Burned quran

burned quran filled with bacon attached to a fence by handcuffs found outside of mosque in ca who ever did this good on ya mate

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See? California isn't THAT bad.

Of course CNN has to fucking cover retarded shit like this

>get truck'ed
>lets retaliate by burning a book and crying on the internet about terrorism about muh day of the rope
hopefully the west will fall soon
you don't get to live when you reactions to invasion are this shitty
even niggers did better

>hate crime
Remember when hate crime used to be lynching or actual violent crime? When did pranks like this warrant that label?

Imagine being a cop assigned to this bullshit case.

Hey Imam, what ya doin'?

How badly would muslims chimpout if you shot one with a bullet dipped in bacon grease?

Because it hurts their feefees :((

Why we should treat muzzies like they're human to begin with, I have no idea.

Worse than 9/11

it's just a prank bro

Why is bacon even a meme? They're not supposed to willingly eat pork, it's not some sort of kryptonite.

Inshallah, the manlet who did this will be caught and sodomized 1000 times in one of your African American recreation camps.

I thought pork was haram, Muslims? What happened?

>This is somehow an "incident."
Wonder how much of a fuck they would give if it were a bible outside a church.

Europistan is not a meme.

>Checking the Magic 8 ball of Psyops and False Flags...
Wuddayano - false flag to support Senate Resolution 118.

The sad thing is either a muslim or a kike planted it.

Time for California to ban bacon.




Hol up

So police have to investigate bacon in a quran outside a mosque? How is that not freedom of speech like burning the flag?

If you burn a flag outside a public building like a police station does that require an investigation because it can be perceived as a threat? Seriously. What?

Its not a hate crime. SCOTUS ruled 8/0 that hate crimes don't exist. Mother fucking unanimous bitches, so CNN can fuck off with that shit.

the U.S. hasn't been trucked yet. we've been planed, but that was a while ago and prett shrowded in conspiracy, so most americans just know it by the surface. the relationship between muslims and the rest of the population has been more docile, mostly because there are so few muslims, and even less middle eastern refugees/migrants.


I have a hunch you're dumb.

>public building
You answered your own question

They cannot have the pig inside of them while they die or they cannot ascend to heaven.

This tactic was used before and heavily demoralized the slumsims.

I have a hunch you're going to be the dumb one.






Of course I can't find ANY references or articles to this through the MSM, naturally.

Please archive those

>washingtonpost com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/06/19/supreme-court-unanimously-reaffirms-there-is-no-hate-speech-exception-to-the-first-amendment

Remove kebab contaminate everything with pork!

I vote kike

it was Ahmed working for those islamophobia points

Oh, right. I forgot about that. I don't browse Sup Forums very often. Why does everyone here not like direct links?



It gives the mainstream lame media click views and increases ad revenue. We are trying to take them down. Never give them click views on their youtube channels as well.

>top right of photo... see caption

this is almost 100% a
>Hey Imam, whatcha doing?
incident. Cair pulls "Islamophobia" stunts in the US all the time.... remember "Clock boy" achmed???

Bacon is fucking disgusting. We should be banning mudshits as well as bacon.

>muh wypipo dindu nuffin


Name one time within the past ten years when a white person "deeid summin".

Yep. You're an idiot.

"Hate speech" is not "hate crime"

Your supreme Court has ruled unanimously that hate crimes are real and increased sentences for hate crimes are justified.

[citation needed]

Are you actually fucking retarded?



How fucking stupid are you? Hate speech =/= hate crime