The 2016 Creepy Clown Phenomenom

Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck was that whole clown sighting thing last fall?

was it some sort of pre-election CIA psyop? LIke testing how to manufacture mass hysteria and fear to create a pliable population in case of a decision to enact a coup in case the election"went wrong" or something?

Other urls found in this thread:

I recall that happening around a time when there was a bunch of scandalous election shit going on. I think it was meant as a distraction.

In case the election"went wrong" or something?

Trumps President

I completely forgot about this shit!!

>someone does random creepy clown thing for shits and giggles
>gets seen by people online
>they decide to give it a shot too
>suddenly there's a "phenomenon"

It was nothing

watch I'll do it right now:

What happened to all of the threads about flying niggers?

I need to know if this shit is real!

/end fake faggotry

IT MOVIE advertisement.

They were russian hackers

some of them were coincidences. Like one was an autistic kid waving out the passenger window of his vehicle. Another was like promoting a movie or short on youtube with a clown walking around at night with balloons. Bet some were faked. Couple real.

It was just a massive viral marketing hoax for the movie "IT"

Why is this so hard to understand?

Yeah but the flying niggers? Explain that

Viral Ads should be banned

Yeah, the studio was trying to get the idea of scary clowns into the public conscious before they released their film. I think it would have continued into this year if it weren't for people going around and beating up the clowns.

I'd like to see advertising as a whole get banned. Just to see what would happen.

Holy fuck! My best friend was the one who organized that march hahaha. I'm actually talking to her now. Speak of the debilz.

Costume shop shilling to sell age old clownshit no one wanted. Combined with the fact said shops are seasonal.

It was a retarded trend like fidget spinners or those retarded ''I called [insert fictional character] and HE ANSWERED OMG REAL!!!' videos.
The clown sightings come from a single prank channel that does this kind of stuff all the time, I can't remember the name, but they travel a lot and pull clown pranks at night.
Some copycats made fake videos where they pretend to spot a clown, other people do the same, you get the fake news media report on it, now more people start making fake clown videos. It just keeps going until people lose interest.

All these fake videos went exactly the same.
>someone walking around filming for no fucking reason
>woah, what is that, is that a clown?
>some guy wearing a shitty ''clown'' mask comes on screen, but he is so far it's impossible to tell if he is even wearing a mask
>camera guy walks closer going ''woah, this is real, I can't believe there's a clown woah''
>guy in a shitty clown mask starts running
>camera man runs for 5 sec and turns off the camera since he got all the footage he needed
I fucking hate these people.

The fuck are you on about?

If it is a shadow government experiment it could be a main stream media hypnosis to herd or check for the ability to attract the attention of the masses for herding purposes. Or it's just a clown story ; ) If you look in that last video you can see the sickening sight of a mass of over 9000 bedroom dwellers chanting penstate as they "hunt" for the clown together. Who the fuck chants as they hunt? Those are some real great leaders coming our way . . .

I think your friend and everyone who was in that march is a stupid faggot who sucks.

Also an interesting thing to note is that the media does not report news. MSM is an entertainment and propaganda business. They couldn't give a single fuck about real news and the truth.
What they constantly do is try to escalate things, like the Iraq war, because they love it. It's more money for them. If they reported on the facts and told the truth there would be a whole lot less conflict in the world.

When the MSM makes retarded reports on clown sighting ''phenomenon'', what they are doing is trying to catch a trend and contribute to it since they know more people will start doing it if they cover it, and in return the MSM will have more to report on. Reporting on some clown bullshit is the exact kind of content MSM loves since they're the entertainment business.
The two things MSM does is really entertainment and propaganda. You see them pull things like this all the time. When they want more entertainment they do fake reports on clown sighting causing more clown retarded bullshit. When they want to push an agenda they do things like report on ''viral'' SJW bullshit videos that are not viral at all. They stage or lie about something to cause their viewers to think there is a trend and make them contribute to it.
They make trends by claiming the trends exist.

Most people that come across you IRL think the same about you so we will call it even.

thanks for the reminder
time to generate a a couple "sightings" if makeup or mask available. once even one makes the news, it will absolutely get national media.
mimics will then take over cuz real life copypasta
>this seems like just the story to break through the russia
>make america creeped-out again

It'd be funny if you're dressed as a Crusader and that will trigger everyone globally.
Bonus points if you yell "DEUS VULT!!"
Then again, you'd probably get killed by muslim hordes.

no it was a bunch of dudes cordinating this from a skype group to have a giggle.

I think the clowns ended up getting beat up and even shot.

It was a dark web meme

It even spread to my rural town, our local schools got closed down because of a bunch of drunken bogans in clownsuits lmao

Several teenagers in Alabama got hit with terrorism charges for clown posting

This is probably a mind-blowing concept to new friends. It begs the question, what else in the news is an (((advertisement)))?
[spoiler]All of it.[/spoiler]

Look at the peak of Pokemon GO and look at when the Clown incidences occurred.
I'm not saying it's a huge conspiracy but I believe some group of trolls terrorized all around the country to stop making people play Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO was getting too huge. I don't think it's crazy to assume either just people tired of it or fake news to keep everyone home.

I think you hit the nail on the head. In that case, mission accomplished.

Mad as fuck Sonygerrs confirmed

>I think it would have continued into this year if it weren't for people going around and beating up the clowns.
Viral marketers deserve worse.

I thought it was viral marketing for "IT".

Fake news

>what else in the news is an (((advertisement)))?
shorter list: what isn't

>Leaf falls down

What is 'fall'?? I've heard of Winter but not 'fall'...
This board is a retard free zone.

bullshit to catch the attention of normie retards

It was advertising for a movie.

the season used to be called Harvest (still is in Germanic languages). Only reason the Brits use autumn now is because they had a hard on for the French.

Simple, some people started doing it and then it caught on and copycats started doing it

No conspiracy necessary

>not 秋

Just like how everyone got multiple personality disorder after that movie.

It was advertisement for the Stephen King movie with the clown.

Viral marketing for the IT remake that went south when one of the hobos they paid got stabbed and another started klling people so they distanced themselves rather than go to prison.

Probably doesnt want to go to prison over inciting violence after their marketing strategy went horribly wrong.

They were doing more than just showing up. It happened like 15 minutes from where I live where one came up and choked some women and threatened her.

What are you refering to?

Fear of clowns is a meme. Nobody is actually creeped out by them. It's just something people say because everyone else says it.

It was just a viral sensation. Some drunk hobo was probably in clown makeup trying to make cash (you can buy a clown makeup kit for like ~$2, but it comes out splotchy, obviously) and was stumbling around a forest like a drunk bumblefuck, scared the SHIT out of some poor kid, and then stumbled off to wherever he drank and shit his pants that night.
Some memelords thought it'd be funny to do it, so they copied it. Plus it was around halloween, when people normally dress up like clowns anyway.

The year is "falling" down to winter. Just like the new year "springs" up out of winter.

but the thing was is that nobody was posting videos of themselves doing it. You'd think there would've been a couple people trying to get some notoriety from this by posting a video of themselves doing it on youtube

It was viral marketing for the new It reboot, nothing else.

I'd fuck a lady clown.

I have a feeling its about split.

Wtf. Im gonna need sauce on dat too

I remember when this came out and people with MPD were actually pissed but don't remember hearing about it causing MPD. That would be fucking hilarious though because it would prove how fake it is. Some people with "MPD" actually speak in different accents almost perfectly

Your flag is an upside down life rune. It's literally a death rune.


>one person sees one clown, posts it on twitter, media covers it
>all the retards around the world who want some attention do it too in hopes they'll be tweeted

it's like how when the media reports on a suicide, suicides using that method suddenly skyrocket in the area it was reported on, people are fucking dumb and just copy what they see on the tv

You mean that kids weren't soaking tampons in alcohol to get drunk?

It was some shitty marketing campaign for IT, and since it's about to come out on bluray again you're probably an employee of that company. Seriously it was an awful idea.
Wokehotep up in this bitch

Think about it. They inverted cosmic life-nature into a cosmic death-nature. It's the most badass pirate flag known to man.

>some shitty marketing campaign for IT, and since it's about to come out on bluray again

Uh, buddy, the film hasn't even been in theaters yet.

The whole idea that the Clownening was viral ads was stupid to begin with. What firm would take on that kind of liability, not to mention the possible backlash against the film itself? People reported clown-os breaking into homes to spook without stealing. PR nightmare.

Thats the idea of viral marketing you idiot. Copy cats will do it for you and relieve you of responsibility.

You forgot the most important ingredient
>news media is hungry for a story and willing to manufacture a "phenomenon" using a couple of incidents, creating a snowball effect that causes more incidents which makes for bigger stories

That's what I got from it.

People were going fucking everywhere for those stupid Pokemon, then the clowns came around and all that dried up.

I think you severely misunderstand the words you're attempting to use. If a copycat of your viral advertizing does public and stupid crimes, that doesn't relieve you of responsibility. Thats the idea of a PR disaster you brainlet.

remember the "summer of sharks"? there was fuck all to report on but 3 or 4 shark attacks all summer
then 9/11 happened and really put sum puff in their stuff

I know who was behind this.

We must say to whole foods go away!

>flying niggers

You just had more people going outside.

One sighting gets over reported and becomes a meme.

Ideas trasferring from one person to the next.

What movie

Combined with Pokemon Go and people blowing it up on the internet it became big enough that people ironically joined in and tried to roleplay a scary clown.

Why do normies take everything too far?

for the vine

That was us.

It was a literal viral marketing campaign for the IT remake, you fucking faggots anyone with half a brain could see it at the time.

This guys started the trend, they were italian prankster with a little audience, they made the jump making their first clown prank and promoting it internationally.
People found it funny and emulate them.
Full stop.

theres a few options
>bad marketing for the 'it' remake coming out soon
>cia experiment to see if completely false information could be turned into hysteria (ie; muh rushin hax) or even a mass desire to kill actual people (ie; #punchanazi)
>insane clown posse sleeper agents being activated