>Northern Ireland get £1bn
>Tories get to stay in Government
What will the DUP do with the money?
>Northern Ireland get £1bn
>Tories get to stay in Government
What will the DUP do with the money?
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It won't be enough.... We're gonna demand more soon and threaten to pull the plug on the alliance every other month.
Invest in arms and finish off the separatists once and for all
Leftists are triggered.
Kiss the Diplodocus goodbye. Dinosaurs are a deception that must be removed from the UK school system.
You think I'm joking.
So what now?
They are useful idiots to be honest. As soon as this collapses they'll go back to irrelevance.
Corbyn gets elected next year... enjoy the temporary relevance and destruction of the Theropod Deception.
hopefully this
>The 1.8m people of NI will get £1b cash investment
So i'm guessing we can expect £30b of new investment for the 53m of us here in England right?
They will build motorways all over Coleraine.
I am more interested in if they managed to prevent the electoral area coverage delayed from being re-appraised.
They gerrymandered the shit out of this place.
>£150m on broadband
>So i'm guessing we can expect £30b of new investment for the 53m of us here in England right?
>Broadband not a party of infrastructure
They have their priorities right. Fast internet is a must.
Fuck off kissass
A fucking bribe
Eh, I don't think UKIP voters who voted for Corbyn will revote for him. SNP will possibly regain votes though.
And how much for the wall? There must be a wall with perfidious Ireland.
>What will the DUP do with the money?
They'll buy potatoes, just incase.
Clone Ian paisley and create a legion of mindless paisleybots that just chant NEVUR
England, the eternal shithole haha
Heh, do you hold the crucial 10 seats? I don't think so kiddo, all you will get is the internet censorship, maybe some muslim terrorist attacks for desert if you are a good boy.
They will buy every copy of Jurassic Park and burn them on a big bonfire made out of Pope effigies and old wood
>sovereignty for the UK means paying tribute TO your own colonies
>and submitting to their will
Guy Fawkes night will be fantastic this year in NI. The night will be illuminated with the pyres of burning paddies...
>has no idea what the DUP is
Northern Ireland is part of the UK.
NI already gets billions of pounds off England for free. This is just even more.
Not for much longer.
what will the deal mean for me and my boyfriend?
>more gibs for Northern Ireland
they might as well pile up a billion pounds in cash and have a bonfire for all the good it'll do
>what will the DUP do with the money?
They can prove they really are based and use it fund research for the creation of Super AIDS
I thought everyone was stroking their cocks because the labour people won or something
>United Kingdom
>United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
>Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is a full part of the UK...
W-why did they need to sign a deal in the first place?
>hiding your flag
That's literally what they do for fun in the North. Demolish roads and rebuild them. My parents tell me that before the turn of the millennium you'd have been able to tell you were in Northern Ireland even if there were no signs because the roads were better (gotta give them something to do, you see). Thankfully normal Ireland has discovered capitalism and mostly sorted itself out.
Still better than what we used to do in the US under FDR, that wheel chair bound crypto Commie would pay the civilian conservation corp (CCC) money to dig holes and then fill them back in
I'm not Exaggerating
DUP is building gas chambers to throw all the homos in
1 billion worth of potatoes. During the next famine, they will survive, while the rest of Ireland will be wiped out. They will take over and rule all of Ireland.
Very cunning these paddys. Don't trust them.
Tories did not have the majority seats, DUP had the seats in the goverment they needed. DUP agreed to support Tories with this deal.
Is this on top of the millions we already get from England every year? I'm happy either way, we could do with the investment to get the country up to scratch, especially broadband, but I doubt that will happen when the DUP and SF are continuing their retarded bickering here.
A lot of people seemed to take "not losing quite as badly as expected" as "winning".
>Northern Ireland gets new roads hospitals and broadband
>England doesn't even get fire proof houses or sprinklers to stop our children dying
Won't be long before England is another third world shithole
>Westminster getting involved with NI politics
*"go on home british soldiers" plays in the distance*
>What will the DUP do with the money?
Implement White Sharia.
You mean London(!), the capital, doesn't get fire proof houses or sprinklers. Best to move to Northern Ireland it seems.
>mfw leftists attacking the DUP getting 1bn
>mfw seeing them scramble to justify their anger when you point out this money will likely go to help NIrish poor and infrastructure which they desperately need
b-b-b-ut muh tories babykillers!
Burger y u no follow international politics?
>Northern Ireland had the highest public spending per head of any region of the UK in 2016
Looks like they were already getting a good deal Shlomo
So the Tories had to pay for their support?
Why did they have to pay?
So the dup vote with the tories. Dumb fucking cunt
Why does anyone pay for anything? NI needs money, and they need DUP support.
Never have I been more glad NI is part of the UK.
All they got was a billion pounds? Did they request anything useful like hard brexit, end to homos, purge of muslims??
>What will the DUP do with the money?
Based FDR saved us from the Great Depression with his stimulus you brainwashed Republitard.
they basically already do purge muslims from NI and homo marriage is illegal.
NI is basically paradise if you are willing to go to the republic for work for better pay
A lot of people do that?
So they didn't get any concessions other than a big government pay off?
Fuck you prick.
It sounds like bribery to me, which is illegal in the USA
What are you talking about? They are part of the goverment, they decide where to focus the budget.
nice fucking screenshot
It's like explaining politics to an infant. Are you a nigger?
A billion is a lot when there's barely anyone living there.
It's also the whitest place on earth and has no LGBT stuff
No. You're the nigger.
Giving money away so easily puts Britain in horrible standing in the EU negotiations.
It's our own country
No, DUP agreed to support the Brexit Tories want in exchange for the money.
>pandering to pro brexit party
>weakening brexit
Pick one jose
It still shows you have money lying around to give away. Especially after the failed election it looks pretty bad.
>one of the largest economies in the world has £1 billion to spend on itself
It's all the marching that fucks up the roads. Most of the "infrastructure" money will be spend on tarmacadam, big drums, flutes, sashes, cheese, and pineapples.
You have lobbyists donating millions to politicians so they vote down stuff like drink driving laws or tobacco restrictions. Totally illegal in the uk. Get a grip burger.
That's bribery.
Why do European countries do shit like that? They always find a way to fucking cheat (i.e. FIFA). It makes Americans look at them in amazement for how corrupt Europeans are.
>You have lobbyists donating millions to politicians so they vote down stuff like drink driving laws or tobacco restrictions
That doesn't happen
nothing says "we need auterity because labour spent all the money" like giving away money to NI and buying fairy police cars
I used to think the sterotypes about americans being retarded were overstated.
It's as much as bribery as Trump promising to reopen coal factories or adressing specific state problems.
did DUP get the hard brexit they demanded for support of the torries?
That doesn't happen anymore because we have Trump
>get a load of this goy
Good one.
1 billion pounds worth of sledge hammers..
the vast majority of pol would rather have Trump than their current leader
>What will the DUP do with the money?
Buy flegs.
>£1bn in bribes to stay in power
medium lel
What's wrong with spending money on broadband infrastructure? Surely you don't want the entire world to be like America, right?
>What will the DUP do with the money?
Seems like England has it's own "Quebec"
I thought it was Scotland... but N. Ireland as well?
Biggest flaw of democracy isn't the tyranny of the majority, but the ability for minority groups to become king-makers and demand gibs for loyalty.
>£1bn to keep the deluded part of Ireland in a coalition for a few months
wtf May seems desperate as fuck
It's not bribery, they've had a £1b stimulus to their economy you stupid goy. Stop being so goyish.
Bad goy! Also based DUP all the lefty salt on facecunt is amazing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Requesting the smash sinn fein pepe.
got you senpai
They'll spend it on Israeli flags, obviously
How many chayse un paynappuls un ah stak would that get you?