Why are all white woman trying to look like middle easterners now?

Why are all white woman trying to look like middle easterners now?

>thickening of eyebrow
>makeup to make their eyes look bigger

I understand this look is inspired by kim kardashain, but had no idea white woman suffered from such massive inferiority complex.

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They want to fit in

>but had no idea white woman suffered from such massive inferiority complex.
Well now you do. And this is hardly a new phenomenon.

Are any of those women white? They're Mexican American hybrids

>Middle Eastern
I don't see any hook noses

Young women are vain /thread

Cause ME women are the most butifel

I wonder what their tits look like.

big eyes are feminine, small eyes are masculine. ofc they want to make their eyes look bigger. as for the eyebrows and the tan - its not my type, but women have to work with what they have - if they cant look the pale blond type, they go for the tan brunette type. or other types.

I disagree, I find it disgusting and completely ignore women who wear Arab makeup.

Normies who watch and want to look like the Kardashians. It's just a trend.

why they all in love with muslims now jesus give me a break

Want to know something funny about those Instagram girls with lots of makeup?

They all have a YouTube channel showing how they apply their shit. They also have a "Boyfriend does my makeup" video, yet that boyfriend is actually a gay faggot friend. They also all have pictures of the makeup products they purchase. You will guaranteed find a picture of them in Las Vegas. And the final interesting fact? They're all dating drug cartel bosses. Where the fuck do you think they get the money for their hobby job? Where the fuck do you think they get the money for nights at expensive hotels? All of it is connected to the drug trade.

as i said, not my type either, but there are people who like it.

Nice digits



What's the retard doing far right middle row?

Thank you, sweetcheeks. Take these.

She probably did that challenge or whatever where you suck your lips into a shot glass. I think it was called the Kylie Jenner Challenge or something along those lines.

because face it, darker women (MEs or Latinos) are way more beautiful than white women

can you backup your statement with facts? :^)

He can back them up with digits, Satan.

Not a niggeress tho

this not how MEs or lations looks, I am not talking about sahran africans -_-

Forgetting the years when susceptible Mary Sues were making her husbands Jello with Mayonnaise frosting for dinners. All because her neighbor Nancy Jane was blabbing about this all-new recipe, she got from her good friend - the advertisingjew from Cosmo magazine that Tomato Jello with Mayonnaise frosting was the Bee's Knee's.


women are retarded OP. one day you'll just get tired of asking yourself these questions

Yeah, leave to arabs to pull off the arab look.


Women follow trends. They are raised to self hate. Yada yada. Why are we still talking about bitches as if the problem ain't beyond fixing already.

It's that fucking kim kardashian cunt.

She's priming women into becoming negro bait.

>people ITT don't realize this look has been popular since the 1950s at very least

Every problem can be fixed you just need the right tool. Bitches can be fixed . Faggots like you just don't know how to use a god given tool properly.

Guess (((who))) thought it was a good idea.

>tfw no Erika gf

They are preparing themselves for their desired mates (strong willed nice thick juicy kebabs)

Tell me then, grand overlord of autism, how would we fix million upon million of bitches that all listen to the propaganda that's repeated on tv and on their phones?

would not even fuck with my 3 inch dick

It's too late for you guys. You gave your wimminz unrelenting freedom. There's no way to take your wimmz back now, they are only interested in strong-willed kebab meat not weak piddly white weiners.

No need to hide your flag, brit.


How come all the cuckposting always comes from burgerclaps?

I don't understand the appeal of those eyebrows. Looks fake as fuck

These are jewesses are half spics. If they really are white then they dig the Saudi goldz.
Just type a random jewish name on Fasbrg and just enjoy.

Women love their role models, Imagine what would happen if Kim Kardashian told them to become a Muslim.


not even of those traps is white, ponch.

>million upon million of bitches

my nigga u already approaching the problem wrong by allowing your perception to fool your ass. change the way you see the fucking perceive the world first.

>posts pics of hairy, (((californexican))) traps

you have to go back.

No, pic related is a trap.

change the way you see the fucking world first*

Because we have the cure. We are IMMUNE to being cucks. It runs off us like water and cum on your gf's face by her nigger lover.

Reminder, Southern California Cholas ( Lady Beaner Gang Members ) started this fad in the 70s-80's. But they have migrated away from thick eye brows and have gone to thin ones.

Half of those look like Italian/Mediterranean girls who are quite "swarthy" already.

It's the Kim Kardashian effect. When Britney Spears was popular every girl wanted a small but and a small waist. Trends change according to what's popular and what the fashion industry pushes.

most of the people who look like that aren't white

Only coalburners do this.

Where do you think its headed next? I can't really picture what the next go to look/style/trend will be.

>Why are all white woman trying to look like middle easterners now?

For the same reason I saw some wigger trying to "crip walk" and "spit rhymes" in the parking lot yesterday. Cultural Marxism. It's always about fucking cultural Marxism.

There not white

Came here to post this

>all white women are the same.

all these makeup techniques are from drag queens, too


Yeah, Jews hate the religion that promotes race-mixing and funds their country.

There is not a single white woman there. Not even close.

White people tan naturally, white people also have big eyes (and yes, we have thick lips, curly hair, big arses and hips too, you anti-white plebs), thick eyebrows are "Middle Eastern" to us, it's a natural 60's/70's retro thing. This has fuck all to do with race, and more to do with fashion and maybe some Kardashian influence.

What about them nigger lips ?

>massive inferiority complex

That seems to be all women. Probably an evolutionary advantage that kept them in the herd. Men are the ones nature sacrificed they are the experiment. Women seem to have a desperate need to fit in. Also I kinda like that look.


Bottom right looks Armenian, which as white as you can get being a literal Caucasian.

yes they are. my sister is white but you wouldn't know it with the kardashian slap she puts on.

>All white women

Odd way of saying: Some cunts in California and London

Is this arianna grande or a tranny?

>Literal caucasian

Know how I know, you're a fucking burger?

Neck yourself.

i live in rural southwestern england and all the young women are like this.

>thickening of eyebrow
I fully support this. The rest of the items listed are cancer.

I'm definitely not American and my girlfriend is from Yerevan.

natural eyebrows briefly came into fashion, which was good, and then suddenly girls started slathering them in makeup and making them ultra beefy shitskin looking.

Med look you filthy nordcuck


I don't give a fuck what the local dunecoons are up to, Muhammed.

Canadian, whatever. Definitely North American.

You still need to end your life. Only mongoloids unironically employ terms like "aryan" or "caucasian" or use it as a basis on judging whiteness.

>all white woman

My girlfriend has that hair down to her ass but side swept hair, not the middle parting. Some girls look like aliens with that middle part. I've known her for 7 years and she's never been influenced by kardashian stuff, she hates it.

That said though, she has piercings so thats degenerate

>Canadian, whatever. Definitely North American.

European. My mother is from Norway on top of it.

She's got auburn hair colour and green eyes. Her sister is blonde. Now get fucked.

Not even med look, more like middle eastern-american trash.

For reference, a white woman.

>We wuz Europeanz n shiiieeeeet

So you just admitted to being North American, while yet still trying to hide it.

You're a shining example as to why eugenics should still be practiced.

>All white women
back to >>>r9k

>white men

Don't go full retard. I'm not North American. I was born in Europe, live in Europe. I'm posting from work so I got UK proxy flag which I can't stand. I shouldn't be giving explanations to a retard anyways.

>not realizing that these are all spray tans/heavy caked on makeup

Those are not real tans, those are spray tans designed to emulate 'black eumelanin', which whites are incapable of producing or naturally produce very little of.

A tanned white woman does not look like the women in those pictures.

This is what I would say too. The combination of totally black hair and brown eyes are indicative of racial impurity.

Y'all not tired of talking like FUCKING NIGGERS YET?

I am, in fact, tired of women caking their faces -- the worst being when they "contour" their face through make-up. It's just so fucking fake.

That is not a trap

If they did, they would be all obese as fuck.

They used to spray themselves orange. Women can be tricked into doing anything if they think they need to for their precious social status


that's what you get for letting an arm*nian on tv

>Makeup to make eyes look bigger
That's literally the original point of makeup but continue

That is a female, you fucking loser cunt.


To prevent from rape..

my ex looks like this. Really hits home

>implying same person

Fuck off to lgbt, you fucking defect. You're as bad as the desperate losers who say >girl when it really is a fucking girl.
