Is XXXTentacion Sup Forums approved?

Is XXXTentacion Sup Forums approved?

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no you fucking idiot
smokepurpp and ski mask the slump god gonna be the only new school dons who stay relevant


Negative, ill appreciate a domesticated nigger when I see one. They are not welcome on Sup Forums. This is not an emotional board for venting retards sorry about it young Uzi listening dumb ass nigger.kissyface

Of course he hates Drake the epitome of the weak beta male. He embodies the raw masculinity of your stereotypical black male. He shows pathetic white boys what they are lacking and thus gives them a chance to reclaim their missing masculinity. This leads to less women burning the coal as they can choose white alphas males now. You could say XXXTentacion is the Malcom X of our generation
>also the bass goes hard

Literally who?

Obviously spoiled nigger who punched a pregnant woman and chimped out when a dude tried to fight him so he stabbed the dude onstage.

also played out manlet joke

An illiterate nigger

What is this word salad here? Lmfao. Let me guess if i respond and say drake is a devil worshipper i am AJ tier. It i respond and say he is a Jewish puppet made to demasulunise the white male (most of his base). If i say he's just a domesticated nigger with a whiter voice

no quit fucking asking he's a stupid nigger and he got knocked out like a little bitch
swear to god post this fucking thread again

will you fucking lovers of this no talent manlet cunt please fuck off and stop trying to promote his degenerate music. You think he's cool now because you're a dumbass. A couple of years from now he'll be a sellout mainstream hack singing with rihanna in chart songs the same way Tyler, kanye, chance all do/did.

Stop following other peoples music tastes. Better yet -d ie.

dis nigga is fuckin based

No idea who this is or why should I care. Saged.

>He embodies the raw masculinity of your stereotypical black male. He shows pathetic white boys what they are lacking and thus gives them a chance to reclaim their missing masculinity.

>5 foot 3

some IQ 85 nigger with face tats? no

No nigger and no rapper is Sup Forums approved fuck off.

lip sync fag, kys

how fucking stupid must a person be to get tattoos on their face?

to get tattoos at all is stupid and degenerate

>stop liking what i don't like :-(

Literally who

Boy what the fuck smoke purple and ski mask blow x is the only one people really fuck w heavy ski mask is just on for the ride when x realizes he's dead weight he'll drop him and smokepurpp is a dumb fag like his pussyboy lil pump but Audi is good ngl. And no he's not pol approved he impregnated and beat a white girl up lmao

a nigger "rapper"

the illiteracy is strong with this one

The guy is talented. No need to hate him just bc he's black.

You gotta say what he said about becoming a mainstream hack isn't true though he kinda nailed it

no, DOOM is talented. xxx is fucking disgraceful.


be afraid white bois

Can't they come up with more menacing looking faggots like Gucci?

I mean I'm on my iPhone and not really illiteracy because clearly I am literate, I just wrote a bunch of run on sentences.


Kill yourself.

No. Not since he sucked that white chick's tits on stage. Before that I liked him though..

I liked how he called out "Dear White People" for being racist.

>I liked how he called out "Dear White People" for being racist.
But he is still a nigger.

Mf Doom wtf everyone's past that phase already he sucks was only a good producer, and even then he barely had a huge influence. Pushed Joey Bada$$ through though so I guess that's good


On his snap story

That hair cut is straight out of McDonalds

>48 years old
>no idea who this is
>glad I am old
>looking forward to the grave

>Sup Forums approved

why are you 48 years old and on Sup Forums

>been here forever
>you will too


Lil Uzi Vert is better than any moment in your life

think he's gonna fade away now nobody really cares about luv is rage 2 anyways

> played out manlet joke

You manlets will never get played out, unless its by your girls fucking 6'4 chads

He is extremely talented individual with actual personality. Refreshing to see.

>is anti-degeneracy

fucking hell Sup Forums why did you let people be open hypocrites. fuck you worthless fag

What better seat than one in the front-row of the command bunker for the end of civilization?

>luv is rage 2

all he needs is one more song as good as "XO TOUR Llif3" and he's in the rap pantheon

Uzi gets 50 million plays a week you cunt

>ima keep talking shit til someone knock me the fuck ou-

i see user.

the ride never ends

Please explain.

was referring to manlet jokes referencing xxx in general but nice rage

It's the girls fault, women are the bearers of reproduction.The choose and give, not the other way around.


I like the dudes music, and the guy actually has a few decent redpilled opinions if you check his other vids. At the same time he acts degenerate but if that's what makes money these days, get your worth and bounce

I'd say he's about a 6/7 out of 10 pol approved