeys tho'.




He actually used to be white

Oh my god Goy this story is amazing! We have to make this into the new holocaust film. We'll call it "Dancing with Jizzabel" This story that you- I mean I made will make me Billions!

you know some real shit is going down when there's a liveleak watermark AND a bestgore watermark


being a prosperous country is literally a curse


Nothing of value comes out of Africa. Burn it all to the ground and then cleanse Europe.

>Nudity in front of children
>No sense of how to behave in public
>Completely ridiculous violence for no reason
>Crowd watching and enjoying it.
>Obsession with dicks

Looks like regular nigger shenanigans to me.

Yeah, copper.

that flexibility

Its not funny
Camp eichenwald was very dangerous place.
It was a top secret Nazi death camp that continued operating after the war. Some people believe it was still operating as late as 1960.
untold millions of jews were gassed , subjected to the octopuss rape machine.

One man survived and escaped. He led a secret mission with the mossad to infiltrate Camp Eichenwald, and terminate the colonels command (The commander of Camp Eichenwald was none other then ss colonel Kurt Steiner).

I have the only known photo of this heroic jew, and right after he returned from battle.
pic related




It means you're a liberal cuck


how the fuck did he survive that fall

This is a good thread

I dont think he fell dude
but i dont know
I think he was fucking around with some kind of junction box

you know, the ones with the giant stickers that say "DANGER: HIGH VOLTAGE"

fuckin niggers
redefining stupid for 800000 years!

Search "shaken baby syndrome"

Niggers are animals


Ah so that was a ventriloquist dummy tumbling head to toe off the tower?

is his hand melted to the thing?

Fun fact: the nigress recording is rastalocks's mother

fuck, my dick hurts... why the hell would they do that? I couldn't even make it all through it

Trying to steal copper wires. Initially the electricity caused muscles to contract making him grip tighter. After a little bit of that his flesh and bone fused with it so he can't let go and can't control his muscles properly to move.

I like the version where "Under da sea" by some Rasta bloke starts playing.

its like a feral animal

There are so many acts by niggers like that.
Niggers just abuse their kids.
If they abuse their own kids, what do you think they do to others if police didn't exist?

Hint: Go to Africa and find out.

These people should be sterlized. The black race is unfit to care for children or even themselves. THEY MUST BE ELIMNATED

Niggers from the middle east are not allowed on pol. Please leave

Shit is fucking awful. Nig or not, I can't stand it.

oh i didnt see that
I thought he burned at bottom
my bad
I thought you meant one were dude was all burned at bottom

I doubt electric flying nigger made it
its quite a fall
anything over 60' your chances go down pretty fast, had a buddy I was working with who fell about 45, and he was fucked up for weeks
made it though, broke both legs, multiple fractures, and some other internal damage, took him over 3 months to recover

what's happening in this

It's not a link retard.

>fucking right outside a church

I thought niggers were hyper religious?

Jesus Christ. Please tell me these animals were put in a cage where they belong.


I could not exit that shit fast enough

I have no problem with violence at all, just pointless violence. That shit is fucking horrible.

Go back to Africa, Nigger.

She got hit with a fucking log, what do you think is happening?

she got Fred Flinstone'd

yeah as long as it's convenient. "HE WUZ A GUD BOY HE WENNA CHURCH ERRY SUNDEE"

It remind me that webm with that sicko fisting a mare.