China is developing Orwellian surveillance and merit system

The Chinese government has introduced a data-driven social credit system to force its citizens to be honest and trustworthy, ranking them by good or bad behaviour, with performance-related rewards and punishment.

Using algorithms to keep people honest, the central message is: “Forge a public message that to keep trust is glorious”.

The new system will make citizens more accountable and build a national credit rating system, according to the State Council or cabinet, but many are wary of allowing the Communist Party access so many personal details, especially as President Xi Jinping’s government has cracked down on personal freedom.

Due to roll out in 2020, the social credit system uses big data technology to collect information on all citizens and analyse that information to rate behaviour, including financial creditworthiness and personal conduct.

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One of the chief architects of the system is Lian Weiliang, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission.

Lian says fraud is becoming far too common in society and something needs to be done. Last year, 4.9 million people were stopped from taking flights and 1.65 million banned from trains because they had defaulted on debts.

The scope of the system is immense. In Shenzhen, thousands of unpaid parking tickets have been logged, while the People’s Daily reports that people who abuse the popular new bike-sharing schemes will see their credit rating affected.

So far, so Big Brother. There are parallels to an episode of the British science fiction Black Mirror TV show, where a woman lives in a dystopia in which people rate other’s popularity out of five stars. But while the planned mass surveillance system smacks of George Orwell orchestrated by the Men in Black, the government insists it is less sinister than it appears

>Orwellian surveillance and merit system
Doesn't surprise me that a Pole would view a system designed to measure trustworthiness this way.

“The creditworthy will be granted conveniences in education, employment and opening start-ups, while severe wrongdoing will be made public,” run directives from the State Council.

good joke and all, but the system is legit scary.
it uses gamification to seem harmless but is basically an exile system.
your score gives you benefits (at first, when the system is in place for long enough and there is no going back benefits will become necessities) for example you will only get premission to leave the country if you have at least average/upper average good-person-points. so dissent wont be so loud.
also if your credit score is affected negatively the credit score of your friends, family and other people you are linked with will also be affected a little. so showing the least bit of dissent will make you a pariah very quickly, because people dont want to be dragged down by a deadbeat conspiracy cook - especially in fucking china

fun fact: the company developing this new good-person-credit game owns leauge of legends

>nuked before it goes live
w/e chinks

Too bad 95% of china is almost as bad as Africa. All chinks are going to do is genocide themselves. Hopefully they take out some niggers and poos with them.

1st the great wall of internet that prevent most chinese to survey other website.
now the good boy system,
pretty sure it will all end up well.

China is not much culturally different than North Korea. USA government will probably use similar systems too but maybe for slighly different reasons.

>Too bad 95% of china is almost as bad as Africa. All chinks are going to do is genocide themselves. Hopefully they take out some niggers and poos with them.

Or flood flood other continents with their
humungous numbers.. Maybe its's good thing that chinks are scared of muslims in west europe.

three letter agencies already do it im sure, but it isnt public knowledge


The US version will be called the "upstanding patriot" edition and will be shilled hard here

So it's a little like good-boy-points and tendies?

as long as it doesn-t get exported to us, fuck whatever happens to those idiots.

I would agree to this only if it is completely fair and equal to all. No more politicians/rich making up bullshit to dodge responsibility or no more idiot judges giving muslims/women lighter punishments because "muh culture/patriarchy".

But it won't. When it gets implemented here in the UK, and it will get implemented here in the UK because people are stupid and our government loves Orwell's ideas, it will be used only to punish those who disagree with the government/left and not actually for justice or equality.

Yeah but this is different.

>“The creditworthy will be granted conveniences in education, employment and opening start-ups, while severe wrongdoing will be made public,” run directives from the State Council.

This suggests the unworthy won't have conveniances of education and employment, or at least limited.

aside fromstuff you post on social media it will monitor what you spend your money on as well.
if you buy stuff related to building a family your score will increase, if you buy stuff for pleasure like vidio games for example, your score will decrease.

china is fucked anyway. read up on organ harvesting of falun gong practitioners.
chinks are fucked in the head man.

We just made Good boy points a reality. I would have thought you guys would be on board with it.

>vidio games
Yellow niggers are literally only good at that and polluting tho.

>aside fromstuff you post on social media it will monitor what you spend your money on as well.if you buy stuff related to building a family your score will increase, if you buy stuff for pleasure like vidio games for example, your score will decrease.

How do you know such details? It's not out yet.

>china is fucked anyway. read up on organ harvesting of falun gong practitioners.
chinks are fucked in the head man.

Basically much bigger North Korea with state worship instead of personality worship.

>video games
>Yellow niggers are literally only good at that and polluting tho.

Only japs not chinks.

>state worship instead of personality worship

?? ??

> I would have thought you guys would be on board with it.

Oh they will be in 3-5 years when it's re-packaged with liberal flavor. It's only scary to them because the target audience of the scheme is Chinese people, not Europeans. When the European variant of this comes out, you better believe they're going to eat it the fuck up.

>Finally, we can use our police resources on things besides tracking racists!
>We need to get those nazis behind bars. We should discourage nazism on the internet.

I would rather live in a psuedo-commie, nationalistic Orwellion China than the psuedo-commie Orwellion multicultural England desu. We aren't much different to these guys but at least they have a homogeneous community.

>We just made Good boy points a reality. I would have thought you guys would be on board with it.

Living a meme.

Essentially this is good boy points on a national scale?

Yeah, totally, can't wait to collect my good goy points

>homogeneous community.
Yeah only because the filthy Han genocided everyone around them.

its been leaked for over one or two years now.
usually that subject does not get much attenton here tho

It's ok. There will be a war in the South China Sea soon and the commie government in China will collapse after they get raped.

>implying chinks don't hate that guy these days
Yep, that sucks. I really meant in a racial way rather than specific ethnicities. Hopefully cultures will return to China in time.


No they won't be China and USA annouced military cooperation like two days ago.

Gee. yeah. Great idea. Let's put more restrictions on 1.6 billion people.

The more you try to contain something, the bigger it will burst. China is a ticking time bomb.

Can't wait until China collapses and 800 million chinks kill and eat each other.


This is just going to drive the black market deeper
And its going to make rooting out corruption harder.

Why do they need such an orwellian system?
>Car insurence premiums become lower if you are a safe driver
>Lower insurence premiums if you stay healthy and dont use it that much.
>Business promotions and dividndends when business is in high demand, or you get success at work
>Medals for doing heroic deeds for your country
>Decent benefits for military service
>Credit rating still deoendant on how you pay back loans
>Felons cant own guns, or vote

Why does this need to be orewellian,
And how will this "social currency" do anything different than what we are doing now?

Yea and hundreds of milions of dog-eaters will flood europe then.

You are charged with level 2 racist wrongthink. Three ration units deducted

Femdom is the birth ground of feminism the more you know.

You aren't going to get your tendies if the state says so.

Psycho Pass is becoming reality?


>Communist country behaves like Communists
Surprise, surprise

Is that any different to the way things are now?

Doesnt the usda subsidize shit?

Because the libshit governments we have will be in charge of it and their race replacement agenda will go into overdrive and "demonetize"/destroy any of those ebyll right wingers that are preventing their utopia

>developing Orwellian surveillance
Are you aware of this country we call China,or do you think it's an island off the coast of Chile?

pretty much except the potential criminals and wrongthinkers wont be employed by the state to catch worse psychos, they will just be left by family and friends because they dont want to be dragged down. and then they´ll wither away in a 1room 5m2 apartment/ an hero/ get their organs harvested

Actually, it's interesting what will come of this attempt to scale a prehistoric reciprocity-based trust enforcement to billion counts using modern technology. One thing missing though is killing off the bottom 10% sociopaths.

You're just replacing currency with policy

I fail to see a difference between what china is proposing and soft drink taxes, affirmative action, and social security.

Can I exchange my good boy points for the credit?

Do they bonus points when they mow people down?

see there is definitely plenty in place to kill off the bottom 10%

>Femdom is the birth ground of feminism the more you know.


>tfw the mark of the beast finally reveals itself

BDSM is the normalfags first steps into degeneracy.


>The Chinese government has introduced a data-driven social credit system to force its citizens to be honest and trustworthy, ranking them by good or bad behaviour, with performance-related rewards and punishment.

because you are mentally ill if you want women to rule over you? It goes against everything natural.

I agree with this but not with
most bdsm couples have a Mf dynamic, not mF

>It goes against everything natural.

>he didn't read the instruction manual
after a certain large amount of repressiveness/ surveillance/ control, increasing it more decreases corruption

>When the European variant of this comes out, you better believe they're going to eat it the fuck up
well i had a conversation with fellow germans that where ok with limiting and controlling speech because they feared "the moon landing is a hoax" conspiracys.
no fringe and extreme shit like holocaust denial.
fucking moonlanding and ayy lmao conspiracys.

the german generation that is now about 50 years old is the worst regarding liberal gutmensch brainwashing.
german politics can only turn in another direction when this generation dies off. ironically, when this generation dies off germany will hardly be german anymore, because they are the average german.

we´re beyond fucked

I know but it shows they a missing something wholesome that they need to do that tho. They are addicted to the chemicals in their brain and trying to get a bigger kick out of them. It is a stretch but they are no different than druggies.

What if you like to torture women instead?

So that's why they made policies that shipped all of American manufacturering to china. They weaken the US while strengthing their their massive Chinese slave race.

In Germany we already have a similiar system, consisting of two parts, the Führungszeugnis, which contains every "crime" (including small things like being drunk inpublic) and the Schuldfähigkeitsausweis (Schufa) which includes information on every loan you've ever taken (such as wether you baid them back in time, how big they were etc.).

While most people don't even notice how often those documents are checked, they can damage your life quite a bit.

For example, a friend of mine was once caught with brass knuckles (which he claims to have found just shortly earlier), and even now ten years later he has still trouble getting a good job because his Führungszeugnis contains a line stating that he was convicted for illegal possesion of forbiden weapons.
There are also cases where people had their drivers licenses revoked because they had once been in contact with organized criminals and "could be expected to use their vehicles to commit crimes".

>So that's why they made policies that shipped all of American manufacturering to china. They weaken the US while strengthing their their massive Chinese slave race.

Who kikes?


Yes. The elites/bankers/illuminati/reptile whatever the hell they are.

Well this system doesn't apply to refugees as they can commit as many crimes as they want in Germany and nobody i doing anybthing to them.

I wonder why that is, (((Germany)))...


china will consume itself

>when this generation dies off germany will hardly be german anymore
This day just can't come soon enough

what are you implying
i´m 100% kraut. i eat bratwurst and all that i swear

Sounds awesome


I seriously don't think they will implement it fully though. This shit is scary as fuck and it will serve as an example for our own societies. They day of the walls are coming, and we are going to be outside the walled cities.

A rewarding system > punishing system

Seems fine. China since old time had an social elevator system rewarding education, culture, skill regardless of origin. You can exclude yourself from this system, but you`ll lose out.

Want to be successful at life? Study harder than the rest and excel at exams, have good social behaviour, persuit a linear upwards progression with clear goals and achivements.

For gigantically huge society with limited resoures and perspectives - the best deserve the best, and a clear path and requirements to become best motivate others to try harder - both in study, work and social aspect.

EU and UK eventually will do the same going full 1984

>Sorry goy! It's the law. We must shut you down for hate speech

EU is enforcing new antisemitic laws. (1st june 2017)

>Calls on the Member States to encourage the media to promote respect for all faiths and appreciation of diversity, as well as training for journalists concerning all forms of anti-Semitism, in order to address possible bias;

>Calls on those Member States where there has as yet been no invocation of motives based on race, national or ethnic origin or religion or belief as constituting an aggravating factor in a criminal offence to remedy this as quickly as possible, and to act to have the Council Framework Decision on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law fully and properly implemented and enforced, so as to ensure that anti-Semitic acts are prosecuted by the Member States’ authorities in the online as well as in the offline environment;

B-b-b-ut we live in modern democracy, we will vote right people in and they will make sure that we are on the right side of the wall, r-r-right?

>Calls on the Member States, regarding the Code of Conduct agreed between the Commission and leading IT companies, to urge online intermediaries and social media platforms to take expeditious action to prevent and combat anti-Semitic hate speech online;

>Highlights that schools offer a unique opportunity to transmit the values of tolerance and respect, since they reach out to all children from an early age;

>Encourages the Member States to promote the teaching of the Holocaust (the Shoah) in schools and to ensure that teachers are adequately trained for this task and equipped to address diversity in the classroom; also encourages the Member States to consider reviewing school textbooks to ensure that Jewish history and contemporary Jewish life are presented in a comprehensive and balanced way and that all forms of anti-Semitism are avoided;

It will be pretty dystopic but at least the air will be clear, you will know who is who and who you're dealing with, there'll be no more excuses. Bet it'll be comfy for psycho-autismo fucks like us.

>Calls on the Commission to closely liaise with international actors such as UNESCO, the OSCE and the Council of Europe, as well as other international partners, in order to combat anti-Semitism at international level;

> Insists on the need to provide enforcement authorities with targeted training on combating hate crime and discrimination, and on the need to set up dedicated anti-hate crime units in police forces where such units do not yet already exist, and calls on EU agencies and international organisations to assist Member States in providing such training;
>anti-hate crime units in police forces
>anti-hate crime units
>anti-hate crime units

>A rewarding system > punishing system
It's both rewarding and punishing in this case.

>ywn smash that

Do you have more Happy Merchant+Wojak or Happy Merchant+Pepe memes?

its not like crime spiked and we would need a police trained to combat and prevent terrorist attacks.
i mean look at this wageslave who never was able to leave the country for vacation venting his anger and frustration on facebook. hes really dangerous and probably a reichsbürger as well

What's that.

I'm implying that implementing a Chinese Orwellian Good Goy Social Tracking System is Mutti's wet dream.


Is this jealousy Sup Forums is having that they don't have such a system to fix their countries


people that believe germany is not a sovereign nation because the BRD was a substitute implantet by the allies until germany would be ready to stand on its own feet and institute its own set of laws again.
they usually think they can avoid taxes because of that.




that's all i got

Facebook knock off. Cuckenberg must be furious.

>who abuse the popular new bike-sharing schemes will see their credit rating affected.

This is already sort of a reality. If you're employed in the PRC and your employer leaves a bad "review" of you on the government database then you're pretty much fucked trying to find another job.

>they usually think they can avoid taxes because of that.