EU migrant army. With the recent influx of migrants in the EU and with an EU army looming on the horizon

EU migrant army. With the recent influx of migrants in the EU and with an EU army looming on the horizon.
Do you think this was an EU plan to have the migrants serve in the EU army? Do you think that this army will be used within or outside of the EU? Most migrants are military aged men, most migrants dont have gainful employment and live on gibs. This could be a way of removing the migrants from our cities, putting them into camps and training them to kill.

The Muslim hoards of the EU wouldn't fight for the EU, it would be a split between those who do their jobs and those who party like it's bush era Afghanistan all over again. If they left, fought for Isis and came back to the EU they would be let back into the country, that's already business as usual.

The "EU" army you speak of would be hardly more than one militia attempting a coup for European law and order while the other militia attempts a coup for sharia law and Islam. I thought this was common knowledge.

If its your plan to eliminate white people form Europe, who better than to recruit shitskins? They will fight for that cause. Europe will cease to exit within our lifetime.

So the EU army would work with migrant militias to supress 'rogue' EU states such as Poland and Hungary?

Have you ever seen nigger or arab combat footage?

They can't even aim down sights. These idiots make the Chinese army during WW2 competent.

That would be my thought, if trained and applied throughout the EU they wouldnt have any compassion, which would be the problem if you sent Europeans to suppress Europeans.

In a sense they'd be the same ones invading them. As they are already trying to invade it's the same shit. The EU is trying to pressure those countries into taking these people. The only thing this hypothetical migrant EU army would change is arming and training these migrants first, which honestly wouldn't surprise me from Merkel

Yes but they'd be trained in European standard of warfare, arguably the best. So the question is, do you think they are capable of succeeding in such training?

Their preference is low IQ shitskins, because they are easily controlled and can be taught to shoot a gun straight. They dont really have to be all that good, they just have to kill whites. What do they care about casualties on their own side? Theres plenty of shitskins to replace them.

If you can force eastern Europe to take them, then you will have new recruits impeded for your campaign.

M8 niggers can't aim and because of social spending the EU army will be underfunded.

Thats not even adding all the logistical or communication problems.

And thats also with the implication that nations will give up their national armies instead of providing some units for EuroBatalions.

If you draft all the people on welfare, then you can redirect those funds to the army and if everyone on welfare is a military aged shitskin, well, that works out just perfectly.

By who?
The German army is shit, and the French ain't that much better.

Not to mention that doesn't make up for the language problems or low IQ. These fuckers can't read and write in their own language. Do you expect them to learn 5 European ones as well.

>The best


The point is that they wouldn't have to be good, Europeans don't own guns and wouldnt be able to resist without national armies, which in this worst case scenario they wouldn't have... I agree its a long shot, just something i was thinking about if i were (((them))) what would the end game look like.

>The niggers will accept that
>Such a law will pass on the local level let alone European one
>That still doesn't account for pensions and healthcare. Which are the biggest spendings

they can be trained. you don't need a high IQ for the infantry, just to be young and healthy.
an EU army is an inevitability at this point, I don't know why anyone pretends otherwise. even the normie right supports it because everyone's tired of having to put up with Turkey and with USA's Zionist Middle East adventures.

>Partitioning of Germany inevitable, says senior Sup Forums official.

Why woudlnt they? It advances the goals of Islam. The rest of policy, which can easily be changed.

Some Europeans own guns. France, Poland and the Czech have good gun laws.

And the biggest problem is that nobody wants to pay for it. If anything the EU army will be NATO for Binland and Cuckland to not trigger Russia.

What gun rights does Poland have?

>He doesn't know of shia vs sunni conflict
>he doesn't know of ethnic conflicts
>He doesn't know arabs and niggers are lazy.

The "plan" as with any of these policies is for some jew to get rich.
A fucking migrant army? Are you retarded? Sure, they might take a couple hundred million and waste it on some (((programs))) but there won't be a fucking migrant army, you absolute retard.

You can get a hunting license pretty easily and they don't have retard tier restrictions also Black Powder guns are unregulated.

You don't need a high IQ or high-end weaponry to perform genocides. See what untrained Hutus managed to do with machetes in Rwanda.

They just need an army of hateful grunts for most of the work and a small, real military force to take control of key points.

I believe similar to the uk, low power shot guns and rifles. But i do not know

All those can be put side until they defeat their common enemy.

Sunnis are 90% of all Muslims and Shias are getting annihilated everywhere except Iran courtesy of Nato. It's not much of a conflict.

so no white genocide in europe, just muh shekels?

The EU army won't be a multy ethnic slave army for Brussles. Because as Austria Hungary as an example it doesn't work. The EU army will be a 2nd NATO with some more Eurobattalions.

No they can't mate.
A civil war broke out in the FSA between moderate and less moderate behaders while getting fucked in the ass by the SAA. And those are all Suni Syrians.

>this army will be used within
yup, it's all that it will be used for,giving beaurocrats more power

yes, it's being pitched as Nato without Turkey and the Anglos but with currently neutral states (Austria, Finland etc) instead

No, they would just smoke hashishe and go to sleep in the middle of enemy fire.

Unless you're underage, you should know that it's always about the shekels.

Your not thinking big enough. First you form the army and make shekels off it. then you have this army of shitkins sitting around, you have to do something with them? Whites have a lot of wealth in Europe and they are unfortunately intelligent and dont want to be wiped out, so you wipe them out, because whites are all racist and make hate speech.

very good point

And thats the selling point.

As neither Finland nor Sweden are in NATO yet they have problems with Russia, which would escalate if they did join NATO

It's an issue in their command structures.
As long as the command structure is good they will probably be relatively effective fighters.

So as the american user said, what to do with the shitskin army?

shekels then ((agenda))

> non-whites beating whites in a war
> non-whites beating whites whilst the white majority armies and reserves stand-by do nothing
stop posting
it'd be a dream come true if all the mongrels and migrants were in an "army" and started "wiping us out" tomorrow, so we could clear shit up in a month and then still have August for good summer chill-sessions
Meanwhile in the real world, in the event of an "ethnic clash", what we're MOST lilely to worry about here in Europe as WHITES, is some natocuck NIGGER coming in, to "save poor muslims" and whatnot
Fuck off

Lets train a bunch of muslims in combat i cant see what the problem would be with that.

It's an issue of muslims being low iq inbred retards.

Actually, yes. They want to be enslaved. They have been giving up their freedoms for decades. They dont even bat an eye when their women and children get raped. How much more cucked can a people get?

implying that EU nations will still have stand alone armies

And what you're implying is that armies are going to be removed and be replaced with migrant armies. You're obviously retarded, so please continue talking to the ameridumb.

>Migrants flee from conscription in their home countries
>Are conscripted in the EU
Like pottery

You want to talk to me about freedoms, you obese, foodstamping burgerboy, who can get magdumped by an obese foodstamping policeman for jaywalking?
The fucking ground zero for all sorts of non-white "awesomeness" propaganda and other type of subhuman fascination?
You're going to talk to ME, when you live in a borderline 3rd world shithole where niggers rob people in grocery stores?
When what we're dealing with in regards to shitskins is the FRACTION of all amerinigger problems?
I sure wonder what the fuck you'd like to say about your own "country" if you follow the same line of thinking, you disgusting mongrelized sack of genetic trash. Or which one of us lives in a country where one could unironically post about niggers on fb WITHOUT getting fired

Can't be much different than the thousands of spics who fight for us

Is it so hard to imagine cucked european nations handing over their armies to brussles?
Is it so hard to imagine that jobless migrants will flock to be trained how to fight?
Is it so hard to believe that once the last shekel has been milked, they turn on the europeans in jihad?

implications. implications everywhere.

So would, if Poland got attacked, Putin come and save Poland ? Or is that an absolute no because of their nato involvement

If they asked, i mean if not the other outcome is the USA as a Nato member.

Fuck jaywalkers. Niggers doing to do what niggers going to do, thats why you CC. Only 3rd world are left control cities, which are cities run as a reflection of Europe. Which is why Detroit looks so much like Paris.

ahah whose binland and cuckland, is that Britain and Germany

jobless migrants don't even take basic jobs, because it's way easier to live on benefits, so yes they wouldn't "just" go to the army
yes, people will protest if on top of more recent policies, the EU starts meddling with defensive capabilities never mind the fact, that some fucking imaginary MIGRANT ARMY is not suddenly going to replace the police forces, special units, navies, airforces, etc of countries.
Why do you even come here and post absolutely idiotic "opinions", are you an imbecile?
Consider removing yourself from the gene pool unless you're literally a fucking kiddo, in which case you should just fuck off and go do your homework.

>take in lots of goatfuckers (latin: Bangus Rockstogetherus) that only want gibs and destroy the host nation's culture history and tradition and replace it with their own backwards medival barbarism
>give them guns to kill the white people even quicker
solid plan

literally the same damage control every time

I really don't think they care about whites, to them a shitskin peasant is the same as a white peasant

okay maybe i underestimate the how lazy these fuckers are, youre right. I just thought it would be interesting to here some user opinions on the subject. And although i take your points that it would be difficult to achieve, i and other anons do not think it is so far out of the realms of reality, and worth a discussion at the very least.

Then stop making the same points. Are you fucking retarded?

Why, do you, not understand where, to put, a comma?

brilliant idea. we can zerg rush with them, we just need to put an MG 42 behind them

He put the comma exactly where it needs to be.

They come here for an easy life on benefits. You'd have to pay them VERY well for them to join any armed forces. The average NEET nigger is paid way more than some conscript.
>OGGA BOOGA wat to do? Party, do drugs and fuck white women all day or join the army?

You're getting it backwards. The migrants aren't for the army, the army is for the migrants. Send European men to die in some pointless war, then oh look what a coincidence, we just happen to have all these arab and african men to take their place. How very fucking convenient.

That works to. Whos going to be keeping the meat fresh?

This one's yours Ivan, butcher them in their sleep.

Seems you haven't served with churkas. They absolutely can't be relied on, undisciplined, prone to criminal behaviour, where there is a lot of them a unit turns to shit. Also those fucks didnt fight for their own country, why would they fight for eu? Giving them weapons and training is a really bad idea, even eu fuckheads should understand that.

Le keque

Its like getting stabbed and trucked just isnt fast enough tgey want to give them guns now.