Brit/pol/ - Kingsmill 50/50 Edition

>Car of peace?

>David Davis 'pretty sure' of Free trade deal

>Corbyn: Teen workers should get £10 an hour

>Tommy Robinson in trouble (again) after being filmed punching a man at Ascot

>Birmingham Eid festival largest in Europe, organisers say people from all faiths are welcome

>Phillip Hammond allegedly wanted for interim Prime minister

>Prince Phillip not dead

>Norman Lamb not standing for Lib Dem leader because he's a Brexiteer

>More cladding on tower blocks has failed

>Show us where you are at all times goy

>Tories accused of breaching electoral law (Again)

>Required reading for stupid Americans

Other urls found in this thread:!Aqi89TSeUJ5DiSdKw9-KfzNiTZyt

First for Fuck Corbyn

how can i improve my mood lads? I just feel so unmotivated and unfulfilled. Also, EU people who've been in the country now have "settled" status and get to stay

nth for shagging diane abbo

*kisses your lips* Mwah~

I like you.

don't be a poof


I didn't do anything wrong, though.

Does anyone know of a resource where I can sort the 2017 election by parlimentary districts that had the highest percentage of tory voters?

brit/pol/ is successful.
We need kraut/pol/!

I want up to date details from anons about how that country is falling apart and how they literally cannot help themselves from destroying Europe.

uuuh, feel sick.

Go for a run, stop wanking, get earlier nights, go out with some mates

If you click on a constituency on that link i gave you in the other thread it should show a map in the bottom right corner m8

the goberment have imported more renters

really makes me think

>how can i improve my mood lads? I just feel so unmotivated and unfulfilled

I know its a meme and a cliche, but exercise helps loads.

Ride a pushbike to a local large water park and feed the birds or something.

have a fucked knee, no i like wanking before i go to sleep, I suffer from Insomnia and I have no friends.

Brilliant idea, let's give teenage workers £10 an hour, make sure they don't want to go back to school and live a complacent life in their bedroom rents with their video games. Makonnen, Jamal, Amir and Pajeet can go to the university instead :-)


The excel data is usually available to download with a bit of googling

try "uk general election 2017 data download"

Stop wanking.
Get a cycling machine if you knee can handle it, much less pressure on it than in running.
Go to the Doctor and get some sleeping pills, and stop using your phone from an hour prior to going to bed until you get up.
Got a job?

i occasionally take my doggo out for a walk, he can't walk for long though as he's old and starts to slow down after a while. I'm not super fat.I should probably just cut down on the carbonated drink and focus on water and do my crunches in the morning.

the highest tory votes are rich rural areas in the southeast.
They normally get 60-70% there

>and stop using your phone from an hour prior to going to bed until you get up
Can we end this meme once and for all? It's either the same person or a bunch of fags who watched one self help meme video and try to pretend they/he knows what they're talking about.

Yeah, I'm hoping for more of a spreadsheet of results. I appreciate these interactive maps and all but I really wish there were some comprehensive easily accessible results by district.

I have one of them elliptical things that I use a few days a week.
spreadsheet of results

I just did a week of no fap. Not gonna say it was magic but fapping is a lot more fun still. It's like I'm rediscovering stuff like, "Oooh I wan to fap to that next!"
Just be careful for your hard drive because if you still look at porn on Sup Forums but don't fap then you're gonna start saving galleries of porn. Kinda neat that pictures that aren't hentai are fun again.

link at the bottom

Disarming a nation should be considered an act of treason.

If we can take a brief pause from stories of how fat you are and what do/do not wank over can we have a discussion/more sources on this:


Sit ups and crunches are meme exercises.

Your abs have 3 layers, and they are all connected to your ribcage and pelvis in different places. Sit ups do so little to the network of core muscles, I reckon the tension created when doing push ups is better for your core than crunches.

Not with my daily Marmite sandwiches lad, I'm all good from a nutritional perspective. Expect to live til AT LEAST 150.

Try the DownDog app - it's free, and you can do yoga from the comfort of your own home and not worry about accidentally farting in the session or getting a hard-on looking at the arse of the fit middle-class girl in tight leggings in front of you.

EU army? That's why they imported all the refugees. Free soldiers.

I wonder how this fits in with lefties' "build bridges not walls" mantra

The establishment they wanted us to remain a part of is intent on building an army. So much for bridges.

What are you going to do today lads?

Non-whites don't join armies!Aqi89TSeUJ5DiSdKw9-KfzNiTZyt
heres a spreasheet sorted by margin

Thanks for all the election help. Being born American was a mistake, if I ever went outside the sun would never set on the British empire.

>Try the DownDog app - it's free, and you can do yoga from the comfort of your own home and not worry about accidentally farting in the session or getting a hard-on looking at the arse of the fit middle-class girl in tight leggings in front of you.

Just looking at some programs on youtube.

You must be genetically British anyways if you think this way.

7 days no weed lads
>psychological withdrawals mostly abated
>everything is dull and uninteresting now
How do I fill the weed shaped hole in my life lads?

have sex you virgin

That reminded me of the fit slag who sat in front of me at school. Always had a whaletail. Made reading to kill a mockingbird hard

That's a decent start too - I prefer the app because the order is a bit more randomised so you get different routines each day, but YouTube yogis are a good way to get into it.

Doesn't it make you really stupid? Like it burns loads of brain cells? I keep hearing these stories of people smoking loads of weed and it doesn't add up

Any EU citizen on benefits can fuck off. If you are here to work and pay taxes that's ok. No Spongers needed.

poles and lithos can stay
romanian gypsies can get deported desu

>How do I fill the weed shaped hole in my life lads?

I've taken breaks from smoking weed for years, taking breaks is good but I still smoke it. I find that the humdrum straightforward predictability of everyday life creates it's own brain fog and smoking a bit of weed is like putting your brain through a washing machine.

Smoking everyday or too often is bad though.


Accepting the fact that life is dull and uninteresting.

That's both a shit idea and a shit use of trips.

I think I am half British according to my grandparents photo albums, my other half is Japanese for sure. So there is some mix of imperialism vs imperialism.

What does Peter say about he fact the government of this country grows weed for medicine?


I know brit/pol/ thinks it's above this sort of thing, but nice quads

I agree, fellow Brit

it is to increase inflation because the prices for good will rise. corbyn wants inflation because he wants an economic crisis, a recession and turmoil in society.
£10/hour for a saturday job will be the destruction of britain

Stop watching porn.


No surprise to anyone who follows this, it's been in works for years despite their denials, Trump's justified scepticism about NATO has added a sense of urgency. It's another example of the how the EU has been built on secrecy and dishonesty. It will only work as a fighting force if the French take the lead.

thanks brevikbro

Most of what the european union does is a response to the weakness of individual governments. Especially democratic weakness.

After the popular resistance toward the iraq war and libya intervention and the total failure of western govs to topple Assad, leaders across the eu have realised that the only way to maintain the authority to use troops is to isolate that authority from the eu populations.

>@SkyNewsBreak 49s ago
>Grenfell Tower fire response team: £1,450,730 distributed to affected families so far & 140 hotel placements made for those living in tower

Still no death toll update..

I did yoga for six months before deciding it wasn't for me, some people swear by it though.

I'm calling this out now as fake and staged

they're carefully deliberating whether it's better to release a smaller number and have a minimised reaction, in which case why even bother doing it? or release a larger number and have people question why there were so many unaccounted for people in the tower

*blocks your path*

If he were really knocked unconscious because of a blow to the head then I'd be more inclined to believe it. If he lives in an all white area where he's the odd brown egg out then I'll be more inclined to believe it

Have a leisurely breakfast, go to the gym, lunch, perhaps read or go for a walk, go for a swim, make dinner, faff about on here for a bit.


So important to cut those fizzy drinks out. I'm doing it at the moment. I moved from fizzy drinks to sparkling water.

To be fair, when I was a manager at McDonalds we were specifically instructed to hire kids. Minimum wage back then for an under 18 year old was like £5. We weren't allowed to admit it, but unless we absolutely needed an adult to work past midnight, we would hire kids.
Why pay someone £6.90 an hour when we can hire a kid to do it for £5? It was only McDonalds too, so it's not like skill or experience mattered.

I suspect lots of places that hire kids are the same.

Lord Beerus, destroy it

>didn't see or hear the attackers
>they didn't steal anything
>cliché graffiti that quotes Katie Hopkins and has a typo
>same town where Thomas Mair killed whatsherface

Literally the sort of crime that would be dreamt up by Guardian journalists

And there's nothing wrong with this either - 16 year olds don't need loads of money when education is still free until you're 18.
My first pay packet had me on £4.96 an hour and I was fucking ecstatic to be getting £210 a month for a couple of shifts a week, I'd never known money like it.

The ending of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902 was a historic mistake, leading to disaster for both countries.

If you refuse to pay your TV licence, you can be sent to prison.

Where, ironically, you'll get plenty of BBC.

He said he was drilling out in the back garden which would explain why he didn't hear anything. The tweet seems like complete horseshit though and I wouldn't be surprised to find a receipt for spray cans in his pockets.

Hey, imam, watcha doin?

you dont even need to pay the licence
if a inspector knock on the door tell them to fuck off i dont have a tv and close the door
they have no power to go inside

A statistical anomaly. Literally every other non-white is underrepresented in the British Army.

Only problem is you can clearly see my TV through the front door.
When you cancel your licence you can give a formal statement to say why you don't need one, does anyone know if they still come round and check?

Only if you actually watch telly
As if there's anything worth watching in the current year

Just say you don't watch live TV.

"i use it for my xbox"

This, the BBC is just diversity central, they even managed to ruin Doctor Who which was the only thing I watched on there.


There has been zero confictions of people not paying their tv licence, except when people just admit it when asked.

Supermarkets stopped doing this, for some reason.

In the mid-2000s everyone had a job in a supermarket while in school, but now there's maybe one 16 year old at the youngest.

>"I don't watch live TV"
>"mate I can clearly see the football on behind you
>"...that's FIFA 18"

I work in a supermarket and we've never had anyone under the age of 19 doing night shifts.
Plenty of 17-18 year olds who work on checkouts, though.

The Last Kingdom is pretty based and 99% white

all the primary characters are white and only a few background extras even look vaguely non white, like italian or north african.

Are Owen on sky news right now.

Now they're all asian

Was it confirmed that those blueprints that were released were legit? Four flats with four bedrooms per floor? as i honestly thought it would be more like 8 flats with two bedrooms per floor.

Realistically thats probably 20-25 people a floor, if you consider a couple in one room and two kids in another.

At around 20-25 floors. Thats prob 500-600 in the block, If 50% died its easily around 250-300 dead people.

Does anybody know how many survivors there are/were?

>King Cuck on Sky News
>took him 8 seconds to say "homophobic"

Yes, I actually counted

Off she goes! How does it feel to still have one of the best navies in the world?
(fuck off americans, you've lost two boats in the last year in collisions.)

I also do this, I don't even say I don't have a telly, I just shut the door on them. They can see the telly through the window, but it doesn't matter - they'll only prosecute if they've got an admission under caution.

He's looking worse each day