Expanding brain thread

Expanding brain thread













hah poor jew,



i, for one, welcome our new AI overlords. Have a bump


this was me


>still falling for the 3dpd meme
>not making hentai the most powerful brain

I lost my shit at >killing yourself ironically

Why do I find these so funny

I save from a old thread

>Brazil in charge of understanding written English

For a Monkey is decent

Last one's true doe


these are great, keep the coming

>keep the coming


>some faces and names i dont know

its about football, isnt it?


#woke my nigga



this thread is missing the doggo's one!



It's supposed to be planck-sleeping right?







I ironically do the last one






My OC!


This is Sup Forums, just add one near the top that says 7¢P/P

fucking lmao



Bretty guud.


Oops, guilty of the last one. It's a bleak life now.
How does one detoxify?




High energy


Flag checks out.

>shitposting flag

>pncreas denial

Last one should be "country of service"

Lets see if anyone catches that one