Nuclear reaction: Fury after Czech power plant holds bikini beauty contest to win an INTERNSHIP

>Nuclear reaction: Fury after Czech power plant holds bikini beauty contest to win an INTERNSHIP
>Ten women stripped down to their swimwear for the competition at CEZ Temelín
>Their pictures were uploaded to Facebook and users were asked to rate them
>Activists and critics reacted furiously calling it an 'ignorant and stupid' contest
>Plant issued an apology and said it was giong to offer all 10 the internship prize

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>>Activists and critics reacted furiously calling it an 'ignorant and stupid' contest

well, it is. what do bikinis have to do with running a power plant?

having qts working increases the moral and productivity of the men there doing the real work

Improves employee morale.
Also the winner wins an internship presumably to help operate the power plant. The most qualified female candidate is the one who has the best discipline and self-control - this will also manifest in her diet and exercise habits and lifestyle - she will look good in a bikini.


>none of them are overweight

Do all Americans think 'not being fat' is a good criterium to select people who operate nuclear power plants?

I'm concerned now.

Homer is fat and he does just fine

>was giong to offer all 10 the internship prize
So, basically the boss got 10 sexy interns instead of 1?

>Women do something of their own free will
>Other women REEEEEE and cry exploitation, diminishing the choice that they made to that of a child.
Every fucking time.

What do women have to do with running a power plant?

slavic women love black dicks
just look at those polish sluts, all hot and all ready to be blacked. even married ones. czech, polish, slovakian girls love black males because of their size and vidoes like these are proving this.

post more pictures please

I wonder who it is that always feels so threatened by Slav women. Kikes? Gooks?

homer is a cartoon character like your gf

I support this idea

hahahahahahahahaha this glorious bastards
>Plant issued an apology and said it was giong to offer all 10 the internship prize
>ohh we will give all the 10 girls the intermentship, in the end we'll just hire just one, and had the 9 extra for free all that time

>threatened by Slav women
threatened by what? by their lust for bbc? lol.


Every thread about Slav women immediately fills up with REEEEEEEing that reeks of desperation.

Daily mail is a bunch of retards
>beauty peagant unrelated to the plant
>they ask the plant for sponsorship
>they agree
>hey Temelin offer some prize for the winner pls
>okay whatevs, what about internship?

wow, they really look traumatized

lets face it

they would have been fucking treated like beauty pagent queens anyways.

Hot girls in the work place get drewled over needlessly.

The nuclear power plant I visited in the US was like half female engineers. It's not a big deal.

Ha, jokes on you, I don't have any gf

I couldnt have said it better myself.
I only hope the girls dont experience any stigma for taking part


I hope all nuclear power plants in the US are shut down.

Really. Although they were mostly in their 40's or 50's.

>That rusted as fuck metal
I hope that shit's safe.

Tell me where it was so I can avoid the meltdown.

excellent thinking CZ


Yes. Have you ever had to deal with an extremely fat female? They are delusional, mean, smelly, and hard to move around. Literllay, like sometimes i juat completely walk around the other way because i couldn't fit between the aisle.

Just another day in Czech Republic. Gotta love this place.


She can check my power level whenever she wants.

No it doesn't. Lazy fuckers try to get her before anyone else, even if it means neglecting their duties.

>just people having fun and all that
>hurrrr das rasis sexis biggggoot
>sorry West doesn't allow any enjoyment in life

No, not all women. Just the ones that are clear sexual competition.

>Also the winner wins an internship presumably to help operate the power plant

God I hope not, women shouldn't be allowed to operate anything more complicated then a vacuum cleaner.

We should go and show our support.

Did they actually apologize or did they just say "You're all hot so we're going to give you all internships."

>can't even get 2d waifu

Came to post this
Genius deflection on their part

Or maybe you should get someone with a degree in nuclear physics

women get jobs when the workplace is degenerate.

No, hot Chicks r a distraction

You need an internship to get a degree, asshole.

This is pure genius. Now the powerplant has 10 hot underpaid chicks doing the nasty work. Sweet.

I love the fact that noone in HR at the company was like "hey maybe this isn't gonna go down well with the public"

women shouldn't be working these jobs anyway tbqh

K, man

Stupid move on the power plant's part.
Post moar OP.

Haha czech women are whores

It's an internship toothpaste, don't be dumb

exactly, they gave all 10 the internships to increase chances of getting laid.

Czechs are such sluts lol

aaaand all 10 quit after learning that it's hard work, or the first time some hair starts falling out.

Never mind just visited the site.
How is it possible all 10 look good in underwear?

Hot chicks and radiation.... what could go wrong here?

>hot women in bikinis
>isis beheads a bunch of kids

honestly if you're going to hire someone you may as well hire a hottie

>10 women
>only 3 pics itt



The god awful mingling of every nation in the Americas, has turned the women fat and unattractive.

>>Activists and critics reacted furiously calling it an 'ignorant and stupid' contest
I didn't even know that kind of contest existed. I'd wipe the fucking floor with the opposition! No one is ignoranter than me!

You just know that if a company listens to(or even has) fucking hr, it's a tremendous cuckden.


mash her gash hehehee

This. I worked with a 400lb bitch at my last job. We had roaches because she would leave food everywhere.

not as much as american sluts, but ye

nasty work? are you retarded? they will just smile and nod and show the cleavage and there u go

>tfw maturantka energie

casting couch for 'internship' testing

HR is a meme that needs to go
Never meet any HR section that isn't a clusterfuck.

not in real countries

Of course it's fucking Temelín

Only the ones that are into coprophilia/bestiality

This is Czech Republic. Gotta "work" for those 10 dollars.

Another one.

Czechia is truly the promised land


Honestly that is a pretty fucking stupid way to decide an internship.

Those are bathing suits in czech land? Wtf

HELL YEAH!!! Love the bikini contest but what I love more is how it angers the pussies around the world. I hope they all drown in their own fucking tears.

"Hey mom! Ive got that job in the power plant!"
"Thats Great! how was your interview?"
"I had to look preaty in swim suit"
"Hey mom! I dont have problems with money anymore"
"Thats Great! what you did?"
"I sign a contract to suck dicks 6h per day and strech my ass with fruits in front of camera so whole world will se my insides"

Do people not understand the meaning of the word ignorant anymore?



tell us, is there something we don't know about temelin?

How can we fix the public, then?


>Holy shit I love this Temelin!

so where's the problem

the women voluntarily wanted to strip to their bikinis

who gives you the fucking right to interfere in a voluntary transaction.

also this should be the winner

I think this situation is amusing, but you're comparing apples and oranges. One is a bikini contest to determine who gets an internship, the other is a charity calendar done outside of work.

Eastern Europe is getting out of control. Gonna send a tactical Barbara Spectre

our women love black dicks, dont worry

Guys like this hatch a plan to meet a nice girls. Plan backfires, give all bikini babes a job, More Win!

Who would want to work next to Triggly Puff everyday? (If she does work)

kekus maximus

That's awesome, also why do hot chicks want to work at a nuclear power plant?

Somali dicks are smaller than west African dicks, don't get you expectations high