How far the west has fallen

I have witnessed something truly horrific guys. They truly have no shame. They are coming for out children now. NOTHING is off limited to this sick degenerate fucks.
If they successfully indoctrinate the children then all hope is truly lost.

Other urls found in this thread:



Look at what they're doing to our wives' sons

This is why hwites should get nuked out of existence. You are a disgusting race that needs to die.

They already have. There's nothing else that can be lost, OP.

these peoples entire lives orient around who they are or arent attracted to. I dont want to have the story of anyones sex life shoved in my face let alone someone who is into weird fetishes like dressing in drag. telling me to call you by a pronoun other than he or she is shoving your sex life in my face because your sexual or gender identity is all that it relates to

fucking females or fucking males is a small part of what the pronouns he and she indicates when one uses them whereas any of the other pronouns like xer only indicate you do not fuck females or males or you are not attracted to females or males in the same way as someone who uses the he or she pronoun

>I have two questions for you
>what are your pronouns?
>what do you identify as?

Top fucking kek. We should seriously start doing this with all the fucking faggots we meet. Like, if the dude is normal just skip it, but if he looks like an LGBT*#&^${} then ask him that shit in front of everybody, as a way to call him out, and then proceed to ignore him and his pronouns for the rest of the encounter.

I have a sneaking feeling that shit like this and "Sex Junk" is a government sponsered operation to get the pendulum to swing to the right in preperation for war. There's no way (((they))) would invest thousands of dollars into Bill Nye Saves the World only to have it blow up in their faces.

I don't even buy the whole Jew meme, but that girl such a leftist Kike.

At this point it really would not surprise me.
I would say though that they have taken note of how wrapped up everyone gets into raging/ arguing about this shit so then they are free to pull sneaking shit in the mid east without to much heat/attn coming down on them.
Like one day ago Israel attacked the syrian military and it came out that US led air strikes killed 130 children in syria this month alone and ive heard fuck all about it and nothing in the mainstream..

Also wikileaks posted that the govenment has access to everyones wifi in the US or some shit.
meanwhile we all here debating if italians are white or if the kike laura loomer should have ran on the stage of that fucking play..

>uploaded today
This was made for us to see, this faggot made this and is deliberately posting it on Sup Forums to bait us.

I'm onto you... fucking kike

Lad, this bitch kike is featured on children's television. Her Youtube is just a sideshow.

>I don't even buy the whole Jew meme
It really is the Jews, user.

give it a few years and you'll be manning the metaphorical ovens too

That's a brilliant quote.

To be honest, I am almost convinced. Check this out:

Seriously, wtf.

Don't be a bigot, let people express who they really are!

Not even a meme. The only reason Millennial Woes had a 'gay phase'(& the resultant decade+neetism) was due to going to art school.

Link to the original vid?

I want to see how many people are calling for the ovens to be fired up in the comments.

thought the bow tie were tiny skelehands tbqh famalam

Thats some fresh OC btw. I keep seeing them (that is their preferred pronoun by the way) pop up on my feed. So brave.

Heres another progressive member of society that I enjoy seeing express their views publicly.

Top level intellect there my flag bro. Only flag that could produce such levels of said "intellect"

>queer kid stuff youtube channel mentioned in video
>dosnt search the channel mentioned
>posts comment
>believes oneself to be of high intellect

i just learned that the youngest gender reassignment therapy in my country was performed on a 4 year old child. The number of children in that single hospital requesting the treatment increased from to over 250 from only 4 the previous year.. Thats the kind of affect this shit is having on our children.. Over 40% of all adults who undergo gender reassignment commit suicide. This constitutes GROSS child abuse. Im simply shocked at how this can go unpunished. There MUST be some sinister agenda taking place and there is only one group of (((creatures))) i know of that would be sick enough to push such an agenda.

>This is why Jews should get nuked out of existence. They are a disgusting race that needs to die.

Fixed it for you, cuck.

>Likes disabled
Gee woo what a fucking shock
You can tell a video is always well-loved when the Likes are disabled.

I don't think there's a secret Jewish cabal per se, I think that they're just very profit-oriented, international, lack moral structure and despise western tradition and Christian values, upon which this great civilization was built upon
>inb4 muh pagans
Them too.

I dunno man .. Heard of the protocols of zion?
that shit seems pretty legitimate.
Look how they are in the banks and media. look how all this shit is pushed and the US funds Israels military.
Yesterday Israel bombed the Syrian military an it came out that US led airstrikes killed over 130 syrian children this month alone. Also wikileaks published documents detailing how the government is able to moniter pretty much everyone in the usa's wifi.
This kind of shit could be a distraction/ weakening tactic so that they can push their ultimate dominance agenda.
Also you see now how the "alt lite" vs the alt right is starting to become the new story..

>How far the west has fallen.

It fell a long time ago, it's completely dead at this point. We are living in it's rotting corpse.

There's nothing wrong with letting kids choose their gender and sexuality
Why do you all have to be so Boomer minded
>Back in my day
You touched penises with your friend in bushes but that was harmless experimentation but kids doing the same thing today makes them gay

Don't worry, Islam will fix it.

Islam doesn't fix anything you retard. If Islam fixed things there wouldn't still be gay Muslims
A fool learns from his own mistakes. A wise man learns from others

As usual, to avoid punishment you just learn to be more clever

i'm bi but you have my permission to shoah this.


yo never know how the tides may turn mate. Stay well you never know when we may be called into action (physical, ideologically) the west may balkanize and from these newly formed states we can reorganize and unite to push out all of this crap. records will need to be kept so we dont fall into this mistake again. even if it dosnt happen in our life time our ideas and documentation of current events can be of use to those who will rebuild.
just putting the idea out there

We have reached weirmar republic levels of degeneracy

why is it always your flag?
why do you cunts even come on this board i swear...

some of us aren't quite living, just getting by on neetbux. i can't imagine working full time and paying taxes only to watch this shit go on around me in society. we should skip the 4th reich and go right to the 5th reich.

You're the descendants of criminals and abos
You're nothing

I'm gay with a lovely bf and a cute son who I support as much as I can

:O How rude of you!
>wild sage appears!
not very nice user D:

Lmao. abos are like 3% of the population here. In canda they way more plus you guys have millions of dune coons and chinks and pakis/pajeets flooding your country. fucking leaf

>Using emoticons
Fucking homo :

>Triggered Sydney abo cunt

This is what your country elected as its leader.

He's killing more immigrants than you are
You have fuck off we're full
We have come one come all
Except they die to the harsh Canadian wilderness

Not only do they want you and your children to die, they want to humiliate you while they do it. To survive we need to gas the kikes.

So this is a channel for kids? These children could be learning about the world and its countless wonders, yet these lefties just wanna teach them about men wearing makeup and dresses. Truly disgusting.

>Canadian shit-talk
I've found the least intimidating thing in the world, guys.

>try and stop me you filthy goyim

I seriously never know if they are trolling or actually serious.. something weird going on over there.

I hate this society so fucking much

What's interesting is that when groups like ISIS state why they hate us, they point to shit like this. Degeneracy is the number one argument all Muslims use when condemning the west. Yet, liberals always complain about the nativists being responsible for Islamists hating us. This very video would make much better propaganda for them than an angry nativist. This is because Muslims can understand where nativists are coming from. A nativists logic is simple and straightforward
>you're not like us, so go back to where you came from
Muslims can understand that. However, this logic...
>there are no genders
>men can be women
>children should be tutored by these grotesque drag queens
They cannot understand this. Yet, liberals see this lack of understanding as ignorance that needs to be rectified. Thus, you start seeing "liberal" mosques start popping up. These mosques then accept female imams and praise degeneracy as something allah loves. It is no surprise Muslims would see this with such contempt. Sup Forums often looks at what radical Islam is doing, but forgets that Islam itself is being corrupted by liberals much in the same way Christianity was.

I'm convinced there will be a civil war in Europe because of this.
we used to be great...


yeah, hedonistic narcissism is destroying the west


why do fucking dykes who think they're dudes almost always wear either bowties or like a backwards cap? its the most female shit ever

that trannies face is nightmare fuel jesus christ

>If they successfully indoctrinate the children then all hope is truly lost

it shows so clearly their capacity for creative thought. This is as far as they can conceive of a male.
or maybe thats the only male look that works for them.

What i hate more than anything is when they actually try to compete with males in terms of masculinity. Like they actually challenge males and try to dominate them. Its the saddest thing to see them get btfo it really makes you pitty them.

Lol why does he have graffiti for hair?

i like to add the SH prefix to the pronouns i use for trannies, similar to how male + sh = shemale. Since these creatures can only be defined as "IT" but i dont want to be insensitive, i use the pronoun "Shit"

We are damned.

They're all going to hell. Every last one of them.

If you haven't repented yet, you must now - or follow them and burn alongside sodomites for eternity.

kys faggot.

Legit thought that was Trudeau for a sec

fucking jew



notice how the o in omg also serves as a shocked face..
see how cleaver i am Sup Forums

this is fucking sick. Nobody cares if these fags want to fukc each other or whatever but this cannot be healthy or good for children. Literally sickening.

If you start them young, the programming becomes so deeply rooted in their brains that there is no way to undo it.

Aren't pagans usually nationalistic rather than internationalists?

