tfw we have a President that shitposts

> tfw we have a President that shitposts

I fucking love this guy

Other urls found in this thread:

He's what would happen if my grandpa rushed onto the stage and got a hold of a microphone. He's in love with Trump.

Every time he sees someone on the news or TV bashing Trump he always says "yeah well I bet you like niggers."

If there's a commercial on TV with a black guy in it, he'll scream at the TV "GET THIS FUCKING NIGGER OFF MY TV" and start flipping through channels.

When I was younger, he told me that if I ever brought a black girl to meet him, he would shoot her.

Based grandad


Fuggin based

wtf I'm a cuck now

>I bet you like niggers.


> tfw we have a President that shitposts
this makes me happier than you can possibly imagibe

>one post by this ID

Your Grandpa is a good man. Learn from him.

Why can't Abe-san shitpost IRL?

so much better than this chimp

Immediately call this man and inform him he knows has internet fans.

Now has... fuckin typed too fast in my excitement

Best president ever.

Repping for the 'common white man' while serving the Jew. I understand why people like Trump, he's better than the alternatives, but when will you guys wake up?

include me in the screencap

>If there's a commercial on TV with a black guy in it, he'll scream at the TV "GET THIS FUCKING NIGGER OFF MY TV"

Kek'd mighty heartily, tell your Gpa thanks

make that 2 of us, brother



The bantz on this guy is off the charts