Why can't we fucking beat the muslims

Why can't we fucking beat the muslims.

Why haven't they being completed eliminated by now?

What have we been doing wrong?

They were irrelevant from the crusades until the oil rush of the 1940s

Too nice Christians are told to turn the other cheek. Muslims don't really have that.

It's our empathy that allow them to survive

We are being subverted from inside by liberals, jews and christians


We overthrow their leaders while welcoming them with open arms. Instead, they should be quarantined entirely and any who attempt to move to the West should be met with deadly arms.

>controlled a third of Europe well into the 17th century

the arabs fucking won all but 2 crusades and kept their land

what the fuck are you talking about

ancient sjw

Because Leto hasn't found the Golden Path

the zulus weren't muslim?

Yeah, then the Europeans mostly fucked off home and forgot about Arabs and Muslims.

OK mo

that's the problem...why? why couldn't we fucking obliterate them

Arabs were clannish and did not wield much power until they struck oil, thus they were not seen as a threat.

Not much power? No threat?

They were fucking jihading in Europe up till Portugal and Spain and Vienna...what the fuck am I reading here?

>Ntshingwayo kaMahole Khoza
>Vumindaba kaNthati
>Mavumengwana kaNdlela
>Zibhebhu kaMapitha

How do they decide where capitals go?

>South Eastern Europe

Watch legend of the galactic heroes. Pro tip. Phezzan are the juice

they were jihading for hundreds of years
they didn't win any territory

>Phezzan are the juice
I thought that was the earth cult
>only halfway through no spoils pls