Is there anything more pathetic than a """"centrist""""?
Is there anything more pathetic than a """"centrist""""?
Other urls found in this thread:
>ancap calling someone pathethic
>try small piece of shit to see if you like it
>Decide whether to continue eating or not based on preference rather than being told what to do
Yeah, no. sage.
>Is there anything more pathetic than a """"centrist""""?
People who voted for Trump.
dumbasses who think you can describe political ideologies with little metaphorical meme drawings
well it's still better than eat all of it no? What i like about centrism is that it keeps the autistic fanatics away.
An cap
European sex tourists.
Thank you for your mental health care system you give us paying for the bottom tier of our craziest sluts.
yea, it is much better to blindly following some political ideoligy without questioning its actions motives.
>still eats shit
>bongs everybody
THIS ^^^^^^^^^
The implication is that you do not know if it a piece of shit or not prior to tasting it.
Yes, being a stubborn partisan who believes everything is either black or white.
>Voting along party lines
>Not selecting political ideals that you agree with and voting for candidates that come closest to supporting said ideals.
Yeah people who dabble in the alt-right at all are eating shit good point.
Even Aristotle knew that middle is golden, extremes are bad.
Its hard to decide when both sides have good points. Commiting to one side means i have to accept flaws that i might not agree with. Nah. Ill contine to support both sides of every argument
Proud cuck.
centrist: those who hold equal amounts of individual left and right convictions
moderates: pussies who tow the line with every opinion
>black and white world view
1/10 e
>join the party, comrade
pfff yeah...
no thanks
I like to think of politics like crossing a road - you look left, you look right then you walk straight down the middle, the sensible safe path.
Leftist commies and rightist fashies are the retards who dont look both ways and get run over
the middle way, the neutral balanced way is always the way of approaching complex situations in life. If I am a chef do I add too much too salt to my dish or none at all? Neither, I add just the right amount and that is the essence of centrism
extremism is not the answer, it always fails as history has shown
A friend of mine once said "if everyone was a genius we would have no need for politics because everyone would be a centrist" how right he was indeed
>Is there anything more pathetic than a """"centrist""""?
People who complain about """centrists""" on anonymous Sudanese modeling forums
What's shown in your pic would be a moderate, they only commit halfway
A centrist would be the person laughing at those trying to decide which shit to eat
No. Centrists hold their opinions because they are unchallenged and easily defensibe. Centrists are, uniformly and without exception, people who take the path of least resistance and attack low-hanging fruit. There is no honor in moderation.
>everyone's a muslim but me!
A leaf getting cucked out of his own country by foreign money. Sad!
The center should be following the constitution. How far we have come that the constitution is now extreme right, even though all politicians supposedly pledge an oath to it.
Perfect description of people still defending Trump.
"No I really do want my kids to be permanently disabled in a war for Israel funded by Saudi weapons deals and then have to sell all my assets to kike insurance companies to pay for their medical expenses."
-The average Trump voter.
The centrist would eat half of each shit
so in the end, no matter what, everyone will eat 1 shit
What a moron
>Not eats shit.
>Either gorge on shit, or too disgusted they can't even properly wipe themselves.
Really shits my turds.
>Anything more pathetic then someone who doesn't eat every spoonful or bullshit his camp feed him.
Owning the shit of production.
" placed in the far-right within the left-right spectrum"
>hurrrr durrrr fascism is left wing marxism xDDDDD
Fuck off retard
>Not being a National Socialist
>Not having a state that protects it's people from Jewish degeneracy by outlawing race mixing, communist literature and foreign races and cultures
>Is there anything more pathetic than a """"centrist""""?
yes, those naive enough to think the corporations don't own both sides.
If only there were another option. Some kind of third position...
Except for, ya know. The smell and the sight of it. Dumbass
>should I eat shit or not?
>proceeds to eat shit
Left can't meme. The centrist would have said "I won't eat it for now, if I have to I will"
The only viable political approach in the 21st century is slash and burn.
It's reactive not proactive as corporations are already doing this and have been for decades anyway
> Moderation isn't a political ideology
Not really.
>Rational minded
>Anti authoritarian
>Respectful of democracy and free expression
>Triggers both SJWs and stormfags in equal measure
10/10 for totally non-strawman image
10/10 for intellectual post