China hate thread

Can we have a China hate thread?




holy shit fuck off already I'm already too heart broken

What's the story of this???

relating to animals more than humans is a sign that you're a sociopath

it literally isn't.

but animals have no feelings. fucking stupid humans

Last nights comfy China hate thread was pretty comfy. Enjoy

fuck off. humans are monkeys you fucking tard. i'd take one good dog over all the soulless chinks in china.

rip doggo.

of all the terrible shit and gore i've seen in my 36 years, for whatever reason that just brought a fucking tear to my eye. An actual tear.

thanks op, now i'm a big crying faggot

but user, chinese aren't human.


kys right now

Dog must their lobster


*kisses you* You're gay now, dude. You're gay.

busy chinks working hard to feed their family dont have to deal with retard animals running across roads. stop ignoring the struggles of the prole because you like ruffling the hair on a dog you sad manchildren

it all the jews master plan. yes goy you need to eat animal flesh. it is not degenerate to eat animal flesh.

it's because doggos are pure and don't deceive.

Why does reddit have to fucking ruin everything

hate to tell you, but you confused.

You guys only hate but don't do anything
Why don't you attack China or Free us asian from our military junta so we can stop all this shit

but NOPE when our dictator is useful
your government just use them as puppet and destroy our democracy

Chinese have no empathy or sympathy for anything. Read "Hungry Ghost" it exposes a lot of their long history of lack of empathy.

that shaking and crying at the end :'(

WTF whyyyy

y tho

lol fag kisser

Another flea machine got btfo'd. Nothing to see here.

>license plates with latin letters and numbers

Where in the western world did this happen you liar.

lol worthless cuck get back to making my new smart phone.

also fix your own shitty country

Fuck off you chink and nigger lover.

That part that gets me is the dogs breathing, like he's panting just like a child would when they were crying their eyes out.

Fuck you OP, this id sad to watch.


shit vid nobody scooped him up at the end to take home for that nights dinner

>free us asian from our military junta

it's not our responsibility. we didn't force you to be the way you are. you choose your own fate

It looks like it might be Chn: e-bikes, a beat up truck, the chick on the left looks typically Asian.

> Implying Anons aren't usually racist

Why does Share Blue have to fucking ruin everything?

t_d users need to gtfo this board now, crying about dead dogs that were destined to end up in someone's takeaway achieves nothing. Go clean your rooms

ITT: retards who don't realize that stray dogs are dangerous and should be put down.

Google a recent video of a russian guy being mauled to death by a pack of his doggo buddies after he turned up empty handed.

is that a dog trying to wake his girl up and crying afterwards? aww that gave me feels

lol what a stupid fucking dog.

Notice the semi-boner on that dog.

It's just non-stop bait.

You are trying too hard and it's showing
Find a better way to shitpost.


great apes*

I trully felt what it is to be 1 billion+ population

>we didn't force you to be the way you are
Yeah and CIA funds that send to right-wing military royalism for coup d'etat in Thailand 1957 is not your responsibility too

>has murican flag
>"hurr durr not our responsibility"

because you stupid fucks never intervene in random bullshit you have no place in. you're fucking subhuman waste, kys

hope you enjoyed all that CIA funded freedom while it lasted


Has limits

As oposed to bi-pedal apes
Resembling humans, yet lacking traits
>honesty, dympathy


Maybe he's getting rid of the fleas.

Wow xd i shoud post that to /r/wtf for swet karma xdddd

Help wit title?? XD plss!!!!

That's demonstrably not true, one of the first signs of psychopathy and tons of other anti-social behaviors is to torture animals with a developing disregard for suffering.

Chinese are really the niggers of Asia. How did they even boost their economy in the first place?

Just strictly numbers and lack of regulations?

God dammit Ching! I said walk the dog not wok the dog

but having no sympathy to animals is a sign that you're a savage, a psycopath, that probably can't relate to most humans either

ok i actually like chinese people but the way they treat dogs is deserving of nuclear annihilation ok?

I hate the chinks now more than ever. I've seen this video before and won't watch it again.
Poor doggo. Fucking chink should of ate a baby instead. Goddamn savages.

They got (((help)))


Ah yes, the superior asian IQ at work.


no matter how horrendous ...nay...heinous gore vids are posted here; this is by far one of the saddest.





you won't get cheap android phones anymore if you kill them




I wonder if he was lunch as well...







fucking delete this

Yes ok, here's something for


Here we go...




Daily reminder that actual Chinese people disappeared by the the end of the 13th century


I don't see why an unfortunate dog is reason to hate China. Dogs get hit by cars sometimes; it's sad but it happens


very sad

pic: rare depiction of King David






i hope you will die in an elevator or escalator...