Why do they all have that look?

Why do they all have that look?

You mean DreamWorks face?

Poor genetics

They crave for dick, in their own way.

Overindulgence in cum damages your genetic structure.

Because they're all jewish.

Hapa girl's father is an exec at Goldman Sachs
Laci (((Green)))
And the last one needs no explanation just look at her nose

Every youtube like is just another dick in the digital bukkake for them, in their own way.

implicit social reinforcement of desirable/expected gender behaviors
they get good girl and bad girl points stumbling through a variety of learned and mimicked actions from the body gestures and actions of people around them

Interesting observation. A little strange now that you pointed it out.

smirks get the dick to jerk. see: natalie dormer. They're all trying to get your dick to click on their vids because they can control it.

can i have her german video?

I do like their cute little rabbit teeth

because they're fucking kikes you faggot nigger

Only Laci could.
The one on the right is not even remotely attractive, and the one below has already taken one light year of dick.


They all want to be throatfucked and slapped around like the whores they are.

Feminist fishmouth syndrome.

Because they see themselves as ugly so they overcompensate by smirking. They grew up looking at DVD covers where the clever and smart underdog character is smirking.

Also it makes their faces look like it has more definition than it does.

Because they have asymmetric faces.


beauty is subjective, your opinion is just one and there are many who would disagree with it


You mean jews?

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Oh no! It's the Sup Forumsice!

WEE WOO WEE WOO faggot alert!!!

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>me as a nigger shareblue shill, i know that Sup Forums hates jews and the nwo etc.
>i know! i'll call everyone that's is helping make nationalism go mainstream jews and plants!
>this divide and conquer tactic is genius! they will never see it coming!

It's a smirk. Body language wise, it's the look of someone that is trying to be witty, snide, or sly, in order to convince someone of what they're saying. Their angle is "I am interesting. Therefore, agree with me."
Someone who does that, may be very well be funny, they may be clever, convincing or entertaining. They feel comfortable in their position, or ability to get out of any jams or traps someone sets contrary to their thought process. They're probably not interested in being bored, or being boring to other people.
But they're usually Not going to be interested in being particularly truthful.
They aren't out to see what the truth of a matter is, they want people to be on their side of whatever, and if not that at the very least troll somebody so they aren't bored.



top kek

They're all vapid whores?

This is how every woman looks at you when they know you got that good dick.

Jews are not very nice.

Sup Forums gravitates to familiar facial features. For example shoe0nhead and boxxy.

Imagine if it was just me and them left to repopulate the world...

>Imagine if it was just me and them left to repopulate the world..
I imagine humans ceasing to exist.


Not her

It's called the Innsmouth look.

I'm willing to try. 20 kids each and making the most different ones breed with each other. I will be the new Adam



>gets told that not even a slut would breed with him
> goes over head
> continues being autistic
Fucking leafs.

>checks flag