This headline literally reads like a Sup Forums comment
This headline literally reads like a Sup Forums comment
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based dyke men
Folks if this ain't anudda one I just don't know what is.
so it's okay to call dykes dykes now though? i thought carpetmunchers found that offensive
These faggots are woke
It's their word so they use it, shitlord
Drop the archived link, faggot.
When i was a kid we got a Rug shampooing machine. 5 year old me called it a rug muncher, because thats the sound it made
wtf?!? I love gay people now!
casino janitor here
gonna call it that from now on
It's post m8
Trying to figure out these oppression rules must be exhausting for SJWs
Top 10 pranks that went too far.
omg it really does
underrated post
Idpol was the biggest mistake the left ever made. It's fucking them over in two ways simultaneously.
On the one hand, it leads to constant infighting because the pretty diverse groups they tried to shove under their umbrella became more and more aware of the differences between each other and now won't stop infighting (so much for "diversity is our strength")
On the other hand, their "whites are the enemy" is encouraging the whites, which prior had no cohesive cause to rally behind, to become aware of the similarities they have with other white interest groups and take a more cohesive stance.
>that is too precious
>guy walks up like hes going to do something
>takes picture of the guys junk
And this is why everyone hates fags.
Jews themselves probably asked for it to be removed because they do not want their agenda to be so blatantly obvious.
Jews don't think that far
if it's not in the moment, it goes right over their heads
Same with queer.
It isn't a mistake on itself, however, western centre-left parties have long relied on the white working class + minorities, identity politics tilted the balance irreconcilably towards the later, driving the former towards right wing parties. Which resulted in the widespread collapse of center left parties in the west.
The Jewish star is a symbol that many nations have seen throughout time. It's an archetypal symbol that resonates with people through generations, specifically European Christians.
I remember hearing about the Jews in bible study as a youngin, and feeling compelled to learn more and to have great sympathy for the people who represent the kikestar.
>inb4 the jews have been kicked out of everywhere ever
divide and conquer my friends
>so it's okay to call dykes dykes now though?
It is because we got stuck on too few terms. We have to get back to calling those bean flickers everything in the book. Next time you see a gillette blade, let that kiki know she can be a todger dodger in hell with all the other muff divers.
Oppression Olympics is my favorite thing to watch
This flag proves I'm a gay boy therefore you can now call gays whatever you want including me.
Jews ejected from LGBT march to protect Muslims (who hate LGBT).
I'm not even making this up.
>Jews dont want their religion to be associated with the degeneracy they created
really makes me calculate
Don't worry the jews have their own problems with faggots over in the holy land.
Haven't you heard?
We msm nao
All the Zionist kikes on Twitter like Christina Hoff Sommers are losing their shit over this.
Where is the image of the marching degenerates with the giant Jewish head behind them?
unless you count STDs as soldiers