I thought the EU was a good thing.
Redpill me on Brexit
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and why the fuck would you think that?
Excellent molymeme vid. Probably the 5th time I've watched this. Great facts for slapping down libtards.
It was marketed to us as "a good thing" in the 70's
As the EEC, seemed ok, better trade deals, wider market etc...
Then we started getting the old canard "has to conform to EEC reg's" in order to export to the EEC.
EEC starts imposing rules to non EEC members (Japan US etc) on compliance with EEC safety stds etc if they want to sell in the EEC..
Brits think "fuck that" (i want US Chevy not fkn Citroen-Chevy)
More crap like that happens.
EEC becomes EU.
Brits suffer boiling frog syndrome, more EU rules come in over time...
Brits can't tell in the end whether any new laws being introduced come from UK or EU.
Unpopular laws and rules get blamed in the street as "EEC/EU init mate"..
Brits get used to the absurdities like "the wrong type of banana" with jokes about the "EU being a bit silly and pedantic"..
EU takes £90m from Brits to stay in per anum (needs fact checking, but that's the meme)
Islam rising and Migrant crisis start to piss of Brits.
Brits cause Calais Camp because we do have immigration control despite EU faggotry.
Brits realise we don't need Trumpy's Wall, we have 22 miles at least of British Channel every where. most migrants cant swim that far, top kek, and its somewhere to drown escaping mudslims when they realise they are outnumbered (10 to 1 or so), and they are on an island where they are VERY unpopular with no easy way (compared to say France) to get off.
Brits now realise the "bad rep" EU is really the problem on immigration et al.
Fuck that WE ARE OUT.
Every where with not many muzzas in population % votes leave.
Mostly not big cities inc Londonistan, they vote remain.
The more rural Brexiteers just save the ship, just in time, despite all the cucks (fuckingtraitors.jpg) in the cities.
Now I think pretty much all uk.gov parties (xpt UKIP etc) thought that "Brexit would never happen, so lets have vote now, because in later years the leavers will be in majority MORE so and we would all like to stay in, mostly".
This is why there was not very large brexit majority. If the issue was asked , say, 5 years from now, brexit majority would be (I think) much more.
what makes you think it's happening? they've spent to much time and money building the EU you really believe they will let us leave? too much risk of other countries following
Sup Forums brits are all posh boys m8.
They'll all tell you it's bad.
The true redpill is that the EU needs reform, but overall is a good thing.
On Brexit: the UK will survive outside of the EU, but it will not prosper with large growth, actually the theme of Brexit will still haunt Britain in 2020, 2022 and 2025.
EU court of justice blocks deportation of asylum seekers because muh human rights, and dones't want to close borders. If EU was more nationalistis and anti immigration it would be best thing ever
We could make our own laws again. 65 per cent of new British laws are made in Brussels. Also we can keep our trade links. Norway isn't in the EU yet has the same trade deals as us. Also no more handing hundred of millions out in foreign aid to European countries that should really have their shit together.
>Talking about country with highest density population in Europe
>Talking about growth
Stop your cancerous posting.
Tracy May wants out of human rights act, said so anyway....
The UK would be an economic bottom feeder without European integration.
>Bad urban planning and policies means population shouldnt grow
British education
Does that include prevention of Eastern Euro / Yugo / Slaviczky migration into Germany? I'd sign that
That is a very good reason why a population shouldn't grow, retard. But the real reason is that immigration is actually damaging our economy and not feeding it.
It's a wonderful thing.
What about Blaxit?
Brexit is one step away from a world government. It's good
I'm down with getting the niggers out.
If you live in the UK and want some assholes in Brussels making decisions for you, I guess it'd be awesome.
The EU is a great thing in a perfect world, however Germany exists so this is not a perfect world.
Brexit is almost entirely an economic issue as the UK's cucked migration policies are not going to change anytime soon, since everyone seems to think that Brexit means they can kick their feet up and relax.
We all did but then the EU fucked everyone over and turned from an economic and military alliance into UESSR, so the Britons got away.
We're the obvious bad guys of WWIII btw.
how is that he true redpill? the EU fundamentally has nothing to do with prosperity of european citizens. it's purpose is to allow international corporations to dominate european markets.
The True redpill is that the EU sucks but a new Holy Roman Empire would suck a lot less.
not going to happen BREXIT that is the euro kikes outsmarted the anglos
Go for the original
>I thought the EU was a good thing.
The EU is anti-Europe.
Brexit vote: Romanians anxious about future in UK
honestly i am the might send all gyppos back
The english never liked their fellow europeans, we know that better than anyone. They first joined because they were the beggars of Europe in the 1970's.
But then they impeded the EU at every turn, always refusing to make it more meaningful. Always asking for more members on the USA's command, making decision making impractical unless you transfer more sovereignty to the Commission. And this sovereignty transfert made the EU increasingly impopular among other peoples because, thanks to the UK, it was always incomplete and thus ineficient.
I say good riddance, they've done enough damage.
I think the real question is:
When are we purging the Teutonic peoples from this earth?
good point.
however we can deal with a few d'rom, have before, will again. Our own romani (not Romanians) will redpill them to death.
uk 'rom mostly Xtian, patriotic, part of the culture.etc pretty based usually and quite organised politically. They don't "chor off the gorgia" that much, have money and not that poor.
If there is a candidate for assimilation I'd sorta bet on that one working, small scale and targeted....
Otherwise, yes, on the boat with 'em.....sorry.
Brexit was a mistake.
People like those in this thread got deluded by Farage, Johnson, the Daily mail and The Sun. Most of the 'facts' they spout are simply not true. And they live in the delusion that the EU will let us have our cake and eat it too. The major delusion is that these 'trade deals' with USA and Australia et al will somehow compensate for losing access to our biggest trading partner.
No it wasn't.
because we are winners.
I've heard UK funds eu in a not insignificant manner.
We only asked anything based on that.
We want out.
you have Macron, good luck with that.
You know what?
When we joined the EEC in the 70s, NZ exported 100% of it's lamb to the UK (a huge part of it's economy).
Since then, it's gone down to 3%. Guess what, they adapted, and survived.
Just like we will.
Not so.
noice b8 tho
>I thought the EU was a good thing
this triggers the Sup Forums