Brazilian left is trying to say Hitler was high the whole time during the Third Reich

Brazilian left is trying to say Hitler was high the whole time during the Third Reich.

>hitler was gay
>hitler was jewish
>hitler was a pedo
>hitler was a drug addict
>hitler had a microdick
it's almost like a smear campaign

Germany was home to Bayer and Phyzer. They pumped the entirety of Germany with amphetamines. It was the new wonder drug. Read "Blitzed: Drugs in the Third Reich"


Hitler was on amphetamines the whole war.


He was. Morell had him on a lot of drugs. Also nobody gives a shit about Brazil.

He was, however it was literally normal for world leaders to be on methamphetamines during times of war during that period because they had to stay up all night waiting for communications since it wasn't instantaneous in ye olden days.

>"Come on! Don't let that nigger win! My entire philosophy is relying on you!!"

Got a link to a reputable source for us?

Who the hell was Morell?

Hitler has only got one ball

Everyone was fucking doing it. Meth was issued to soldiers, tank crews and pilots in the form of pills and chocolate. Also it was available without script in pharmacies.

Wait so drugs are bad? We should ban all drugs to stop future Hitlers. Sorry commie faggots, guess you gotta wash up and get a job.

Wow it is quite similar to another specific smearing campaign by (((White people))) towards a specific prophet

>All of those are bad things though.

And yeah, Hitler was totally tweaked the whole war. Probably why they lost.

yes his sleep patterns and psychosis

Jesus was jewish though and in those times men who didn't marry and became preachers were probably closested gays

So why are the left trying to legalise drugs?
Do they want more Hitlers?

I'm aware of all that. I was just wanting specific info on Hitler, thats all

Anyone who is familiar with it knows this makes a lot of sense.

>Hitler dumps amphetamines on table.
>cuts the lines to look like map of Europe
>snorts all countries he invades and conquer

That's a paraphrased excerpt from the book.

Yeah he had some scam artist doctor that was supposed to be helping with his gastrointestinal issue but instead he just gave him speedball

This is why Hitler lost

His personal physician


you mean Mohammed fucking a 9yo? That's just your religion nigga.

>citation needed
nice job spreading rumors kike

you forgot a satanist

even though himmler was the practitioner of the dark arts and occult

hitler was blessed by priests and he respected christianity

also the false translation in hitlers diary about him wearing womens garders on his legs but it was suspenders and trousers (david irving caught that one)

Hytla legit was on amphetamines most of the time.

So because Hytla wasn't a satanist as some people insinuate. he also wasn't on amphetamines? Nice logic there, burger, nice logic.

I thought the left loved drugs?

Not if it is Hitler using them.


I came to say this. I heard it was considered like a super serum, like Captain America. Why wouldn't he have taken it if that's what he thought it would be?

>using facts

lol gtfo Sup Forums we only feelz here

Probably just high on red pills.

he also enjoyed being peed on by his neice, lit by lampshades made of jewish skin, then he'd wash up with jewish soap

he was high though, that's a big part of his fucking stupid decisions. Should've stopped before Poland and consolidated gains.

fuckign bullshit. this is just another smear campaign by conservative statist to not legalize weed.

kinda true, high on meth after '42


Keep in mind that the allies also administered amphetamine to their soldiers.

"Hitler" is already synonymous with "Worst person ever".
The Jews successfuly completed their smear campaign long, LONG ago.


looks face desu


Hitler had full blown Parkinsons and was developing symptoms of depression in the later period of the war. I wouldn't be surprised if he was on some kind of medication to cope with the German army being beaten back on every front.

There is nothing wrong with Satanism. It is not evil. It's simply about ascending to become a God.

Christianity was made by Jews to control the masses. Jesus does not exist, neither does Jehovah/Yahweh.

Satanism is humanity's original religion, and Satan himself is a white man.

mohammed is being fucked by pigs in hell in this very moment

Sober fascism has never been tried.

Satan's path leads to ruin. Doesn't matter whether he is real or not.

nice jewing there asshole, the Orthodox Church says it clearly, the antichrist will be a jew , oops broke your little satanic fantasy

But the left love drugs. What do they Do? Say drugs are bad and make evil dictators or do they say drugs are fine and harmless fun and drug addiction is a result of a problem with so with and not the addict?

I thought the same thing. These people make no sense.

Except there are actual proofs in one case, moon-worshipping pedophile heretic.

Sober jihadism hasn't been tried either.

Fuck off demon worshipper.
The Powers and Principalities You serve have no power upon us.

What did it mean with this?

The left is projecting again.

is that sped up? Looks like it to me

>ctrl + F
>0 out of 0 results for 4/20

you faggots had one job

I never seen so many shills on the site until trump got in. Why do you leftist fags hate the right so much? It's only working in the rights favor, they're going to keep winning elections like with the whole assof faggot. You guys are making it worst for the left desu senpai bruh.

you forgot he had only one ball.

Also fondled his cousin.

Full on Pervitin'