I thought these ex-military types would mostly be on our side when push comes to shove, but they all seem to be mostly cuckservative types. How bad is this for our long term prospects? Yeah, the guy in the video is a turbo-autist and extremely cringe inducing, but they freaked out on him because his signs were "anti-Semitic". Not good. These are the same people talking about "Civil War in the next 3 years". We need to organize effectively ourselves instead of latching onto alt-lite and cuckservative demonstrations. Our ideas will just be purged when latched onto any other movement.
Oath Keepers
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>idiot provocateur gets tossed
Nah, fuck off.
Im having a hard time understanding whats going on, oath keepers are mexican illegals right? But the guy in the video was ridiculing the altright posters then some bean chokes his ass, i dont understand whos on who's side here
Most of those subhumans were pencil pushers anyway. They'll be dead of natural causes by the time the day of the rope comes
I haven't seen a single oath keeper yet that's is in good enough health and physique to last a week as an insurgent or rebel. They are a bunch of larpers that were likely navy or airforce and are still asshurt about infantry picking on them. They are a joke.
>Muh greatest ally
When will retards learn that no nation is actually our friend because alliances are only about looking out for one's best interest. If Israel or all of our allies could have all their problems fixed with the push of a button that also nuked the US, their only concern would be if the button would be used against them.
Your friend doesn't take military technology you gave them to defend themselves and turn around to sell it to the Chinese.
absolutely right
i know one of these and he is ex navy
it's because antisemitism is extreme normie-repellent that if you had any clue would be left to the very end of shifting the overton window and literally as worse optics as you can get
most normal people can understand muslims being crazy and blacks not being smart but jews are out to kill the white man sets off the tinfoil alarm in anyone who doesnt spend years on here
Oathkeepers we're infilitrated by leftists
Oath Keepers are just stolen valor LARPer conspiracy theorists. I haven't seen a single one who actually served in the military or law enforcement.
Good goyim, no blood for Israel is anti-semitic and not just common sense
>not fighting for Israel is another SHOAH
Maybe instead of Russian investigation there should be Israeli one and AIPAC arrests?
Yeah now we find out the "Oath Keepers" are just one more layer of cucks we have for enemies.
Seems like the "Oath Cuckers" started telling the Pepe poster goy he had to leave, then couple other cucks started threatening him, escalated fast and the worst guy choked out the memer.
Really a bad scene, I think we should spend some effort investigating and pressing charges against the man who choked ourguy. That is assault and battery with attempt to cause grevious bodily damage, while the ourguy literally did nothing wrong, and the attacker, had no right or justification to touch him in any way. If he is ex law enforcement he should face additional charges and lose his gun rights.
Most are ex military, but allot of ex military intel and intel. They are hardened truthers (know 9/11 was a Mossad attack). These people arnt idiots, they know what the alt right is (jewish controlled opposition) and ejected this shill in seconds
This is a good omen. They are the real deal
POGs who wish they did infantry while in service.
Yea, because you dont have to be in great shape to be allowed into an F22 raptor, idiot. Navy seals are all landwhales aswel.
Obvious shill thread is obvious ''Milo is /ourguy'' lel praise kek ''Gavin Maguiness is so based hehe'' -
Yet a large scale national militia of ex military, navy, airforce and intel who are disgruntled truthers and know who did 9/11 are shit ?
Your too obvious
They're boomers.
Their founder is a Jew. What do you expect?
> implying these guys are seals or pilots
Some of these OT guys were at the Boston rally. They seemed less interested in talking to anyone and just stood around at parade rest like a bunch of buzz kill cop shmuck wannabies. They just told people to back up, move forward, stand over here, etc.
Power tripping. No thanks.
We defend the Constitution and freedom.
Traitors of the republic will face judgement.
"Our honour is loyalty"
that guy who choked him is an illegal immigrant.
Defend the constitution... kick someone out of a protest for "hate speech"
What constitution are those retards reading?
>anti semitism is a normie repellent
you have absolutely no idea how wrong you fucking are. You clearly haven't ever interacted with anyone in reality if you have never had people make casual jew jokes or even spent any time watching anything on tv.`
Every cop is a useful idiot, helpful for turning A into B but unable to think about C
>What about the memes?
>What about the memes?!
>This is not Comic Con!
my sides
The Israeli one
Supposedly the illegal was not an Oath Keeper. Who knows though, they could be liying.
"OathCucks" are completely AntiWhite. Fuck them and their LARPing. They should be at the Border protecting our sovereignty, instead they're attending Alt-Right rallies and aligning with the POC's.
Ex-military means they are too stupid to make a career in the most brain-dead profession available.