Europe is domed and there is nothing anyone can do

Let's be real for a moment
Migrants and shitskins are going to destroy Europe and in30 years we will be minorities

There is nothing any of us can do about that
Why even bother?

The best thing to is maybe go to Japan. Weebs are a lot better than shitskins

Not true. It's the long con that's important.
Split the fighting age populations of African nations by importing them into European nations, weaken their genes and culture is obliterated. Europeans are worried but the worry just insures their culture will be protected. It's part of the plan. So African and middle eastern nations are left dependent, confused, and split across the world.
Now they can't defend their lands. All those minerals. Shit, we will send the migrant refugees' kids back to genocide the cultural Africans. It will be paradoxical. Bang, all those sweet minerals and relatively clean Africa.
The white man then turns on the relatively small populations in Europe.
After that we just have to decide what to do with Asia, maybe live in peace.
Israel was never anything. Too small to worry about. They'll be dealt one swift blow right as it all sets off. Nobody will miss the desert.
Peace is coming.

This is an interesting take I've never heard. Makes me think you're Jewish.

Need to type something here

>there is nothing to do
i can understand why you thought i was jewish but no

Blond cunt fucked the theme

you do not stand up in the middle of a war declaring that your job is done


>Protect your family
>spread the truth
>Hang the traitors
>Remove kebab
>Gas the kikes
>get rid of that stupid flag

Thats it

Show your flag, burgershart. Europe is 90% white and has a population of 700 million.

>The best thing to is maybe go to Japan. Weebs are a lot better than shitskins

Why do burgers think that the destruction of Bongistan, Frenchistan and Merkelistan (aka the Axis of faggotry) will drag down the entire continent?
Sweden is long gone, so that doesn't count

>in 30 years we will be minorities
>There is nothing any of us can do about that
>Why even bother?

So you not see the irony of your post?
When do you think the race war will come? Who do you think will start it?
You're waiting for a saviour that might not come.

I'm not telling you to go out and fight back against the 3rd world invaders but if you want something so bad, then you have to go get it. You must be ready to give up everything and by everything I mean everything. It's going to be a blood bath but white people don't have to be on the losing side in this war. It's not too late for white people to fight back.

Damn when did they build this? It must be fucking huge. You guys finally got sick of the rapefugees and built a dome. That's great! Build Dome When?


The incoming migrants are extremely divided among themselves and are mostly illiterate with a very low IQ. They could be 100 million and we could still handle them if we had a government in place that's not hijacked

Do you have the webm the og thread was deleted. That's one fucked up redpill.


Stop peddling the minority meme. At worst we won't be an absolute majority but we'll still be a minority. The thing is, even 10 to 15% of a given population can influence politics, culture & the economy if we don't deport them soon.

Also, this:

>we'll still be a minority.

47%, 23%, etc...47% is still the most populous.

Nothing will happen, no war will take place, just a slow demographic change of people.

It's true I'm going to Latin America hopefully a place where Islam won't take over. Anyone staying on the Eurasian continent is a fool.

I think that's it. Spread it far and wide.

And you can see him trying to pull his pants down at the beginning, right before she tries to get up and he shoves her back down.
Fuck these animals.

They look like kids
Kids are dumb cunts anyway

Gotta teach them while they are young.

Why do you French cunts always defend this?

>rape and sexually motivated assault isn't as bad when victims and perpetrators are dumb kids.
Ok Abdul

Why do "Australians" always defend their national genocide?
Day of emu when?

We don't defend it just admit it happened and try to get on. The emu wars are a Jewish Psyop used to demasculinate the population

Kids can't even get boners l

This girl will either be redpilled forever and grow up traumatized or be a coalburning niggercock-hungry whore

Albert Pike envisioned whites eventually eradicating all Jews and Muslims in a massive conflict that would propel the world into a new era of civilization and prosperity.
If you think European men wouldn't form partizan groups and start killing the invaders, and the people who opened the gates for them, then you have no idea what our history has been like.

Throughout the ages it never required a majority to start nation changing action. Even the revolutionary war in the US was fought by less than 10% of colonists, most people sat on the sidelines and lived life as normally as they could. It does not take as many people as you'd think to completely destroy standing power structures and begin a new regime. Organized white anger is more powerful than a hurricane.

>It does not take as many people as you'd think to completely destroy standing power structures and begin a new regime
Hence why the negro-islamic menace is still a vivid danger despite the false "muh minority whites meme" that is being peddled despite being implausible.

>Need to type something here

Bulletproof domes? Diversity barriers? Cultural enrichment enclosures?

You can get boners as young as 6, maybe even earlier. Didn't know what they were or what they were for, but definitely got them.

How does it feel to be retarded ?

>Europe is domed and there is nothing anyone can do
Wrong. War cleans away all sinners and the sins that go with them.

Let us hope

However that's why we're facing a new form of warfare. Financial and Biological warfare. The masses may not realize in time this go around.

>The black flag will fly above the dome