Rumors of Judge Kennedy's retirement
Only rumors but it is still interesting to speculate. What justice should Trump appoint provided he does retire?


I would hope someone from his original list.


shameless self bump.

Wow nice thread newfag, go back to r the donald you homosexual

We already know: Thomas Hardiman.

Thomas Hardiman was the runner-up for Scalia's seat, but barely lost out to Neil Gorsuch. Trump, it was reported in multiple articles, flew Hardiman into Washington, D.C. and told him if another Supreme Court seat opened up, it'd be his.

Stop shilling your mongolian folk religion gmyc you Ugric roach.

He should nominate Obama.

Basically this.

Is he good? Is he more conservative than Clarence Thomas?

>doesn't into the difference between "puppet" and "conservative"

(you) have nothing to contribute here. Go back to

He really should nominate a prolife anti-LGBT Muslim to troll the hell out of the left.

My money is on Amul Thapar, honestly. He was one of the four Trump interviewed for the first seat. We will get the first poo justice.

Usually when there are rumors about something random, there is a reason.

If he wasn't thinking about it, there wouldn't be articles. He's not even the oldest Justice. High percentage this guy retires pretty soon

No one is more conservative than Thomas.

>t. Garland
Kys, ywn be a scotus faggot

Trump will get to replace kennedy, ginsburg and breyer with conservative judges and you will never get to take their seats. How does that make you feel?

Sample is small atm but Gorsuch has paired with Thomas on all the decisions so far right? He will be even further right than Thomas screencap this.

Pryor is better

How can other justices even compete?

We know his position on fire and drugs at least

Refusing to retire under Obama is punishment for killing Scalia imo. Ginsburg too. They obviously can't come out and say it and they keep their rulings in line with their own honest interpretation of the Constitution. But they saw the evil that Obama represented.

Obama allowed Ginsburg to stay because they really thought Hillary would win and Dems would take the senate, and they cut a deal to make Obongo replace Ginsburg.

I think they expected to win. But Ginsburg held out for a reason, all the more after Scalias death. And it wasn't to do Obama any favors.

A non-jew.

If trump gets a third justice, it'll definitely be a jew

Peter Thiel.

Legit based black guy

None were on his list of 11. But I wouldn't be surprised.

Wait Sotomayo is more liberal than Keagan?

She's younger and has a Sephardic jewish last name.

>What justice should Trump appoint

Obviously Trump should appoint a Justice who will follow the Constitution and not make new law from the bench.

One other thing I would like to see is the new Justice's willingness to repeatedly sneak up behind Justice Ginsburg and yell "Boo."

Bump for more sc banter