Please Stop Shilling This Bitch Everywhere

She's a 22 year old "political activist" who uses her tits to get shekels on Jewtube and Patreon. Stop plastering her here.

Other urls found in this thread:

>anti-Lauren Southern thread #1290
Literally more annoying than Lauren Southern herself. Sage

Yet, here you are doing the same thing, giving her attention, nice job idiot.

She's 34 not 22.

Literally who?

who is this semen demon?


I'd still lick her armpits clean though

>implying I'm Lauren Southern
Was it summer?

>listening to female political commentators

fucking lul

>Stop Shilling This Bitch Everywhere
You just did.
Is she hurting for money or something since the youtube changes?

Get the fuck out and shill your kike-loving, coal burning ass elsewhere.


she's looking more and more volkisch by the day

how the fuck am I just a few months older than her?

im going to get my life together

and im going to impregnate Lauren Southern

guys I have a crush on Lauren, she is a q t

at least she showed she had a shred of integrity and self awareness in her latest video

otherwise, shit that Sup Forums started has been taken over by ultrakikes attention whores

She's hot

>someone on this board legitimately believes I am Lauren Southern
I've seen it all

yeah, it's good that she isn't a white nationalist or a white supremacist, and that she believes in equality for all. cause you know fuck the white race..

I would sniff her balloon knot

same desu

She's okay, but i would have to put a gag in her mouth. cause you know damn well she would never shut the fuck up.


That's where you got it wrong mate

I think you mean scream with delight at the prospect of having white children
Gagging here would mean missing out on heaven bru

autistic nips can't diffirentiate between sexes

Godspeed brother. Godfuckingspeed.

post the tailor proof
top tier waifu

yes please stop posting about this slut, she has the most basic opinions possible but faggots eat it up and shill her here because she's hot. it's like 2008 Sup Forums all over again with fucking boxxy

Don't blame me

>People care about her opinions
are you retarded bru?

Go evidence, I'm genuinely interested.

Know what, OP? I bought her 60-page pamphlet and if I ever meet her we will surely fall in love and I'll have her butt. You are so mad.

< Feminist.

You can't seriously hate her because you know full well you just created another 300+ post Lauren thread and gave her more exposure

Here're a couple of Taylor Swift nudes.


jesus christ I thought she was over 30.

>being attracted to an adipose deposit of a woman instead of a qt face
it's like niggers are completely subhuman

Fuck you for reminding me, Sven

She's Ezra Lavants mouthpiece.
Attention whore. The idea is to promote any every so called alt right opinions with the exception of one. The Jew.
The only one that matters

You can't even properly meme, you spergy child.

>qt face
Fuck off blind pedo.

>autists literally do not understand human attractiveness
how fucking stupid can you leafs be

She left The Rebel months ago. And now she is saying the stunt done by Rebel was idiotic.

good point

She's just another alt-light cuck. But perhaps since she no longer works for the jew at rebel media, a full red pilling might be possible, although not likely.

>autistic subhuman niggers actually believe this

women lie about their age... nothing new
but the sun does age you very quickly and she is outside a lot.

>the stunt done by Rebel
please elaborate.

she said she wasn't alt-right or alt-light in her latest video

Taylor Swift has a dick

Rabbi media hired her
She shelled for them
She refuses to name the Jew
Refuse to name the jew, you still shill for you know who.

She's easy to look at and has insight. Stop telling me not to like what I like, kike.

All of her talking points are alt-light, she refuses to name the jew. She is alt-light.

Laura Loomer and Jack Posobiec obnoxiously disrupting that Caesar play in NY because it "incited violence". And then holding a rally against political violence around the same time as Richard Spencer where they held signs against "hate speech". They're behaving like leftists now

denial overload

Why do americans look so fucking old? I always figured she was in her early 30s. My mom looks younger than her.

Oh wow haven't seen this pic before.

Get the fuck out of here shill. No one is buying what you're selling.


She's alt kike

She's a one trick pony and is going to disappear of her own, no reason to actively work against her.
Our new darling is Laci Green anyway, now that she's become /ourgirl/.

>Kids waving white power flags must go on - Lauren Southern 2017

oh wow, no surprise Levant couldn't hold back his jewish autism.

what surprise she doesn't even know what the fuck she's talking about. if there's something to complain about with liberals bet your ass she's sounding off about it.
she's just around as (((controlled opposition))) to keep the liberals jimmies rustled.

overall pretty fucking annoying voice and 5/10 at best.

see: Timothy 2:12

She's not American. She's a leaf.

no, that thing is way too gross to be anything

I'd suck that
Shit I'd've sucked the dick of the last guy who tucked her

Literally nobody shills for her anymore.
The last threads about her was like "FUCK THIS SHEMALE WHORE" or "FUCK THIS BLACKED PIECE OF SHIT"

>Has never dated a nigger
>Has to pose for pictures with black "artists"
>Beta cucks on the internet imply she is a coalburner

>Not American
And they're dumb too.

yeah dude she's definitely not controlled op

Correct. Every single thread about her is negative. Almost like there's some kind of coordinated character assassination effort going on, hmmmm.

bump for OP

Fuck up kike.
Shill your divide and conquer elsewhere.

>being this much of a cuck
kys faggot

It's pathetic how grown men are watching the political ramblings of a 21 year old college dropout. This girl has neither the experience nor the expertise to speak on anything outside of anti-sjw topics, which is low-hanging fruit. That being said, would you cuckolds prefer she be a feminist like every other women her age?

Women should not be listened to, period. All women are natural leftists and empty shells.

Does an attractive white woman confuse your autism cuck boy?
Are you incapable of admiring her aryan genes

>Has never dated a nigger
>But fucked with every one she ever met
>Sine its the only way to make big in the pop scene
Do you ever dream your waifu sucking black cock or do you just imagine it while jerking to horse porn?

>stop shilling this bitch

Go one further OP. Stop shilling everyone of these fucking alt-right ecelebs. They're bloggers not journalists. Not a single source on anything they say. Its all just to pander to those faggots that hang around in /ptg/ threads who think KEK is the single, greatest LE MEME ever.

>who uses her tits to get shekels on Jewtube and Patreon
She doesn't have tits though. Try again shill.

that's a really bad picture

Fuck off cuck. She's a nigger lover with a disgusting lisp

Stop posting that kike whore zionist holocaust myth perpetuating cunt

Real men don't listen to the ramblings of petty frivolous weak minded women.
She should be telling white women to breed while a baby is attached to each fit.
Really did she think she could lead men?
That's just Jewish

>being this much of a cuck
Dude, you have a photoshopped picture of a white woman with a nigger, and you are talking about who is a cuck? Look in the mirror.

>Timothy 2:12
but religion is dead. society is fucked beyond repair.
Even the people who believe in it don't actually follow it, because it's to hard or doesn't fit with today's society.
The only way it work if it's made into law. like the muslims do.

neck yourself you 60IQ pathetic cuck

you mad cuckboi

she did the refugee smuggling in italy thing

that makes her automatically better than most of the other youtube faggots

She's only 22? Fuck me I thought she was at least 35. Either way she means shit to me I'm an old twat who was redpilled 25 years ago.

Calm down Mac.
I'm sure if you write another 10000 letter to Taytay, she'll send you a signed picture of her with being rammed by five black dicks at a time.

>She should be telling white women to breed while a baby is attached to each fit.
She does that though.

if it wasn't for plastic surgery that kike whore wouldn't look that white!

Kill yourself pathetic cuck, Lauren is /ourgirl/.

oh wow damn... first time I see a post about her age.

>fucking told him she's a coal burner again
>dispute her myriad of relationships never being with a nigger
>got 5 gudboi points
>gonna get some tendies from mummy

>Kill yourself pathetic cuck, Lauren is /ourgirl/.

Oy vey!

Nope, that's Laci.

She just said she wasn't.