Any Regrets?

We need to talk, Sup Forums.

By now it's clear to everyone except the truly insane that this man is a historical failure of a president. He's one of the most unpopular of all time and has been embroiled in numerous scandals since Day 1 of his presidency.

So, here's my question for you. Do you regret supporting him during the campaign? Or is this disaster of a president just the price we have to pay for the amazing campaign memes of 2016?

Serious discussion only, please.

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Go fuck yourself Leaf.

A fucking leaf

Oh look, a leaf

Oh you think its bad now? Wait until Muller dumps everything his investigation turns up. Trump will NOT be reelected. Republican congress will side with Trump for as long as they can in order to push their legislative agenda through, they are in a hurry to do this, because they know the Muller investigation is going to end any chance of them getting laws passed.

Nope, in fact Trump just gets better every day

I wish I could go back and vote for him 100 times

Your president literally walks the streets with faggots

No. Just no. You've been in fantasy land for like 10 months now, time to come back to reality... Trump will be reelected in 2020.

How much are you going to shake when the investigation leads to arrests on the left?

saying he's worse than what was expected or even bad is fair, but regrets talk is implying you'd vote for Hillary if you could go back in time, to which I say kys

I'm cool as a cucumber my man.
Let's just wait and see what the investigation reveals, ya? No need for any of us to get nervous just yet ;-)

He could jack off for the rest of his terms; saving the supreme Court was all he needed to do to be a success. I hope we build a northern wall to keep you retarded snow mexicans out as well tho, enjoy your sexual emergencies.

fuck off CIA nigger,
fuck off CIA nigger.

Before all this Id politics, I'm an American. Whatever happens, I'd accept it, and you should too.

>said the increasingly nervous Democrat for the 1000th time

>your president

Yea my prime minister isn't a bigoted homophobe, holy shit I should just kill myself lol

Meanwhile, this is who you retards have in the white house


Don't be angry. The DOJ is just doing it's thing, I'm sure Trump has nothing to be concerned about ;-)

yes. i thought I would have a job by now because trump was supposed to make things better for business but nothing has happened and I've been unemployed for almost a year. I wish I just voted Hillary so we would be deep into WW3/Apocalypse already and I wouldnt have to worry about getting a job.

Aww poor faggot, did Trump hurt your fee fees?

Fuck that. Everyone on the left can die for all I care. I'm not interested in following Europe into a brown hellscape. We made a mistake when we started opening immigration up to nonwhites and I want America to go back to its roots. No more new shitskins and deport and ban all criminal immigrants. Fuck globalism. Internalize everything.

>this man is a historical failure of a president

He did more than King Nigger did in 8 years you fucking retarded fellow leaf

Not even a Democrat.
Just having fun watching. You not having fun yet?

Sage for low effort bland pasta

Go get a job.

>Everyone on the left can die for all I care.
Not very American are you?
You might already be in some FBI data base no doubt.

>i-i-im not a Democrat i-i-im just like you!

You must be crying your eyes out every night

No, and go fuck yourself leaf. Every time I think he's doing a shit job or is fucking up, I remember that if Hillary had won the left would have NEVER let up. We would've gone down the shitter of progressivism even more while feminists would've been flaunting her victory as a triumph over evil white men. I remember all the magazine covers asking what was going to happen with his supporters once he inevitably got his ass kicked, and all the smug liberal faggots who had no problem wearing shirts that said "spoiler alert: she wins"

If putting up with alt-lite and kekistani faggots is the price of having the Supreme Court for another generation and constant flow of liberal asshurt, then I think I can deal with it

dont you think i've been trying? its not that god damn easy.

The left is anti American you fucking nigger

Oh no, not a president who cares about the people who made his country what it is. How horrible.
Your PM is a traitor to real Canadians. I used to only be able to make fun of the way you fags talk but now you're comically retarded. It's actually sad because you're inviting invaders in with open arms and you're going to be killed for your kindness.
Lmfao, who cares?
I'd happily commit war crimes should the country witness a civil war. Come at me nigger. You're not my countryman. You're a traitor.

Like you have any say after going Full Trudeau!
Us & Russia Will Split Your Country right on Half after The secret Alliance Happening happens.You were warned leave run for your life

>Republican congress will side with Trump for as long as they can in order to push their legislative agenda through, they are in a hurry to do this
see this is where you fucked up

republican congress doesn't do fucking anything ever

>caring about "scandals" blown up 100 times by MSM


Trump could sit on ass for the entirety of the 7.5 years he has left and still leave a better president than many we've had. Especially in modern times (post Reagan). Fuck off shill.

>By now it's clear to everyone except the truly insane that this man is a historical failure of a president.

I realize this sort of suggestion probably works with your standard leaf, leaf, but your assessment would appear to be wrong.

No, I don't regret anything relating to Trump. Clinton would have been a thousand times worse in nearly every regard. At worst, he is a real life shitposter, which is still preferable to a Clinton in the highest office in the country.

>liking Reagan
You do realize his support for jihadists caused the global Islamic terrorism problem?

I feels ya, maybe you have to move then. Being a year without income is ridiculous. Worst comes to worse, borrow some money and invest in block chain tech.

guy with a nazi flag telling what is anti-American. You can't make this kind of Irony up.
Oh please do try to start a civil war. Nothing would be more grand! The drones would pop half you off in the first 12 hours.

30 pieces of silver were transferred to your Swiss bank account

>The drones
All your base are belong to us!

please name one.

t. Leftist

islamic terrorism wouldn't be a problem if we didn't have muslims in our countries

Oh this fucking shill thread again.


pls start the civil war. I beg you! I think you guys could actually win, please do it!

I guess you are also unfamiliar with Reagan's policies on immigration, huh?

Do you fags just like him for his acting career or something?

I don't regret Trump at all.

I DO REGRET that the Republican Party won so big with him. I guess there's no way Trump would have won with high Dem turnout, but I KNEW the Republicucks would see Trump winning as a confirmation of the popularity of Dubya style conservatism or some shit and not learn and adopt Trump's populist nationalism.

Trump with a Democrat Congress would have jumped right into a good infrastructue bill, not where we are with the most do-nothing legislature in American history.




Fucking leaf. Your president literally sucks cocks and swallows sand nigger loads every day.

You poor child...

Shill or Tumblr Libtard.Yes do it no one loves you, you'll never amount to anything other a Tumblr cry baby. YOU are all alone & has to deal with 7 more years of (HIM,)then 8 years of Ivanka while we troll you the whole time so yes kill yourself.
Hahahaha haha haha haha

Considering his opposition there's not much he could do to make me regret it

The republican congress has no legislative agenda. They are there to make sure nothing happens until it switches back to democratic control.



This one's an other Backfire redpills were dropped


of course they have an agenda, it's whatever their lobbyist friends write for them.


You know....when Trump decides to pull the trigger on the enemies to the country....just think about the word treason. (OP), you realize what you are doing? Have you ever heard of sedition? How about Treason? Punishable by death. This is a very serious crime when found guilty. Remember that you are literally taking money from a domestic terrorist group to shill this board. We know you are young and think nothing is going to happen to you but you are literally committing a crime. I know your manager is trying to console you right now and give you his "legal" advice and tell you that nothing is going to happen but you know deep down inside that you have opened yourself up to some bad juju. It is not worth it to work for these people. You are not being paid unmarked cash to shill for this domestic terrorist organization. Your checks are tracked by prosecutors that LOVE this nation. They will not have mercy on you. It is time to grow up and realize that this shill thread is not worth it.

Fuck off shill
Are you too much of a coward to come try and shill in /ptg/? This man has fulfilled more promises than any President in the modern era.

In 6 months Obama's "legacy" is almost entirely erased.

Glumpftp is finished there is no recovery now. How can he even compete?

Glmupft for prison - Bernie 2020!

Should have stayed true and voted for Rand Paul. Even a True Conervative (tm) like Ted Cruz would be better. All that matters now is him stacking the supreme court with Conservatives so we can try and salvage western culture.


How long have you worked on that crap? This is all old and long gone. You need to keep up with the news....Or I guess your shilling heart is just not into it and you are using the old meme stock from David Brock's server. What a pathetic attempt to try to sway someone's opinion.



Damn the leaf isn't even trying to hide its flag in order to get the maximum amount of (you)s. Impressive



>embroiled in numerous scandals
I think you are the only one embroiled here faggot

wtf i hate trump now

Still better than the alternative. He's just been a tool at stemming the tide of socialist whoreshit.

Trump is a cunt. Hillary is a cunt. But trump didn't drain the swamp and that was the main concern with Hillary and her allegiance to money, no?

Your image macro is fucking dumb.

Trump was getting attention from CNN, MSNBC, & whatever news outlet you mofs call "fake news" because he was saying ridiculous bullshit that tickled the fancy of right wing plebs.

It doesn't take rocket science to figure out that the media's end goal is to gain ratings. Trump running for president was every news media outlets wet dream. Because, "Oooh, a dumb hollywood celebrity and meme factory is running for the most important position in the world. Lets all stop and give this train derailment all of our undivided attention."

News Media outlets (except FOX, and whatever news blog or conspiracy website you visit) thought that the American public wouldn't be as naive as we've come to find out to elect a cheeto for POTUS. In fact, you pollocks really owe a lot to CNN and the others for giving your shitposting president a platform to troll the entire world.

Trump won the election by yelling as loud as possible so that all the attention would be directed to him. Which is funny for a while when your trolling, but it eventually gets old and people start to ignore you.

Sadly, Trump wasn't trolling but just being fucking stupid, and he won by entertaining millions of incredibly fucking stupid American voters.

Nazism is the biggest fucking oxymoron we've come up with as a human species.

kek i won the internetz today

Nice pic, any more like this?

Seriously? They're tabloid tier at this point. So tabloid that they were forced to pull a literal tabloid piece from their website after being called out on it.

And then theres the stunt they pulled, and were caught red handed, in London. Pic related.





Glumpftp is finished there is no recovery now. How can he even compete?

Glmupft for prison - Hillary 2020!

kek you are fired! kek kek
trump for eternal imperator kek

Glumpftpt is finished: there is no recovery for glupfplt now. How can he even compete?

Glmupft for prison - Hillary 2020!

I didn't even vote for Trump in the election, but so far he has been bretty gud. Im pretty sure im going to vote for him in 2020 unless he actually does something bad. Not something bad according to libtards who can't think for themselves, but something actually bad.

Always kids with you pedos kikes LARPing
As "Aryan"

Shut it down


Sage Faggot's



Sage fucktards

>By now it's clear to everyone except the truly insane that this man is a historical failure of a president.

Lol you paid shills actually think this shit works?! You are out of your minds lel

>do you regret voting for him
Oh boy i sure do fucking love this meme


Sucks to be a SHILL we'll get one of you to KYS on day