Looking trough my image folder

>looking trough my image folder
>full with stuff from election
anybody else get a bit melancholic? Supporting the underdog against the baddies. Watching rallies and making trump generals. Rubio bot, sleepy carson, krispy kreme.

And in the end after shilling for almost 2 years we get this, it wasnt supposed to be this way. He was supposed to be different. He is litteraly a morbidly obese hillary with a penis. With him he spawned the wretched abomination that is the alt right, defiling the name of the right and reducing it to idol worship miscegenation

remeber guys: the illusion of choice

>alt right
You just gave yourself away, shill.

how would you call this user?

What do you mean by this? None on Sup Forums should be identifying with that garbage label

Also OP

A bunch of normie faggots and TRS shills who never would have been in a trump general thread.

>iz da chills dey be keapn' da reel trump s'porrta's down!

I was happy aswell on the election night. Im talking about today in the actual world


Hi CTR... getting paid with our tax dollars, are you?

Fuck off TRS. You couldn't even take over 8/pol/. There's no way in hell you're going to co-opt this board.
>"repeat after me, goy: there's no such thing as shills!"
You gave yourself away already. Sad.

I have been posting in trump threads pre-primaries.

He woke a lot of normies up. That was his purpose. POTUS never had any real power in the US government.

Holy shit, your parents must be so ashamed of raising such a pussy.

>Fuck off

Yes goy, TRS was always here. Tulsi 202 based amnesty fuck the second amendment!

But in all seriousness you're the same Toothpaste that used to shit up /ptg/ in May and April. You're not fooling me for 1 minute.

>mfw shareblue posts are evolving

Good try shill.



>I have been posting in trump threads pre-primaries.

I know, that's why I called you CTR.

I know someone in that pic.


if you know anything about macro economics you know those graphs are not a good sign. Also loving the lack of arguments

you cant just sit back and rest on your laurels, we should have talked more about that, look at the chances we missed.
why dont we re channel all that momentum into
>not fucking up the rest of the world