What the actual fuck

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How did it get to this you fks?!

What the actual fuck is wrong with western countries? How do you reach this level of lunacy?

they have no idea what effects this will have
its never been done before because of a good reason

>359 veiws
I am terrified, with that level of coverage across the west we are done for.

Bible is full of incest and degeneracy anyway, no wonder Christian countries are full of that shit, after all they promote freedom too, so that's what you get when you are free in expression, but not in salary.

are you serious....
>thinking this attitude is not pervasive and mainstream across society.
lame attempt at intellectualism.. oh wait just looked at the flag. nvm.

We need a purge or a war or something to root out this degeneracy.
>mfw the Wiemar republic looks like a traditionalist utopia compared to where we are now

>lol dont know if you have heard but we updated the bible about a 1000 years ago.. Where you been man? good too have you back. We have been busy while you were away! You have some reading to do..

That's a reupload. The original channel usually gets about 10k views which isn't that impressive either.

What is this? A chechen muslim and a kike larping as ultra fags?

kek go to the channel and read the comments. Nothing but pure hate.
Faith in humanity restoring

As much as i hate Islam i'm slowly realising maybe its better to live in an Islamic world than a left world.

Yeah, that's the problem. It takes Stalin 1 month to deport million people, it takes Christians 2000 years to figure out their race is dying and still they want more niggers, Indians, Jews..etc. I never seen a Christian defending anything else but his own selfish ass and salary, but they sure are happy to be tolerant, since they know mother Mary was a prostitute and they fuck prostitutes and are corrupt. Church is there for them to ensure selfish afterlife and to feel better about themselves after they done million sins.

That because its a repost by a Sup Forumsack, not the original

The fall is imminent. There's no coming back from this. We'll have to be reborn through blood. When shit hits the fan, it'll hit hard. I'm just realizing how fucking serious this is.

not even going to watch that shit just gonna drop redpills post-ironical


Someone should post this picture to varg

sure hamed.. i totaly agree bilal. lets all join islam and turn westminster abby into a mosk

The nose tells all.

no go to the actual channel "queer kids stuff" pure hate. its fucking epic

dont be such a fucking defeatist. You never know what could happen. at the very least dont let it turn you into a nihilist. Continue to live a good life so that you will be ready for what ever may take place. you may be required to take some form of action at some stage in the future.

Unironically it's "da j00s". Pic and vid below related.


(((They))) promote these and other immoral practices, be it pedophilia, usury, slave trade, financial speculation, etc. (((They))) did it before, (((they)))'re doing it now, and (((they)))'ll do it again if given the opportunity. It's in their nature (see ).


you did this to us

i just learned that the youngest gender reassignment therapy in my country was performed on a 4 year old child. The number of children in that single hospital requesting the treatment increased from to over 250 from only 4 the previous year.. Thats the kind of affect this shit is having on our children.. Over 40% of all adults who undergo gender reassignment commit suicide. This constitutes GROSS child abuse. Im simply shocked at how this can go unpunished. There MUST be some sinister agenda taking place and there is only one group of (((creatures))) i know of that would be sick enough to push such an agenda.

No word or image can sufficiently express my disgust

why do people let all this happen...

because it's not the peoples job to do something about it but the leaders

and if the leaders have a hidden agenda that youre not part of you can do nothing but kill the shit leaders and install better ones that are actually on your side

I'm an heroing at 40 if things don't start to change for the better really soon...really hoping my late 20's and 30's improve...

WTF is going on in that video......

Black child trying to rape a little white girl as the nigger with the camera looks on.

Na man Just focus on your own self improvement. You may be needed in future. If not just move to east europe and live an ultra trad life in the glorious european mountains

link to video? this must have made the news...

I only saw it here earlier today in a webm, not sure if it made the news at all.

twittter link got deleted and since then all my post get pruned and deleted here

Periscope France, of course no word from the media.

Off topic: Chambéry: The town hall changes the date of the fireworks on 14 July (national holiday of the French Republic) to 24 June to celebrate the end of Ramadan.


Oh look. MUH NORDIC PAGANISM slipping in. You fuckers will go alongside other degenerates.

>because it's not the peoples job to do something about it
That comment makes you eligible to be put in front of a wall and shot. Do you seriously think you can go through life keeping your hands off and chanting NOT MUH JAWB?

I was referring to normies

clearly by being here and participating you contribute to gods cause and winning the pop culture war

lol Im not anglo mate

Of course youd say that you fucking brit

is this what they mean by first world?

>fighting with pagans

stop posting this garbage meme

where's carl? sometimes i wish we lost WW2. We may all be speaking german but at least there wouldnt be any fucking joos.

hmmm what a (((coincidence))) that your gurgling is same what kikes wrote in Talmud. Avoid splinters when raping trees, m8.

shitty pic
take this instead

is that rat latvia?
the fuck

kys rato

Good thing that that pic isn't communist propaganda.

not very christian of you, larper.

These freaks in that video are extreme leftists, the answer to extremism is not extremism


>take this instead
Russia and China?
The only real justification for the (((western))) system is that at least they're not the Russia and China.

The same thing that's been going on in Europe for decades. Except the rapists are getting younger.

Weak and stupid.

it's not a Western thing, Thailand, Brazil are even worse.

the gauls and the chinese??..
explain yourself

What flags are the pig and the rat?

Fucking wew

>mfw good men are so placated by the comforts they have achieved that none will rise up to confront these cancers until the very moment it is all about to be taken away, and by then it will be too late.


This kind of thing is totally counterproductive to homossexual peole. Normal people tend to accept bizarre homosexual behavior to some degree. By giving them some freedom, the normals expect them to remain discreet as they always were, since their attitudes were illegal and socially unacceptable before. But what happens is that homosexuals use every "victory" to try to push the tolerance limit a little more. This creates a rejection on the part of the normal, who begin to want to reestablish the old order.

Rat is Latvia.
Pig looks like Guatemala

but why

I dunno, Blue-white-blue neck doesn't tell me much as to why they're in the G20...

Pig is Israel, the flags go the other way as per Germany. Also note the blue bands are extremely thin. Artist couldn't put the star on for obvious reasons so covered the middle, Rat is latvia

Does anyone have the source for this? Looks like OP's video is pulled from somewhere else.

It is probably created before 2014 when you were one of the last holdouts to the Eurozone, so kind of like you are attacking but don't have power, or you are clinging to eurozone but not contributing because of highest spend/contibute ratio.

They have a youtube channel Queer Kids Stuff, there are dozens of vids like that.

i told the channel this except i said this but instead of saying the will be re oppressed i told them this is the kind of thing that pushes people to the extreme right side of politcs


Niglet Dindu Raping girl in france

Israel makes sense. But why Latvia though?

It's like a parody from an edgy tv show in the 90s, except it's real

italians are deeeeeeply nervous. Here let me pat you my friend. everything is gonna be alright.

ready guys?
