[Not a porn thread..]
Post your ideal breeding material
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My own beautiful wife.
give her 3 more years.
>mfw I just went on her instagram
>mfw she is a feminazi
Can I get a quick rundown on these guys?
Imagine what she could do in bed.
I would capture this baby kike, make her my sex slave, and breed at least 10 mischlings from her.
She sure has a weird face aff
Nobody beats Alizée
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A-fucking-men brother
Kek, my english teacher looks like older Alize with jew-like nose.
I gotta go with this half spic, half Brazilian who could totally pass as white! Race mixing on the down low.
[devilish pepe]
She'd make a cute Casca if they ever do a live action Berserk.
Typical of Jews.
9/10, too bad she is trashy today
>Post your ideal breeding material
Go to bed, Chris.
Seems legit
Damn... you beat me to it.
Leave, shit taste fags.
last man standing
A Finnish beauty queen.
Only the real champion and queen though, losers need not apply.
sigh, I don't want to be triggered but I am.
sorry qt.
Holy shit, these kikes have no limits at all..
Even in her own country among her own people, I doubt she would be considered a beauty.
Europeans are fucking nuts.
Honestly, the only two actually attractive ones are the one below the nigger, and the bottom right one, the redhead.
Its the jews not the euros quetzalcoatl..
That bottom right redhead is a total cutie
Honestly, your taste is actually shit.
this mexican girl (red dress)
She's going to be (((Miss Helsinki))) 2018.
Oh I realized shes a finiish beauty queen. I am not surprised. The finns women are terrible.