Whats Sup Forums take on polygamy?

I've seen many young people talking and practicing polygamy and free love lately while denouncing the evils of monogamy and how humans aren't meant to be with just one partner.

Is this wave of polygamist a new tactic from the left to destroying the western culture? Or just horny millennials that can't handle a committed relationship? Are this Muslims practices leaking into our culture?

Personally, when I'm in a relationship, I'm strictly monogamous, expecting the same from my partner. I have no problem people fucking around, but going as far as challenging the basis of society and calling for the end of monogamy is just beyond my comprehension of stupidity.

>there will be white non-muslim jihad against whatever in a few decades due to the self-inflicted gender ratio imbalance

there's no gender imbalance except in China

china: 1 female to 1.15 male (bad)
any muslim country or to-be-islamified country, tunisia for example: 1 female to 1 male (good); adjusted for islamic polygamy... 1 unwed female to 3 unwed male (holy shit, isis)

Leftists defend polygamy

Right wing gentlemans defend monogamy and the traditional family structure

Make your own conclusions.

>pic related: today at 6 AM at the entrance of the library of Philosophy, History and Geography faculty of the UB (University of Barcelona).
>This graffiti says: "capitalism is monogamy"

a barcelona hay que bombardearla cada 50 aƱos

> china: 1 female to 1.15 male (bad)

that's the overal ratio. the one for the women of breeding age is much steeper

Left want bonobo society, fluent sex,incest,paedophilia and no marriage.

Honestly, if you've got a good job and can support a larger family, go ahead and have an extra wife. It's better than her being stuck with a convict, a druggie, or an unemployable loser.

The average working-class guy should have one wife, middle class should be two, and rich could be more (but probably not by too much). The bottom rung of society - convicts, junkies, and so on - get none.

My girl just demands she be my #1 so

Polygamy is garbage way of structuring society. Monogamy promises pussy in exchange for labor to all men and as a result you see the majority of men's excess energy used for good, productive means. Denying women to all but the top 20%~ of men will mean that four fifths of the most productive (and also most dangerous) parts of society will have very little incentive to produce on top of being of being disgruntled with the state of society (opening them up to be recruited by radical groups) and extremely prone to taking risks whereas married men can't do so to nearly the same extent because they have a family to provide for.

not sure what pol memes you're reading
males 10-39 : 310m
females : 270m
ratio = 1.15

total is 1.08 if you're including babies and geriatrics

What you need to realize is that many traditions we've established for a stable society were at one point innovations. Polygamy results in many men not having a wife. These men have no incentive to contribute more than they consume. When a man has a family, they work hard and because of their children they have a stake in society being prosperous. This results in men contributing more than they consume because a better society will lead to a better life for their children.

Liberals claim "progress", yet all we're doing is regressing to more primitive cultural mores.

I think poly will conflict with them grow people.

Please fight.

>abandon all women
>get as many as you want

It's like one of my Japanese animes

Polygamy is a pure form degeneracy. You cannot have a stable family with such a disgusting mindset.

It can somewhat make sense if you lose a lot of males in a short amount of time. Like in a majot war or something. helps to get population numbers back on track with small amount of degenerancy - otherwise you are stuck with the possibilities of leaving your excess females into a life of nunnery (crippling your population growth) or let them slut around and get the state or somsuch to take care of single moms and their out of wedlock offspring (max degeneracy).
On the other hand if you let this thing continue it almost guarantees that you will be a very warlike culture that can never leave at peace - the richer/more powerful men will hoard up several wives and the other men will be left forever alone causing unrest and disillusionment with the current situation - only help to send them to die in wars with the added stimulus of promising pussy from the conquered lands.
If there were like somekind of mechanism to allow it only at a generation a time in times when there are significant amount of excess females and a quick need to repopulate your land it might serve some good but i can't imagine how that could be possible.

Seems to be a result of hook up culture and hypergamy gone awry. From what I've seen the "Chads" of the world essentially exchange among themselves the top percentage of the female population... These women respond by sleeping with other "Chads" out of some kind of spit or jealousy, but not to the extent that the "Chads" are sleeping around.

Essentially you end up with the top 20% of men are sharing the top 40% of women in what is basically open, polygamous relationships. From what I can tell it is this phenomena that makes attractive women bat shit crazy. They only want Chad, but Chad just wants them for sex (and why not? Women literally throw themselves at him). The women respond by adopting the same mating style in order to assimilate into the groups in which Chads are located; however, this isn't the natural mating style for women. To coop with this they adopt heavy drinking and begin wearing the uniform of a slut (to be taken off later in life when she to signal that she has "grown out of that phase in her life").

I've tried open relationships (FWB) and probably would have tried polygamy if it had been an option. However, I don't see it as a good thing. They tend to be either shallow, pay to play relationships ("pay for all my expenses this weekend and you'll get to fuck me"), or someone gets more attached then the other person...

Might be good for university life since you can't really rely on a longterm relationship lasting past graduation (still don't condone it though).

With unstable families you create such degenerate postmodern communists. So polygamy can fuck itself.

This, and if you look at history, any society with polygamy has sucked major balls and has ended spectacularly quickly

No,you either stick with one or with none

Leftists only support one woman/multiple men polygamy. Because it slows down the birth rate even more. And also the child produce will probably be a nigger child.

One man/multiple women only gives a speedier birth rate. It's why it's the only one muslims support.

Yes, societies that embrace overt polygamy tend to fall apart spectacularly if they are not warlike, and expansionist. however, there is more than one way to skin a goose...

Throughout much of history it was common for rich men to take a wife and also mistresses. This is arguably a form of polygamy; however, it doesn't lock said mistresses out of the marriage pool. The effect of this is the appearance of abundance to the average man. That said, this fact simply kept these men complacent. Instead of seeking out relations with these mistresses, "poor" men would just frequent brothels. Essentially, if the average man wanted a wife, they'd either "purchase" one from a father while the wife was young, or they'd be getting second had pussy from some rich mans ex sugar baby...

Pic related.

As I wrote earlier - multiple wives are a somewhat good idea if you are a warlike culture.

completely not allowed. stop normalizing islam.