This is Janusz Korwin-Mikke and his guide how to hunt a lefty. This is how you redpill the youth

This is Janusz Korwin-Mikke and his guide how to hunt a lefty. This is how you redpill the youth

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>Poland, the whipping boy of the last century
>rises to become one of the last bastions of white masculinity in Europe proper

The world is a fucking crazy place

Turn on subtitles

Fucking monty python level




no one cares about Korwin, sad

i do m8

outstanding banter


Social benefits don't exist in Poland so they didn't come out lmao


>"death to the hunchbacks"?

t. russki

it's actualy "death to the hunchback noses" but noses didn't fit in the photo


> most dangerous of stereotypes
> most dangerous

oyyy vey

I admit, I laughed

His interventions in the European Parlament are gold

fucker's based

Look at the leftists faces holy shit they got BTFO and they cant even believe it.

I wish that more people cared about Korwin in Poland so that we could push him into Sejm, even if with just 5%. Imagine the butthurt from the lefty faggots there.

lol thats pretty good

he is too old and is bought to be the one to unload the youths anger in the most inefficient way possible

Guys a national treasure, why isn't he in charge of you fucking pollacks?

At least we would get a few free laughs every now and then, and I'm not really sure that the youth is really angry at anything.
In fact I think that they're at least a bit happy that PO and it's proxy parties are not the ones running the country.

the youth is angry at everything, or maybe rebelious would be more suitable word, every generation is like this
and yes its a shame he is like this since he has some sound ideas like gun laws

He keeps dropping his party and making a new one.

Good, guy should just be in fucking charge of your country, seems like one of the only countries left in Europe that has balls